ORD1982445ORDINANCE $1445 ORDINANCE TO MEND CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 17 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS THE COMMON COUNCIL 01' THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, SECTION 1. Section 6.04 (4) G. is hereby amended to read G. Parking of Truck:;, Trailers, and Equipment: No truck, as follows cormnercial trailer, camping trailer, or other vehicular equip- ment of a commercial or industrial nature shall be parked regularly on a lot in any district except where permitted as a use in an industrial or commercial district, or as hereinafter specifically provided for as follows SECTION 2. The firsr paragraph of Section 6.04 (4)G.3. is hereby amended to read as follows 3. Camping Trailers One camping trailer up to 30 feet in length may be parked 011 private premises provided such trailer is for the sole use of campine. off the premises, is mounted on a wheels or supports, uncon:l'ectGd to utilities and uninhabited. A trailer 30 ft. in length '3r longer shall be classified as a mobile home. hereby amended to become Section 6.04 (4) G. 4. and to read as follows : 4. Mobile Homes: Permission to park an unoccupied mobile home may be obtained from the City Plan Commission subject to approval of building, site and operational plans and as further stipulated here (subsections a, b and c remain the same) SECTION 3. The seco.nd paragraph of Section 6.04 (4)G.3. is SECTION 4. Section 6.04 (4) G. 5. is hereby created to read as follows : ~~ ~ 5. Trailers Permanent Habitation Prohibited. No trailer ~~~ ~ ~ ~ shall be used for the purpose of permanent habitation in the City, temporary habitation in accordance with Chapter 12.10 of the except that the Common Council may grant a special permit for the Municipal Code. SECTION 5. Delete Section 6.08 House Trailers in its entirety. SECTION 6. Renumber the following sections: 6.09 to 6.08; e 6.10 to 6.09; 6.11 to 6.10; and, 6.12 to 6.11. SECTION 7. Section 2.02 SPECIFIC WORDS AND PHRASES is hereby amended by deleting (67) Trailer Camp and adding new (67) Trailer, Camping: Any coach, cabi.n, mobile home, house trailer, house car or other vehicle operating under its own power or transported by other vehicle intended for habitation off the premises and mounted on wheels or supports. SECTION 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passalge and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS & DAY OF e ATTEST : J