ORD1982422AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL,.AND RECREATE SEC. 16.07 OF CHAPTER 16 OF THE HUHICIPAL CODE. DO ORDAIN As FOLLOWS : THE CO?QION COUNCIL OP T)HE CITY OF HUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, SECTION 1: CHAPTER 16.tD7 of the Municipal Code of the City of Huskego is hereby repe8nled and recreated to provide as follova: 16.07 PERWIT FEES: I_ (1) MINIMUM FEE. mhe minimum fee for a permit shall he slfi.00. Where additional permits by the same licensee on the same job are necessary, the minimum doe8 not apply. (h.fil71 and Am. f274) (2) SCHEDULE: (h.#i34,#171,#274) The schedule of per- mit fees is as follows: I (a) Swapre DLoooral: 1. Lateral to Lot Line ........... 2. Manholas ................ 3. Buildillg Sewer - First 100 ft ....... 4. Building Drain - First 100 Et. ..... (Additional @ 10~ per ft .) (Additional 1Oc per ft.) 10 .00 5.00 15.00 5 .oo (b) Water Syat8m: ._ 1. Well (Drilled, Re-drilled) ...... 2. Pump (New, Replacement) ....... 3. Water 'rap, Inspection only. .,..... . 4. Service (Central Supply) to bldg. ... 5. Water 'Filters andlot Conditioners- Penmanent Type (Instrlled,Replaced). 6. Water Filters,and/or Conditioners- e (Initial Znstel- lation only ........... 7. Water Safety Devices (Relief Valve), (Preasure Reducer Valve). ..... 8. Sprinkler Syatema. . .... ... (Ad'ditional after first 100 ft. Spr,inkler head - 1OC ea. Cartridge T @7c per ft.) 9. Water Ibterr (commity wella only). . . .10 .OO ea . 10 .OO ea 25.00 ea .10 00 ea . 10 .OO ea . 10 .OO ea . 5 .OO ea . 10.00 ea . 10 00 ea (c) Plumbing 1. Floor I)rains .............. 4 00 ea 2. Hot Water HeaterlRtlief Valve Comb:tnation ............. 5.00 ea 3. Fixtuma (Water Closet, Bath Tub, Shower Stall, Lavatory, Bidet, Kitchen Sink, Laumdry Tray, Dis- ' posal, Dishwasher, Automatic Wash- er, Horle Bibb, Dental Lav. , Mop Sink, Trapped Standpipe, Sumps and any other fixture as defined in 62.02 !itate Board of Health. Plumbing Code .............. 4 00 ea I t- ... s.. 4. Piping Change (Drop Stack, Wet-Vent, New Vent, Cut into Water, Soil or Vent Lines for Conversion or Fmodeling) . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) DOUBLE FEES. Doublle fees ehall be charged if work is started before permit is applied for and iseued. (4) INSPECTIONS. Each. inspection after the first, that is necessar to enforce ordered, corrections, shall cost the permit holder 1 ti .OQ each. (5) MUNICIPAL PROJECTS. Fee8 are waived. SECTION 2: Al1,ordinancea or parte of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect r PASSED AND APPROVED THIS I &DAY OF /"&?~,, from and after xts paaeage end publication. - 1 Jerom; Got t f r ied! Mayor ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ Charlotte Stewart, City Cler:k ." J A 8. @-.,C. D. F. E. G. H. ,- . I. 0 J. q.-, K. 1. M N. 0. TABLE NO. 1 *Schadule of Permit Feer E$&TItUL Cotegory Residence - One Fomiiy ond Two Fomily Rssidences.Aporfments, Three Fomiiy and over. Row housing, Multiple Fomily dwellings Residences-Additions, accessory buildinga. private garages; breezeways (1.) Agricultural buildinga Loco1 Businear, institutional. ond office buildings or odditiona thereto Manufacturing ond induatriol buildinga or odditiona thereto All other buildinga. structures olteroliona, residing, re-roofing, repoira, where cubic corltenh cannot be colculoted Hooting, including ductwork Air conditioning -other than woII unita Permonently instolled woll unita ~. Wrecking ond roring. Building Inspector may waive fee if atructure is aubiect to condemnation order. Moving building over public ways Failure to obtoin permit prior to commencement of work Certificotea of Occupancy Flammable llquid atorago Reinspection. Where odditional inapectiona lare correctiona in the work found faulty, defective mode neceaaory by reoaon of noglect to malio or incomplete ot the expiration of the time limit served. aet for reinapection os specifid in notice duly Special Inspeaions Rate 52.00 per 1000 cubic feet or froctlon thereof $2.35 per 1000 cubic feet or froction thereof 52.00 per 1000 cubic feet or froction thereof. $10.00 minimum $1 .OO per 1000 cubic feet or fraction thereof $2.35 per 1000 cubic feet or fraction thereof. SlO.00 minimum $1.50 per 1000 cubic feet or fraction thereof, $10.00 minimum $4.00 per $1,000 voluotion, $10.00 minimum fS.00 per unit, up to and including 150.000 BTU units. Addition01 fee of $3.00 per each 50,000 BTU or fraction thereof. $3.00 per incinerator unit. $10.00 minimum. $10.00 o unit $ 3.00 per unit $10.00 buildings up to 1200 squore feet $20.00 buildings over 1200 squore feet $20.00 plus $1.50 per 1000 cubic feet for principol building. $3.00 plus $1.50 per 1000 cubic feet for occesaory buildings Double Fees 1) $5.00 per residentbl unit 2) $15.00 -All other buildings or partiona thereof $5.00 per 1000 gallon capacity $10.00 minimum $5.00 minimum $5.00 minimum NOTE: Cublc contenh ahall b. definod aa follorra: Thot volume of building endoled by tho outer aurfoace Of th. NOTE: In determining coata, all conatructlon ahdl k included with the exception of heating, air conditioning. exterior woila from tho top of tho footing to tho roof. electrical, or plumbing work. 0 'NOTE: Check with local municlpollty rogardlngf~to cchdulo. \. 'TABU NO. 1 loom Anas Roferonm 30.15 (5.) Page 11 Minimum Cotegory Requlnmon( Dlmenaion Livlng Room 160 square foot 11' living Room with Dining Space 180 squore feet Dining Room BO squore feet Kotchen - useoble floor orea 60 square feet 6' Bedroom 100 squore feet Other hob;toblc r~mrns 70 muore feet