(R’B: Flood Plain Ordinance)
SECTION 1: Chapter 14 of the Municipal Code Of the City
of Yuskego, Wisconsin, Kuskego Flood Plain Ordinance, is
hereby amended and made a part of the blunicipal Code as
adopted by Ordinance 1441 as amended and attached.
SECTION 2: A copy of said ordinance has been on file
In the Office of the City Clerk and open to public inspection
and arid ordinance .is hereby incorporuted into the Nunicipul
for not less than two weeks prior to the date of this ordinance
Code of the City. Text is available and will become effective
December 1, 1982.
SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances incon-
sistent with Or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in efl’cct upon pussage
and publication and on and uYter December 1, 1982.
I1 Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor
City Clerk
(Flood P,Lain Ordinance)
SECTION 1. Chapter 14 of the Municipal Code of the City
Amend- Section 2.2 DI!;TRICT BOUNDARIES to read as follows :
-of Huskego is hereby amen.ded as. follows:
The boundary of the floodplain districts and where shown, the
nated as floodplains on the Flood Insurance Study Maps and
floodway and flood frinee districts, shall be those areas desig-
This map dated December 1, 1982 is the official floodplain zoning
corresponding profiles contained in the Flood Insurance Study.
map for the comunity and has been approved by the Department of
Natural Resources and the Federal Emergency Maneement Agency (FPIA), and is on file in the office of the City Clerk If
more than one map is referenced the most restrictive shall apply.
Amend Section 2.23 to read as follows: REMOVAL OF LANDS
FROM FLOODPLAIN: Compliance with the provisions of this ordinance
shall not be grounds for removing lands from the floodplain
district, unless they are. removed by filling to a height of at
least two feet above the regional flood elevation, the fill is
contiguous to land lying outside the floodplain district, and the
map is amended pursuant to Section 8.0. To remove the land from
flood insurance requirements, FEMA must first revise the flood
Insurance rate mep.
Amend Section 2.6 INTERPRETATION to read as follows
In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this
ordinance shall be held to be minimum requirements liberally con-
strued in favor of the pverning body, and shall not be deemed a
limitation on or repeal of any other powers granted by the Wisconsin
Statutes. Where a provi13ion of this ordinance is required by a
standard in Chapter NR ll6, Wisconsin Administrative Code, and
where the meaning of the ordinance provision is unclear, the pro-
vision shall be interpre1:ed in light of the chapter NR 116 standards
in effect on the date of the adoption of this ordinance or in effect
on the date of the most recent text amendu.ent to this ordinance,
Amend Section 2.95 'to read as follows: All subdivision pro- posals and other proposed new developments exceeding 5 acres in
area, shall include within such proposals regional flood elevation
minimize flood damage. 'Where the estimated cost of such develop-
data, and the means to provide adequate surface drainage and to
ment exceeds $75,000, an'd for all subdivision proposals the appli- cant shall provide all necessary computations to show the effect
of the proposal(s) on flood heights, velocities and flood plain storage. The provisions of Section 7.4 shall apply hereto.
Delete Section 3.2 DESCRIPTION OF DISTRICT in its entirety
and renuher the entire Section 3.0 as follows 3.1 - same;
3.3 to 3.2; 3.31 to 3.21; 3.32 to 3.22; 3.33 to 3.23; 3.34 to 3.24;
3.35 to 3.25; 3.36 to 3.26; 3.37 to 3.27; 3.4 to 3.3; 3.41 to 3.31;
3-42 to 3.32; 3.43 tO 3.33; 3.44 to 3.34; and, 3.45 to 3.35. -
Amend Section 3.0 to add the following: 3.36 The storage of any materials that are buoyant, flammable,
explosive, or injurious to human, animal, plant, fish, or other
aquatic life is prohibited.
detrimental to, the uses permitted in the adjoining districts are
3.37 Any uses which are not in harmony with, or which may be
e .. prohibited, with the exception of portable latrines that are re-
3.38 All private or public on-site sewage disposal systems are
moved during flooding and systems associated with public recreational
provisions of Chapter H 63, Wisconsin Administrative Code, which areas and Department-approved campgrounds, that meet the applicable
may be permitted in floodway areas.
obtain water for ultimate human consumption are prohibited.
are prohibited.
