ORD1981416Proposal "B-4" *- - ,. .1. ORDINANCE # 416 CITY OF MUSKEG0 MUNIClI'AL COIIE AN ORDINANCE TO AXEND 'I ill: THE COhON COUNCIL'OF THE CITY OF NuSKIxo, :..I 5~0;;s Lii, 00 OI(~~\~N SECTION 1: The Municipal Code of thc Ciry UI ?!~lshego is h~reby AS FOLLOWS: amended to provide as follows: ALTERATION OF ALDERMANIC DISTRICTS Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutr 62.08 1hL. l;lu!~ddries UT altered to be as shown on Lhv uup trril,<:cl ht:~-e~u slid the aldermanic districts of the City uI Y~~bi<~:ga are made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "A" 'l'hat this alteration of aldernnnic districts shsll bL, lil cflcct for elections beeinnine on Januarv 1. lVd2 alld there- ? after unless revyscd as provided Ly i:Iw. with or contravening this ordinance are hereby rcpcal(\d. SECTION 2: All ordinanccs or parts oT urdill:t~lct!> inconsist2nL from and arter its passage and publicatio~~. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full <lxrc$* and effect PASSED AND APPROVED 'rlt1s DAY OF , 1461 .~ 1' ATTEST : City Clerk ~ * 'i STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee'County ) ) ss. 110th depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The .h.:usk?go .Sur! .............. i~ newspaper published at k'+.ssk.e.g? .......... Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from said .. .. ............. .. .. ............ ...... .......... (!iigned) ... ...... BOOKKEEP,ER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this , . / . . , . day 01 ........ ..... d? 19.81 My Commission expires . Feb.. .13 1983,