ORD1982436'"",,,'......U"""Iw... . .....,...
SlCTIOM 11 OICTION 3.10 Sewerage Serv1ce Charges
I J1
Section 3.10 (1) Definitions, is hereby amended to read as follows
(L) Definitions; For the pur?ose .of this ord~na~ce the te~ms, "
"Sew&e.e", "Industrial Waste", 'Sewerage Systwem , IIse~eoraget,:)ervlce .
"uOD tt "Combined Sewers" "Not1l1al Domest~c aste. pera_lon U
, " II S' S "
and !'Iaintenance Costs" "Replacement Costs. an~tary ewers '.
"Storm Sewers", "Suspe~ded SOllds", "User Charge", "WPDES PermLt",
are defined as :fo11ows~
Sect1oD S. '10 (1) La b~r~by turther &.mended to ~nclude the followlng
BOD : "BOD ,. liball me&n the qua.nt1ty 01 oxygen eKpressed in mllligra.ms
per~11ter ~8&/l). utilized in the b1o~chemical oKldatlon of org~nlc
mAtter wuter stIJu1&rd laboratory cond1t:lons for five da.ys a.t a
tðllper't\U"e of 20 d.egrees centigrade. The laboratory determlnatlons
st4all be MÅO 1A .c~rQIUlCO with proced~res fiet forth :tr\ IISt~ndard
W4t ~Ao"" "
Co8b1Qed S..er8: A combined sewer which receives both b~wag~ a.nd
øto~ ..\or ~4 I~l~co water.
Ind\UJtr1al lute: "Industrial Waste" shall mean any water-borne
so11d.a~' :Ü.Qu1àa or ga.aeous wastes other than domestic wa~tew&iter.
r8&ult.i.1'1 .trom d1achari1ng .frolD, flowing trom or ebcilpin~ from allY
caaDerc1al, iAdWitrial, manu.facturing or .food prOCeSi::ìlng op~ra.t:1.on
or process or from the development o! any natural resource or any
mixture of tnose with water or domestic wastewater. (The old
å.~t1A.i.t10Q ot IIIAc1W1tr1al Waste II is tlereby deltHed.)
Noraal DomoIi~..1c 'ut8el:J: Water...borne Wu.steb norma.lly be Lng dÜ.chal'ged
trom tb. sanItary cUl1veniences ot the dwellings, apartment hou.ses.
botel_, Qftice buildings, .factories and 1nát1tut1on~1 fr~e of
1nd~tr1.1 waates and in whicn the concentration of ll,O.D'5 Suspendeu
SQ.~QI. or ~~o,pAor~ ÜO Dot exceed: I
(a) A f1vO-4&1 20 4eiruo c., B.O,D8S at not more th~n 200
P&~t. per m1111on;
(b) A auapendod solidi concuntr~t1on o.f not more th~n 250
parts per m1111on; or
(c) PAoapAor~ not more th~n 12 parts per mllllon.
OperatloA ~d Ma.1nten&,nce Costs: tlOpera.t1on and Maintenance Cost"
&ll&J.1 lieU the &ct\1&l sums 6pent by 'the Utility in the operu.tlon
~d u1nt.,uce o! 1t8 Wastüwater Works conaibtll1~ ot but not
limite4 to. o.~ 'Ad allot the tollow1ng purpose~:
(a) 'aloa and salaries and employees related eKpen~es of
. opera.tini. maintenance, clerical, laboratory and
aupervisory personnel, together with fringe benefits
and premiums paid on such wages ~nd s~lari~s for the
State ot W1scons1n workmen's compena~tlon coverag~, (b) Eloctrical power:
(0) Chemicals, tue~ and other opera.t1ng bu~ptles;
(ci) Repa.irai to 1LAd. ma..Lntenance at the eq~1pment LLbbociuted
(0) Pl'emiwna tor hILzard 1nfiuriLnce:
(t) Premiums :tor l.nsurance providing coverage agalust llabtlJ.ty
tor ~ne injury to persona and/or property; (I) Rents LDd leasing costs; (b) Operation, 11cenQ1ng iLnå maintenance costs for truckb and
heavy equipment: (1) Consultant &Q~ legal tees; and
(J) R,pl&l.c~mQnt
...U'åUl"'OI,..~ , 4J6
P. 2
Rdpla.ceMAt Coats: uRepla.cement CO:.t6 ~hl.d 1 mt:.J.n a.;,"!Jl:IHJ llUrl:~
lor obta.1Qlng And 1nst~111ng equipment, acc~~~url~~ ~n~ .J.~~ur-
ttl1&ACefi wtucb a.re necessary durln" the u~t:Íul 11 tL of Ua: l J"Lill-
kQt works to IaALntaL1n the capa.c.1.t.Y unu Jjcr!urIH.J.IILI.; fUl W~llLh
~uçþ wor.. were ceallneô and constr~cted.