3.39 All wells, whet'her public or private, which are used to
3.40 All solid waste disposal sites, whether public or private,
Page 2 Ordinance 8441
Daleto Section 4.2 DESCRIPTION OF LISTRICT in its entirety
and renmber the entire Section 4.0 as follows: 4.l - same; 4.3 - 4.2; 4.31 to 4.21; 4.4 to 4.3; 4.41 to 4.310 4.42 to 4.32* (n- ahsection 4.33 to be added below) 4.43 to 4.34, 4.44 to 4.35;
Amend Section 4.42 (I,) to read as follows, and renumber to
4.32 (b): The basement f:Loor shall be at or above the regional
proofing of basements has been granted by FEMA. flood elevation, unless a cmunitywide exemption allowing flood
4.45 4.36; 4.46 to 4.37; 4.47 to 4.38; 4.48 to 4.39; 4.49 to 4.40. a - - "" . "
0 Add subsections (c) and (d) to Section 4.32 RESIDENTIAL as
(c) Except as provided in paragraph (d),contiguous dry-land
. follows:
access shall be provided .from a structure or building to land
which is outside of the f'loodplain, so that any such structure
shall be accessible by re:scue and relief vehicles during periods
. with a surface at or abovNe the regional flood elevation and wide . of regional flooding. Contiguous dry-land access means a road
enough fOK rescue and relLef vehicles.
lines are at elevations wlhich make compliance with paragraph (c)
impractical, the municipality may, after obtaining prior written
* Department approval, auth'orize access at an elevation lower than
the regional flood elevation. Where the municipality has applied
for and obtained Department approval, the zoning administrator
shall issue a permit authorizing such access as is allowed under the Department approval.
(d) In existing developments where existing streets or sewer
1 a
Add new Section 4.33 ACCESSORY STRUCTURES OR USES immediately
following 4.32 (d) above as follows: An accessory structure or
use (not connected to a principal structure) shall meet all the
applicable provisions of Section 3.31, 3.32 and 3.34. A lessor
degree of protection, compatible with these criterLa and the criteria
in Section 4.34 may be permissable for an accessory structure or
use providing that the site is not inundated to a depth greater
than 2 feet or subjected to flood velocities greater than 4 feet
per second upon the occurrence of the regional flood.
Amend Section 4.47 SEWAGE SYSTEMS (renumberad to 4.38) to
read as follows: All on-site sewage disposal systems shall be
floodproofed to the flood protection elevation and shall meet the
applicable provisions of all local ordinances and Chapters H 63
and H 65, Wisconsin Administrative Code.
Delete Section 5.2 DESCRIPTION OF DISTRICT and Section 5.21
in their entirety, and renumber entire Section 5.0 as follows:
5.1 - same; 5.3 - 5.2; 5.4 - 5.3.
follows :
to nonconforming uses or nonconforming structures in the floodway,
a record shall be kept which lists the nonconforming uses and non-
conforming structures, their present equalized assessed value, and
the cost of those additions or modifications which have been per-
mitted; and
Add 6.13 and 6.14 to Section 6.0 NONCONFORMING USES as
6.13 As requests are received for modifications or additions
6.14 No modification or addition to any nonconforming structure
or any structure with a nonconforming use, which over the life of
the structure would exceed fifty percent (50%) of its present
equalized assessed value, shall be allowed unless the entire struc-
ture is permanently chanl;ed to a conforming structure with a
conforming use in complinnce with the applicable requirements of
pliance with Section 4.3.!(c) or Section 4.32(d).
this ordinance and contiguous dry land access is provided in com-
Amend Section 6.22 to read as follows: No new on-site sewage disposal system, or addit:ion to an existing on-site sewage disposal
agency to correct a hazard to public health, shall be allowed in
system, except where an nddition has been ordered by a government
a floodway area. Any.replacement, repair or maintenance of an
meet the applicable requirements of all land ordinances and
existing on-site sewage disposal system in a floodway area shall
Chapter H 63, Wisconsin Administrative Code.
