ORD1983468ORDINANCE #468 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 3 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 (Sewerage System-Meters) rc e L DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN Code is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 3.10 (5) (d) of the Municipal (d) The Bnsic Servicle Charge for each industrial lot, Parcel of land, buil.ding or promises used for Industrinl purposes shall be W7.50 per calendar quarter. In addition to the foregoing Basic Service Charges, a Quantity Flow Charge of $67.50 for each 100,000 gallons maximum gallonage of 100,000 gallons per quarter shall of sewage discharged into the sewerage system over the be made for each industrial, business and commercial lot, parcel of land!, building or premises, determined by meter readings or weir, as herein set forth. Each industrial user of the sewerage system shall be re- quired to provide a meter which reflects with reason- able accuracy, and j.s re-certified for accuracy every two (2) years or 800,000 gallons whichever comes first, the quantitative flow of sewage into the sewerage system from each of its lots, parcels of land, buildings or premises, and each business and commercial user shall be required to provide such a meter whenever the City Engineer makes a preliminary determination resulting or may result in chargeable excess gallonage. that any such user's usage of the sewerage system is If a meter cannot be installed at a reasonable cost, the industrial, busj-ness or commercial user may elect to have the City EnErineer, or qualified consulting engineer selected by the City, conduct, at the expense of the industrial, business or commercial user, a series of weir tests: (or other practicable method mutually agreed upon) to determine the average quanti- tative flow of sewage from each of its industrial, business or cormnercj.al lots, parcels of land, buildings or premises into the sewerage system. In the event of such an election, the City Engineer may conduct or have conducted such weir tests as frequently as he deems it necessary to determine a fair average flow, but no more often than once per year; and the user may request and pay for a new series of such tests at any time, provided that the results of such tests must be known prior to the lormulation of the succeeding year's sewerage service chs.rges in order to be considered in reduction of that; user's Quantity Flow Charge. SECTION 2. All. ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or cont:ravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. Thh ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after. its passage and publication. PASSED ArjD :APPROVED THIS (7TH DAY OF NOoJEMBER 1983. , fl-de Wayfe G. Salentine, Mayor .. .