Sa~1tar~ Sawera: "San1t..ry Sewer" aha.ll m~Ü.n .l ~l:Wl!r th..t con\lt;')J~
c1olhlat1c wute.ater or 1nd~Sitri~1 wa/He or ~ CO/llblnJ.t!on of tJOLtl
anc1 .L~to wn1Ch Itorm, I~rtactl and ~rQund WIH~r~ or unJlullulCU
"'Dc1\1&~r1.1 wut.OWatQr ..ro not in ten t ,lon.~ 11 y pol:' '~cd ,
StOI'8 f'...ra: "Storm Sewer: 6halt mean a :.~wcr wtlich LJrrll;~ ..tona &Ad. 8i~rtace cr"ln~i8 b~t tjxcl~c1u~ dom~:.tLc WJ.~lt:WilLLr ~nu lu~~t.r1~1 w~~.&.
Sua.P8IÙct So11cil: uS~lipendod 5011<16" ~hall mt:~n ~IJll(1~ tbat ellllt:r 110..t OD tn~ ~~rtace ot. or ard in SUb~~n:.loll in w~tcr. ~ew~~e or o~her 11Q\Üd.a. and wb1ch araremovable by '" lal.wr~lOl'Y flltl.Ltlun c1~v1çe. Q\&Afttitat1ve d~termlnat1on of ~USP~IIU~U ~olH.J~ ~h.!ll Ue øuu1e 10 aççorålU\ce wl th .procedures se t forth 1 n "~ t anu~ nl ~It: Ltlod'~ II .
U.!à.r Charl8: '1'b8 "User Cnargð" tihall be dtdln~û ~~ a cll~r~c 1~V1Cd on \&iera ot .. collect,ion aYf:ätom tor the u.:.cr' ~ prupul'llul~~l ~llilr~ ot th~ coat ot opðrAt1oÐ. ffiL\.J.ntünanct! IUH1 rCpl~l,;CIHullt.
WPOES Perlft1t: IIWPDES Perm1t" I:ih1411 mUllnll pCl'lIIll tu Ul':'Lh~r'c ~()11~'..nta obtalQuc1 unåð~ thu ~l:.conbin ..Pollut~lIl Ul~t:h,.u ~e' b
Ll~.~D..t1oD Sytitem (WP.D~S) purta\.\~nt to Ch/.L1Jlcr 1-17 01 n I S .. f ~~I~~D S"t~'.a. )~ tatc 0
Section 3.10(2) Industrial Wastes, DeleterlQU~ Sew..1.~e, 1::' ht:n:by amenôec1 to.a.c1d the following Cd) and (e!~
Cd) Atl per2iOD5 dischargiog indu5trial wÜ,=>>tes lnto tilt: W.J.:.tLw.J.ter
Works 6h~ll construct and maintaln control mJ.nhol~~ in ~ultJ.ult:
I.lnd accessible positions on public propt:rty or eJ.~t.:nlcnt to
!aci11tate the observation, measurement and sampling of ..1.11 hl~
wastes or wastewater. Control manhol~5 shllll be lOI...:~l~~í.I.!ld
constructed in a manner approved by the SuperLntendcnt. ~l..1.n~
bnIL1.l );)ø li~bmittø<1 .to thø S~peril\tendent prlor to c.on~truc.t lon ..
(e) Gre&&e. oil a.nd sand lnterceptors shall be provldeu at rep..1.lr
garages, g~6o11ne statLons, cur washes and other lndu~trlJ.l or
cOlDIDerci.~l establistunents for the proper handllIl~ or 1l4Ull1 wí.l.!:>te~
conta.1niug grease in exceSSlve WlIount5, 011, fL.l.HLfTI..1.ule W..l.~tQ~, ~~nd
~nd otber barmtul lngredients. All interceptors ~hJ.ll lit.: COIL~truLted
111 t.ccor4t.nce wi tb the 'iilscons in Plwnb.ln~ Code Ilnd ::.hall La: lucí.l. ted
~s to b-e react:lly a.nd ea.s.1.1y acces:::.1ble for eLl=.Y clealung ..tilL!
lnl:ipect1on. All grease. oil and ba.nd intcrceptor~ ::.ll~ll 1.I1...: "1..tlHt~lnt:1
by ttle owner, a.t tu.a expen6e, in continuous, efflclt:llt olH.;lallun .J.t
"ll t 11Di. .