Page 3
Ordinance U441
Amend Section 6.33 to read as follows: All new on-site
sewage disposal system, 01: addition to, replacement, repair or
maintenance of an on-site sewage disposal system, in a flood
fringe area shall meet all. the applicable provisions of all
local ordinances and Chapters H 63 and H 65, Wisconsin Adminis-
trative Code. a
Amend Section 7.16 to read as follows Submit copies of text
a amendments and annual reports to FEMA.
Amend Section 7.18 (a) 1. to read as follows Name and
' address of the applicant, property owner and contractor - builder;.
Amend Section 7.18 (a) 2. to read as follows Legal descrip-
tion of the property, inc:luding the type of proposed use, and an
indication as to whether new construction or a modification to an
. existing structure is involved;.
Add new (a) 3. to Section 7.18 as follows The elevation of
the lowest floor using Nalsional Geodetic and Verticle Datum (NGVD);.
Amend existing (a) 3 and renumber to (a) 4 as follows A
site development plan which accurately locates or describes the
proposal with respect to ):he floodway and flood fringe districts
showing the dimensions of the lot and locations of all existing
and proposed structures from lot lines, center lines of all
abutting highways, and thfs ordinary high-water mark of any abutting
or nearby watercourses; and.
Renumber 7.18 (a) 4. to 7.18 (a) 5.
Amend Section 7.18 (a) to add the following 6. Data
sufficient to determine the regional flood elevation at the loca-
tion of the development and to determine whether or not the require-
ments of Section 2.9 are met. This may include any of the infor-
mation noted in Section 7.42.
Amend Section 7.1E (1,) to read as follows: CERTIFICATE OF
COMPLIANCE: No vacant or developed land shall be occupied in the
floodplain, and no buildi.ng or structure hereafter erecced,
altered or moved into the floodplain shall be occupied or used,
until the applicant obtai.ns a certificate of compliance from the
Certificate only after th'e applicant has submitted a certification
zoning administrator. Thfz zoning administrator shaii issue a
signed by a registered professional engineer or registered land
surveyor that the fill, lowest/basement floor elevations and
floodproofing if required pursuant to Section 7.5 were accomplished
in compliance with the de.welopment standards contained in this
ordinance. If flood proofing is required pursuant to Section 7.5,
applicant has submitted a certification signed by a registered pro-
the zoning administrator shall issue a certificate only after the
fessional engineer or architect that the structure is ac;ecAuately
conetructed to comply with the provisions of Section 7.5.
Amend Section 7.3 to read as follows: BOARD OF APPEALS The
appropriate board created under Section 62.23(7)(e), Wisconsin
Statutes, is hereby authorized to act as the Board of Appeals for
the purposes of this ordinance. The Board of Appeals shall
exercise the powers conferred by Section 62.23(7)(e), Wisconsin
Statutes. a
Amend Section 7.33 ('b) to delete "Federal Insurance Adminis-
tration of HUD" in the last line and replace with "FEMA".
Page 4
Ordinance 1441
Add new Section 7.35 as follows: When a variance is granted
the applicant shall be notified in writing, by the chairman or
secretary of the board of s.ppeals, that increased flood insurance premims may result. A copy of this notification shall be main-
tained with the variance appeal record. a
Amend Section 8.15 to read as follows: Any upgrading of
Wisconsin Administrative Code, or otherwise required by law.
floodplain zoning ordinances required by Section NR 116.05(4),
@ . Delete Section 8.2 AMENDMENT PROCEDURE in its entirety and
8.2 AMENDMEm PROCEDUILES: Amendments to this ordinace may
add the following new Sectj.ms8.2, 8.21, 8.22, 8.23 and 8.24:
be made upon petition of any interested party in accordance with
the provisions of Section 02.23 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Such
petitions shall include any necessary data required by Section : 7.42 and 2.95.
shall be referred to the zoning agency, described in Section 7.2,
for a public hearing and recommendation to the Common Council.
