ORD1982430aAN 0BDINANINI:E AMENDING SECTlON 3.10 AND CREATING BHCTION;S 3.14 AND 3.15 OF THE MUNICIPAL COlDB OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO TU Muyw WJliCIL OP TU CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, M) ORDAIN AS R2U4168 e - 8pCTIQn 18 BBCpIoN 9.10 Sewerage Service Charges Section 3.10 (1) Definitions, is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) Definitions: For t'he purpose of this ordinance the terms I' "SewaRe", "Industrial Waste", 'Sewerage System", "Sewerage Service", and bintenance Costs", "Replacement Costs", "Sanitary Sewers", "Storm Sewers", "Suspended Solids", "User Charge", "WPDES Permit", /e I .' "BOD "Combined Sewers", "Normal Domestic Waste", "Operation are defined a8 follows : Section 3.10 (1) i8 bereby iurther amended to include the following d0fbitrQqt ma: a*BQD Io shall moll the quantity of oxygen expressed in milligrams per liter fbg/l), utilized in the bio-chemical oxidation Of organic matter under etolldard laboratory conditions for five days at a temperature Of 20 degrees centigrade. The laboratory determinations ahall be in. accordance with procedure8 68t forth In "Standard YethOQs", Codinod Bewere: A combined sewer which receives both sewage and ut~m vrter ma ouxSace water. Indutriql hate: '%dustrial Waste" shall mean any water-borne Soli&, li~uide or goaeOu8 Wastes other than domestic wastewater, resulting from discharging from, flowing from or escaping from uny COIpIDBrai~l, lodustrial, manufacturing or food processing operation or process or frcm the development of any natural re6ource or any mlxtwe of them with water or domestic Wastewater. (The old defi&itlQa of ll!adutrial Waete" ie hereby deleted.) Nom1 orpe pee tic vu&g: Water-borne wastes normally being discharged from the oruritary coweniences of the dwellings, apartment houses, hotele, office buildings, factories and instltutionu, free of Bolicb, or PborpPoruo do not exceed: 5, ' industrial WMtee md in which the concentration of I3.0.~. Suspended (a) A five-day 20 degree C., B.0,D.5 Of not more than 200 (b) A ounpendod solido concentr&tion of not more thun 250 (e) Phosphorw not mre than 12 parts per million, parts per million; Parte per million; or Operation wd Yointenrnce Costa: "Operation and Maintenance Cost" Enall plem the actual 6UmB spent by the Utility in the operution Md IDIiPteOUCe 03 ito Wastowater Works consisting of but not 1IpJtod to, ercb and all of the rollowing purposes: (0) hUe8 and salaries and employees rulated expenses of ,operating, maintenance, clerical, laboratory and 6UPerViaory permBonnel, together with fringe benefits Md premiume paid on such wages und saluries for the (b) Electrical powe,r; State of Wieconlein workmen's compensution coverage; (c) Chmicale, fuel and other operating bupplies; (d) Repoire to &nd lnaintenance or the equipment ussociuted (a) Premiums !or hazrrd insurance ; (f) kemiume for in13urance providing coverage against liability (PI hltS Md leaeing coats; (h) Operation, licensing and maintenance costs ror trucks and (1) Consultant and :Legal tees ; and (J 1 Ryplacernent 9 a therewith: for the injury 'to persona and/or property; heavy equipment; - -. .. * '. .. J .. -.I Ordinance 1436 Page 9 'm J