ORD1982417As Amended AN ORDINANCE TO AHEND CHAPTER 20, (IBCIION 20.08 OF LMlICIPAL CODE TllC CQllOw COUNCIL OF !ME CIW OF WBKBCO, WISCONSIN, DO SBClION 1: Chpter 20, Section 20.08 of the Municipal 20.06(1) SKIN DIVING -- lo prrroa uy enga e in undemter divi or rviming vltt the ure of rvidn 'Yinr or akin diving in vaterr other I: L n urked rviaring arear or vithin 150 foet of rhorrline, and no perrm uy qp e in undrrvater diving or ruining vlLt l? the urt .of relf- cmtrined uadorvrter breathing apparatur in vaterr othur tha marked rwiumng arear, unlerr the location of ruch diving or rviming ir dirtinctly marked by diver'r flag, not lera than 12 incher high and 15 inchar lm , dirphying one diagonal vhitr rtripe ! incher wide on r red bAclytouncl, rad of height above the vater mo am to .%e clearly apparent at a dirtance of 100 yard# under normal cmditionr, mud ao darigned and dirplayed rr to br virible frommy oint on the horiroa. Excupt in car0 o P emergency, anyone rqrBirr8 in much diving or rvlriq rh.11~ ,not rirr to the rurface outride of a radiur of 50 feet from auch flag. ' No perron rngagrd in much diving or rviriag rhall interfere vith the operation of cmyme firbing nor engage in much divinll or rwiming in ertabllrhed traffic her;; .nor ahall any much erron alone or vith another, iatentionrl E y 01 unintrntionallly, block or obrttuct any boat in any winner froa proceeding to ita dartination vlrerr r rraronable alternative ir unavailable. A rearoyble alternative route ir availLable'vhen t e otherClire mobtnrcted boat can proceeU to itr dertioation without reducing it8 lawful rpeed, by parring to the right or to the left ot a marlcad diviw operation. 20.08 (2) SWIMMING -- When swimming without the use ORDAIN hS -us: Code ir hereby amended LO pCOvi& a# folhtr: of self-contained underwater breathing ap- paratus, a suitable boat (motor or otherwise) shall accompany any person or persons swimming more than 150 feet from the shoreline or 75 feet from any anchored swimming raft on any waters within the City of Muskego, and upon adoption of an identical ordinance by the Town of Norway. SECTION 2. All ordinanc,es or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. n PASSES AND APPROVED THIS SECTION 20.08 OF THE KUNICIPAL CODE AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 20, TRE COM(ON COUNCIL OF 1ME CITY OF HUSKECO, WISCONSIN, DO SECTION 1: Ch;pter 20,, Section 20.08 of the Municipal ORDAIN AS FOLIDUS: I Code ie hereby aacnded to provide a# follwr : or within 150 feet 20.08(2) SWIMMING -- When ewiming under conditione other than those dercribed above in 20.08(1) a boat manned by a competent pereon ehall more than 150 feet from the ehoreline o accompany any pereon or pereone ewimmin any watere in the city. with or, contravening thie ordinance are hereby repealed. f SECTXON.2: All ordinancee or parte of ordinances inconeistent SECTION 3: Thie ordinance shall be in full force and effect @ from atia atter rtr parrage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF D 1981. h f' ATTEST: City Clerk ORDINAhICE # 417 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 20, SECTION 20.08 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISC AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 20. Section 20.08 of t'he Municipal Code is reby amended to provide a8 follows: 20.08 (1) SKIN DIVING -- No pereon shall /engage / in underwater diving OT' swimming with the use of self-contained underwater bredthing apparatus unless the approximalte loca#on of such diving or swimming is disti.nctly ,arked by a flag designed so as to have on 'diagonal white stripe on a red background, andpf a size and height above the water a0 €18 to be clearly apparent at a distance of 100 yardd under normal conditions. Except in the case of emergency anyone engaging in such diving or sv J mming shall not rise near or to the surface 07 the water except within a radius of 50 rom such flag. 20.08 (2) SWIMMING -- without the use of breathing apparatus, otherwise) shall swimming more of any waters SECTION 2: ordinances inconsistent with or SECTION 3: and effect DAY OF - ,1981. l e l ATTEST: L Jerome J. Gottfried. Mayor , , 4 City Clerk ii EXHIBIT I