Copies of the proposed amendment and notice of public hearing
shall be submitted to the appropriate District office of the
Department of Natural Resources. The amendment procedure shall
comply with the provisions of Section 62.23, Wis Statutes.
8.21 Copies of any amendment proposed to the Common Council
become effective until rev:tewed and approved by the Department of
8.22 No amendment to 1rhe maps or text of this ordinance shall
Natural Resources.
8.23 All persons peti.tioninp. for a map amendment which
involves an increase in th,e height of the regional flood of 0.1
foot (3 cm.) or more shall obtain flooding easements,or other
appropriate legal arrangements, from all affected local units of
government and property owners before the municipality may approve
an amendment which would result in such an increase to the regional
flood elevation.
zoning map, in areas where no water surface profil'es exist, the
zoning agency shall coneider data submitted by the Department,
available information. (See Section 2.22(b) of this ordinance.)
the zoning administrator's visual on-site inspections and other
8.24 When considering amendments to the official floodplain
a the new definitions in pro'per alphabetical order and renumbering Amend Section 10.0 DE:FINITIONS per the following, inserting
the section accordinelv:
Add "DEPARThENT' : The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
any development on the sto'rage capacity of a floodplain area, par-
ticularly upstream from ur'ban areas, is analyzed assuming an equal
loss of flood storage for .all property owners and subdivided lots
in the storage area of a floodplain on both sides of a river or
stream for a significant h:ydrologic reach.
prepared for the City of Muskego by FEMA designating approximate
flood hazard areas. Flood hazard areas are designated as unnumbered
A-Zones and do not contain floodway lines or regional flood eleva-
tions. Said map forms the basis for both the regulatory and
insurance aspects of the National Flood Insurance Prograx.
Amend "FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY MAP'' to read as follows:
"FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY" - .A technical engineering examination,
evaluation, and determination of the City of Muskego flood hazard
areas. It provides maps designating those areas affected by the
regional flood and provides both flood insurance rate zones and
regional flood elevations as well as floodway lines. The flood
hazard areas are designated as numbered A-Zones. Flood insurance
aspects of the National Flood Insurance Program.
study maps form the basis for both the regulatory and the insurance
Amend "FLOOD HAZARD B13UNDARY MAP" to read as follows: A map ..
a '.
Pa e 5 Or ti inance #441
Add "FLOODWAY ENCROACHMENT LINES" - Represent the limits of
obstruction to flood flows. These lines are designated on both sides
of, and generally parallel to, the channel of a river or Stream.
They are established by assuming that the area landward (outside 0 of the encroachment lines) swill ultimately be developed in such a
way that it will not convey flood flows, but the development Will
not cause an increase to regional flood elevations upstream. It
is assuned that any development riverward of these lines Will cause
an obstruction and will require a detailed analysis (equal degree of hydraulic encroachment) to determine its effect on the regional
:flood elevations upstream.
public health or the potential for any significant economic loss to
a structure or its contents.
lake where the storage of flood waters therein has been taken into
* natural changes in the river character, limits of political juris-
account to reduce the regulatory flood discharge. Major man-made or
diction, or a change in the flood-routing technique used to determine
the storage and translation of a flood wave through the area of
interest may be used to define the end of a hydrologic reach (e.g.,
or a change from channel routing to reservoir routing may be con-
a dam may be considered a major man-made change in the river character
sidered a major change in the flood-routing technique),
Amend "OFFICAL nOODPLAIN ZONIKG MAP" to read as follows:
That map, adopted and made 'part of this ordinance, as described in
Add "HIGH FLOOD DAMAGE POTENTIAL" - Any danger to human life or
Add "HYDROLOGIC REACH" - A designated length of river, stream or
Section 2.2, which has been approved by the Department of Natural
Resources and FEMA.
