ORD1981414ORDINANCE # 414 SECTIONS f.07 and 2.09(1) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 2, ..' AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN e' hereby amended to provide as follows: SECTION 1: Chapter 2, Section 2.07 of the Municipal Code is 2.07 PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL. If the Mayor is absent at the designated time of any meeting, the President of the Council shall preside, and during the absence or inability of the Mayor, shall have the powers and duties of the Mayor, excepting that he shall not have the power to approve an act of the Council which the Mayor has dis- approved by filing an.objection with the Clerk. He shall, when so officiating, be styled, "Acting Mayor " The President shall be selected by.a majority votgof all members of the Council at the annual meeting on the third Tuesday of April. In the absence of both the'Mayor and the President of the Council, the Clerk shall call the meeting to order and preside until the Council shall, by motion, select an acting Mayor for-that meeting. The Common Council President shall be a member of the Finance Committee. %e I SECTION 2: Chapter 2, Section 2.09(1) of the Municipal Code is I hereby amended to provide as follows: (1) Standing Committees: Committee on Finance (including Licenses & Personnel) except that the Common Council President shall automatically be a member of the Finance Committee and the Mayor shall appoint the other two members of said committee. Committee on Public Works (including streets, sewers, - lighting, water, airports, etc.) Committee on Public Safety (including police, fire building regulations, etc.) ! Committee on Public Welfare (inclqding health, re1 parks, recreation, nuisances, etc.) Committee on Rules, Laws and Ordinances. Committee on Public Sewers. 3 ief, SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordi.nance are hereby repealed. from and SECTION 4: This ordinance shall-be in full force and effect its passage and publication. .~ - An PASSED AND APPROVED THIS &'lf DAY OF u/j l,,, , 1981. ATTEST: firome JAottfr: ied &layor City Clerk J STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ) ss. ClTkOFMUSKEiA) - sancesS.etc.4 . ~ (e) Comniittee.'on Rules, Laws,and Ordi- nances: A (f).Committeeon Public,Sewers. SlWTInN 3. AII ordinances or Darts of or; i.. Z~.. and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS% DAY; - .- OF July.1981. ~ z ./s/Jerome J. Goltfiied, Mayor . ""_ - ?&&I@ ? $?AIIPb being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The .h:uskeg,? .sur! ... a newspaper published at .. b'w.k.e.s? ............ Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken irom said paper, was published therein on ............ ..... Y. ........... ....... ....... .................. ........... ... (Signed ~ .& ..... . .I_ . . ........ BOOKKEEPER, Subscribed and sworn t cd ........... My Commission expires .Feb. .13 1983. /s/Charlotte.L, Stewart AI'~Ifi31'' Citp Clerk ~ ,- ,