ORD1982446AN ORDINANCE TO ."END CHAPTER 12.10 OF THE (As Amended ) MUNICIPAL COD,E OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Trailer Ordinance) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, W ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: a SECTION 1. Chapter 12.10 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby repealed and recreated as follows: 12.10 TRAILERS (OCCUPIED) c (1) DEFINITIONS: Whenever used in this section unless a different meaning appears from the context: (a) A "trailer" means any coach, cabin, mobile home, house trailer, house car or other vehicle intended for or capable of human dwelling or sleeping purposes, mounted upon wheels or supports or capable of being moved by its own power or transpor- ted by another vehicle. (2) PERMIT: No person may occupy a trailer without a special written permit issued by the Common Council allowing the temporary habitation of a trailer for a six month period, with the written consent of the owner, legal agent of the owner or the lessee of the location for which the permit is granted. Renewal for an additional. six month period may be granted, not to exceed a maximum of g.pe renewal period Only one occupied trailer and one moccupd trailer (governed by Sections 6.04(4)G.3.and 4. of the Zoning Ordinance) may be permitted on any one pr.emise. e- (3) PERMANENT OCCUPANCY: Any action toward the removal of wheels except for temporary purposes or repair, or other action or foundation shall be prohibited. to attach the trailer to the ground by means of posts, piers, (4) APPLICATION Application for a permit shall be on forms provided by the Ci.Cy Clerk and shall include the name and address of the owner and a legal description of the premises upon which the trailer i,; to be located. The application shall be accompanied by two copie,; of a scaled site plan showing the following: 1) The methold and plan for sewage disposal; 2) the plan for water supply; 3) the plan for garbage removal; 4) a floor plan of the trailer; 5) 'property lines and location of trailer thereon; and, 6) 1ocatio.n of driveway access and parking area. the six month permit, a renewal application must be submitted to the City Clerk for Council approval. (a) Renewal: One month prior to the expiration of (5) INSPECTION: No permit to occupy a trailer shall be issued by the Comon Council until an inspection has been made laws applicable thereto. For the purpose of making the inspec- to insure compliance with the regulations, the ordinances and authorized agent may enter on any premises on which the trailer tionsand securing enforcement, the Building Inspector or his connected therewith at any reasonable time. is located and may inspect the same and all accommodations (.6) FEES, Inspection Fee - $25 ~ 00 Six hlonth Permit Fee - $50.00 Six Month Renewal Fee - $50.00 (7) REVOCATION ANC' SUSPENSION: The Comon Council may revoke any license or permit issued pursuant to the terms of this section in accordance with Sec. 66.058, Wis. Statutes. J Page 2 Ordinance #446 sistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and PASSED AND APPROVED THIS & DAY OF 3/41f; , 1982 SECTION 2. A11 ordhances or parts of ordinances incon- n effect upon its passage and publication. @+N Wape G. Salentine, Mayor City Clerk 11/82 jm - ORDINANCE $1446 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 12.10 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Trailer Ordinance) e THE COMMON COUNCIL 01’ THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, SECTION 1. Chapter DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: City of Muskego is hereby repealed and 12.10 TRAILERS (0CCU:PIED) (1) DEFINITIONS Whenever used in (a) A “trailer“ :means any different meaning appears from the context house trailer, house car 3r other of human dwelling or sleeping supports or capable of being ted by another vehicle. (2) PERMIT: No temporary special written the written consent of the owner, legal agent,of the owner or the lessee of the location for which the Renewal for an additional six month a to exceed a maximum of . Qily one occupied 6.04(4)G.3.and 4. of the Zoning Ordinance) may be permitted on trailer and one unoccupGd trailer (governedlby Sections any one premise. (3) PERMANENT OCCUPANCY: Any the removal of wheels except for temporary or other action to attach the trailer to the posts, piers, or foundation shall be (4) APPLICATION shall be on forms provided by the the name and address of the owner and a legal descri tlon of the premises upon which the trailer is, to be locate$? ‘The application shall be accompanied by two copies, of a scaledfite plan showing the following 1) The method and plan fo: sewage disposal; 2) the plan for water supply; 3) the plan fo,r garbage removal; 4) a floor plan of the trailer; 5) property lines and location of trailer thereon; and, 6) location of driveway access and parking area e (a) Renewal: One month qrlor /. to the expiration of the six month permit, a .I:enewal application must be submitted to the City Clerk for Council approval. I! 1, issued by the Common Council unttl an inspection has been made (5) INSPECTION No permit !to occupy a trailer shall be to insure compliance with the regulations, the ordinances and laws applicable thereto, For tye’purpose of making the inspec- tions and securing enforc:ement,lthe Building Inspector or his authorized agent may enter on any premises on which the trailer is located and may inspect theisame and all acconmodations connected therewith at any reaponable time. ” e (6) FEES Inspection Fee ’- $25.00 Six Month Permit Fee - $50 .OO Re-inspection Fee - $25.00 Six Mon:h Renewal Fee - ‘$50 00 (7) REVOCATION ANG SUSPENSION The Common Council may revoke any license or pe.rmit issued pursuant to the terms of this section in accordance with Sec. 66,058, Wis. Statutes. e Page 2 Ordinance #446 a sistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances incon- SECTION 3. This ord.inance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage a:ad publication. PASSED AND APPROVED 'THIS DAY OF , 1982. Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor ATTEST : City Clerk 11/82 jm