damage potential and not involving structures.
ation, partnership, association, municipality or state agency.
to be representative of large floods known to have generally
occurred in Wisconsin and which may be expected to occur on a
particular etream because of like physical characteristics. The
flood frequency of the regi'mal flood is once in every 100 years.
This means that in any given year, there is a 1% chance that the
regional flood may occur or be exceeded. During a typical 30-year
mortgage period, the regioml flood has a 26% chance of occurrence
(The regional flood is based upon a statistical analysis of stream
flow records available for the watershed or an analysis of rainfall
and runoff characteristics Fn the general watershed region,)
Amend "SUBSTANTIAL IMFROVEMENT" by adding the following state-
ment after the last sentenc'e: (For purposes of this definition,
"substantial improvement" i,s considered to occur when the first e alteration of any wall, cei'ling, floor, or other structural part
of the buildin comences, whether or not that alteration affects
the external d !? mensions of the structure.)
conditions affecting a particular property which were not self-
to conform to the provisions of this ordinance due to special
created and are not solely related to economic gain or loss.
Unnecessary hardship is pre:sent only where, in the absence of a
variance, no feasible use can be made of the property.
to construct, alter or use a structure in a manner which is inconsis-
tent with the dimensional scandards contained in this ordinance.
Add "OPEN SPACE ME" - Those uses having a relatively low flood
Add "PERSON" - An individual, or group of individuals, corpor-
Amend "REGIONAL FLOOD" to read as follows: A flood determined
Add "LNECESSARY HARDSHIP" - Any unique and extreme inability
Add "VARIANCE" - An authorization granted by the Board of Appeals
SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent --a with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed.
SEC'ITON 3: This ordinance shall be in effect upon passage
"" -
and publication and on and after December 1, 1982.
"' .,
of Muskego, Wisconsin, .Euskego Flood P Ordinance, is
hereby amended and made a part of the cipal Code as
adopted by Ordinance #441.
in the Office of th
for not less than two weeks prior
Code of the City.
and said ordinance
December 1, 1982.
sistent with or con
and publication and
I '0)
l Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor
"-7- City Clerk
SECTION 1. Chapter 1.4 of the Municipal Code of
of Muskego is hereby amended as follows
follows: This Ordinance for
pursuant to the authorization
59.971, 61.35, 62.23 and 137.30 of the
Amend Section 2.2 DI!$TRICT
The boundary of the flood!?lain
floodway and flood fringe
nated as floodplains on
corresponding profiles e This map dated December 1, 1982 is the officia? floodplain zoning
map for the com.unity and has been approved b$ the Department of
Natural Resources and the Federal Emergency dangement Agency
(FEMA), and is on file in the office of the/City Clerk. If
more than one map is referenced the most strictive shall apply.
Amend Section 2.23 to read as REMOVAL OF LANDS
FROM FLOODPLAIN: Compliance with the proytsions of this ordinance
shall not be grounds for removing lands from the floodplain
district, unless they are removed by fiyling to a height of at
least two feet above the regional flood’elevation, the fill is
contiguous to land lying outside the floodplain district, and the
map is amended pursuant to Section 8.p. To remove the land from
flood insurance requireme.nts, FEEIA must first revise the flood
insurance rate map.