OrdlDlUlce '436
p&SQ 3
Section 3.10(3) CODDection to the System lb hereby am~nd~d to ~end
~~bßect1oD (u) as follows.
(b) All connections shall be made in accordance wlth the Rule~~nd
Regulat:1.ons governing aewer aervice enacted by the Clty uf Mu=-kej,;o
d th City Plumbing Code and new sanltary ~e~er and ~ppurtlnent ~n
str:ction shall be properly destgned and cùn~tructed In accordance
~~~h tbe Standard Specifications tor Sewer and W~ter Constructlon
in W1aCQAa1n. CUrrent Editlon.
Sect1oD 3.10(3) 18 bereby further wm~nddd to add thu ful1uwln~
(0) &Aå (t):
(e) New connections shalt be permitted only lf there l~ aV~llable
cILpac1ty 1.n &11 åownatruwu wu'btewater collul:LiUl1 allLi Ln:atment
(t) No person shall discharge or cause to be dlbchar~ed any storm
water. ground water. roof runoff. yard draLnage, yard fountaln,
swiøming pool or pond overflow lnto the cotlecUon system. Unpolluted
water shall be discharied to only storm sewers or to a natural outlet.
Section 3.10 (5) Sewer Service Charges - RateD. 1S kIerety amended to
add the follow1ng (h) &nd (i):
(b) Biennially tbe city will review wastewater contrlbutlon~ of lts
users &ßd &lign its revenue system to recover uctuul Co~t5. The
cLty will maintain the proporionate distribution of operdtln~,
maintenance and replacement costs among the user cldStaeS. The clty
will generate sufficient revenues to pay total Opero..ltlu~. ffio..l1ntt;:Udnc.e
and replø.cemeßt coats.
(i) Users wLll be notified annually of the portlon of u~er Lhdr~es
attributabla to wastewater tre~tment serVIces
Sectlon 3.10(6) Payment. is hereby amended to add the following (f):
(t) Replacement Fund - A separate and ditHluct HeplaLt:Illt::nt Fund
sh~Ll be established and maint~lned for the exclU~lve use of
II.ccWDulø.ting clI.pital to repla.ce sewer utility equipment.
Section 3. LO( 8) D1aposition 0 f Revenue, 1S hereby I.I.fItenueù to reo..ld
&6 toltows~
The lUDOunta received trom the collectlon of the Lhdrl;es o..luthoTu:ed
by tbis ordinance ahall be credited to a sewer revenue dccount WhICh
shø.ll show all receipts and eKptH1d1 t ures 0 f tbe ::.t.,~er ~!;e Ll t 111 t Y .
When appropria.ted by the Council. the credltb to ~~ld J.CLount ~~jJ.Il
be availa.ble for the payment of the costs ot OfJerJ.tlon. rnJ.lntenanLe.
repair5 and depreciatlon of the sewerage system, ..lnd for the re-
placement of fund5 adva.nced by or pa.id by the general tund of the
City. Any excess revenue5 collected "from a cl~s::. of u,:>er::. .sh~ll be
applied to tbe operation, maintenance and repl~cement LO~ts attrI- butable to tba.t class for tbe next year and dUJU5t the sewer u~er
charie accordingly.
SEC'l'ION 2: Section 3.t4 is hereby created as follows:
3.14 Previous Agreements. This ordinance sh~ll tdhe precedence over
a.ny terms or conditions or Ii~reements or contro..lLt:::. betwt;t::l1 {fie C1 ty a
ita users whicb are inconsistent with the ordinance.
Ord1nance M-346
Page 4
SECTION 3: Section 3.15 lS hereby created as follows:
3.15 Right of Appeal - Any user shall have the rlght to request a written lnterpretation or ruling by the C1ty of Muskego on any matter covered by this Ordinance and shall be entltled to a prompt wr1tten reply. In the event that such inqu1ry 1S by a User and deal~ with matters of performance or compl:iance w1th th15 Ordinance (or deals wlth a Permit issued pursuant hereto) for wh1ch enforcement activity relating to an alleged v10lat1on 15 the bUbJect, recelpt of a Userls request shall stay all enforcement proceedlngs pending receipt at the aforesaid written reply. Appeal of any flnal Judlclal order entered pursuant to thls Ordlnance may be taken 1n accordance wi tb lac&],. lUu1 fita.t@ la.w.
SECTION 4: All ord1nances or parts of ordinances lnconslstent with
or contravenlng thls ordlnance are hereby repealed.
SECTION 5: Th1S ordlnance shall be 1n full forcE and ~ffect from
and after ltS passage and publlcatlon.
, 1982,
eM 1"/
Vayne G. Balentine,
~~ City Clerk