ORD1982421*l. - ORIIINANCE #421 AN ORDINANCE TO RE:PEAL AND RECREATE CHAPTER 30 OF THE PIUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF PIUSKEG0 (THE BUILDING CODE) Do ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS 'IIIL COFDION COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY 01 MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, e SECTION 1 Chapter 30 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby repealed and recreated to include the following (1) Nisconsin Uniform Building Code, Revised April 10, 1981 and as amended thereto, incorporated in this ordinance by reference, and (2) Chapter XII.1, Certificate of Compliance Require- ments, Sect-ion 30 51 Change of Occupancy as added to Chapter 30 of the Municipal Code by Ordinance #360 on October 24, 1978, with the fee provided in (7) therein now amended to reference. $25 00, incorporated in this ordinance by SECTION 2 The City Clerk shall keep on Eile at the City Hall a copy of t:he Wisconsin Uniform Building Code incorporated herein by reference, with revisions and amend- ments as from tine to time are adopted, as an original City record, SECTION 3 All. ordinances or parts of ordinances repealed inconsistent with or cont:ravening this ordinance are hereby SECTION 4 TI1i.s ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS a Day of - t.4 , 1982 CTTY OF MIJSKF.Cn Charlotte L Stewart, W:y Clerk