In their provisions of this
liberally con-
by the Wisconsin
be deemed a
- -
Page 2
Ordinance /I441 / / Amend Section
4.32 (b) : The
flood elevation, unless a communitywide
Add subsections (c) and (d) to
(c) Except as provided in
e proofing of basements has ken granted by FEMA.
follows :
which is outside of the
access shall be provided
with a surface at or
of regional flooding.
enough for rescue and
* shall be accessible by
lower than
for and obtained Department
shall issue a permit
the Department approval.
e following 4.32 (d) above a:; follows: fin accessory structure or
use (not connected to a principal structure) shall meet all the
applicable provisions of SNxtion 3.3?, 3.32 and 3.34. A lessor
degree of protection, comp.atible with these criter-a and the criteria~
Amend Section
read as follows:
floodproofed to
and H 65,
in their entirety, and renmber entire Section 5.0 as follows:
s.1 - same; 5.3 - 5.2; 5.4 L 5.3. / I
" -
Add 6.13 and 6.14 to Section 6.0 NONCONFORMING USES as
6.13 As requests are received for modifications or additions e follows
to nonconforming uses or nonconforming structures in the floodway,
a record shall be kept y h ich lists the nonconforming uses and non-
heir present equalized assessed value, and
oris or modifications which have been per- mitted; and
n or addition to any nonconforming structure
nc'nconforming use, which over the life of
eCI fifty percent (50%) of its present
, shall be allowed unless the entire struc-
arce with the applicable requirements of
ged to a conforming structure with a
guous dry land access is provided in com-
2i:c) or Section 4.32(d).
to read as follows: No new on-site sewage
tion to an existing on-site sewage disposal
acidition has been ordered by a government
rtl to public health, shall be allowed in
pl.acement, repair or maintenance of an
disposal system in a floodway area shall
rements of all land ordinances and
dministrative Code.
Page 3
Ordinance #441 /
Amend Section 6.33 t
sewage disposal system, o
maintenance of an on-site
fringe area shall meet a1
local ordinances and Chap
trative Code.
Amend Section 7.16 t * amendments and annual reports to FEMA.
Amend Section 7.18
address of the applicant
Amend Section 7.18
tion of the property, in
indication as to whether
existing structure is involved;.
Add new (a) 3. to S
the lowest floor using N
Amend existing (a) 3 and renumber
site development plan wh
proposal with respect to
showing the dimensions o
and proposed structures
abutting highways, and t
or nearby watercourses; and.
Renumber 7.18 (a) 4
Amend Section 7.18 the following 6. Data
sufficient to determine
ments of Section 2.9 are met.
tion of the development
mation noted in Section 7.42.
is may include any of the infor-
Amend Section 7.18
floodplain, and no buil
altered or moved into t
until the applicant obt
zoning administrator.
certificate only after
signed by a registered
applicant has
constructed t
l :
Page 4
Ordinance Sf441
Natural Resources.
flood elevation.
DY” - A technical engineering examination,
evaluation, and
hazard areas
regional floo evations as well as floodway lines. The flood
Pa e 5 Orsinance #441 i
obstruction to flood flow
of, and generally paralle
They are established by assuming that the area landward
of the encroachment lines
way that it will not conv
not cause an increase to
is assumed that any devel
an obstruction and will require a detailed analysis
of hydraulic encroachment
flood elevations upstream.
public health or the pote
a structure or its content:;.
lake where the storage of
natural changes in the ri
account to reduce the reg
diction, or a change in t
the storage and translati
interest may be used to d
a dam may be considered a
or a change from channel
e That map, adopted and mad
Section 2.2, which has be
Resources and FEMA.
damage potential and not
Add "PERSON" - An i
ation, partnership, asso
to be representative of
occurred in Wisconsin an
particular stream becaus
This means that in any-g
flood frequency of the r is once in every 100 years.
regional flood may occur
mortgage period, the reg
(The regional flood is b
and runoff characteristics in
flow records available f
Amend "SUBSTANTIAL ment after the last sent
"substantial improvement
alteration of any wall,
of the building commence
the external dimensions
to conform to the prov
conditions affecting a
created and are not so
Unnecessary hards
variance, no fea
tent with the di
to construct, a1
with or contrav
Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor