ORD1982429ORDINANCE NO. 429 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR INSTALLMENT TAX PAYMENTS THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. This ordinance provides for the payment of real estate taxes and special assessments in three installments as provided herein. Real estate taxes, both for the payment of real estate taxes and special assessments, shall be paid in the following manner: A. One-third of such real estate taxes and special assessments on or before the last day of January of each year; b B. One-third of such real estate taxes and special assessments on or before the last day of March of each year; and C. One-third of such real estate taxes and of May of each year. special assessments on or before the last day SECTION 2. Onlany installment date a taxpayer may pay the or b-fore ance of his real estate taxes and special assessments due. a1 SECTION 3. This ordinance shall apply to the payment of special improvement assessments levied for public improvements and benefits in the same number of installments and under the same conditions authorized for general real estate taxes. No special assessments or taxes and assessments levied pursuant to Chapter 88 (or Chapter 88 or 89 as existed prior to January 1, 1965) shall be taxes and January 3 assessmen subject to installment payments. SECTION 4. If the first installment of the real estate special assessments so charged is not paid on or before lst, the whole amount of such real estate taxes and special ts shall become due md payable and shall be collected, together with unpaid personal property taxes, on or before the last day of February by the City Treasurer. All such taxes and special assessments remaining unpaid 3n March 1st shall be delinquent and shall be collected by the City Treasurer with interest at the rate 3f 1% per month or fraction thereof from January 1st next preceding. SECTION 5. If any taxes, the payment of which shall have been postponed, shall not be paid in full on or before the final dates fixed in this ordinance, the unpaid portion of such postponed taxes shall be delinquent, and such taxes shall be collected together with interest thereon at the rate of 1% per month or fraction thereof from January 1st preceding. Any such taxes remaining delinquent on August 1st shall be returned to the County Treasurer for collection. SECTION 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contra- vening or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 7. This orjinance is enacted upon passage by the Common Council and approval of the Mayor or upon failure of the Mayor to approve or disapprove with five (5) days. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as re'quired by law and shall be first effective as to the tax levy year 1982. Passed this d,ay of , 1982. Approved this day of , 1982. Wayne Salentine, Mayor ATTEST : City Clerk