ORD1981412ORDINANCE 11412
of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to add the following
to the list of regulations
Section 1. Section 1.4 of the Land Division Ordinance
Provide for Solar Access
Section 2. Section 4.2 of the Land Division Ordinance
of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to add the following:
be built to affrd solar access to the rooftop and
Location of the area on the lot where a structure may
south wall.
of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to add the following
Section 3. Section 4.3 of the Land Division Ordinance
paragraph to the end-of tile section -
The City Plan Commission, upon determining from a
review of the Preliminary Plat that certain measures
are required to protect solar access, requires pro-
tection of the .south wall and rooftop from shading
Consideration shall be given to orientation of the
streets and the topography. Where the Plan Commission
determines necejsary, a detailed site plan shall be
submitted showi:2g that there would be no solar access
conflicts with .structures and landscaping.
Section 4. Sec.tion 4.4 of the Land Division Ordinance
of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to add the following
The City Plan Commission may require a submission of
a draft of prot,sctive covenants whereby the subdivider
intends to regulate building sites to protect solar
access by the u,se of offsets, setback and height
restrictions, which are more restrictive than the
regulations of the zoning district where located.
of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to amend the 5th
paragraph to read as follows:
Section 5. Sec.tion 5.2 of the Land Division Ordinance
Setbacks or Bui'lding Lines required by the City Plan
regulations of -the zoning district in which the plat
Commission which are more restrictive than the
is located or which are proposed by the subdivider
and are to be included in recorded protective covenants
Section 6. Section 5.2 of the Land Division Ordinance
of the City of Muskego is further amended to amend the 10th
paragraph to read as follows e Special Restrictions required by the City Plan
Commission and .any other approving or objecting
agency relating to access control along public ways,
tions, or shorelands and floodlands. the provision of planting strips, solar access restric-
I ORDINANCE #412 - Page 2
of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to add the following
to the list of information required:
Section 7. Section 6.2 of the Land Division Ordinance
Location of the area on the lot where a structure
may be built to afford solar access to the rooftop
and south wall.
Section 8. Section 6.2 of the Land Division Ordinance
of the City of Muskego is hereby furtHer amended to amend the
7th paragraph as follows
Additional Setbacks or Building Lines required by the
City Plan Commission which are more restrictive than
the regulations of the zoning district in which the
plat is located or which are proposed by the sub-
divider and are to be included in recorded protective
Section 9. Section 7.1 of the Land Division Ordinance
of the City of Muskego is hereby amended by amending the first
paragraph to read as follows: a 7 1 STREET ARRANGEMENT In any new subdivision the street, block and lot
layouts shall conform to the arrangements, width
and location indicated in the official map, highway
width map, comprehensive plan or component neighbor-
hood development plan if any of the City, Town or
County and shall be so designated as to be within
the capability of the land and water resources; least
regimen; and meet all the use, site, sanitary,
disturb the existing terrain, flora, fauna and water
City Zoning Ordinance and the Waukesha County
floodland, and shoreland regulations contained in the
Community Healt'h Code. In areas for which such plans
have not been completed, the street layout shall
recognize the functional classification of the various
types of streets and shall be developed and located
in proper relation to existing and proposed streets,
to the topograp.hy, to such natural features as
safety, to the proposed use of the land to be served
streams and tree growth, to public convenience and
ment of adjoining areas. The subdivision shall be
by such streets, and to the most advantageous develop-
designed so as to provide each lot with satisfactory
solar access and access to a public street.
of the City of Muskego is hereby amended by amending the first
Section 10. Section 7.5 of the Land Division Ordinance
paragraph to read as-follows: -
The widths, lengths, and shapes of blocks shall be
suited to the planned use of the land; zoning requirements; need for convenience access, control
and safety of street traffic; topography; and solar
Section 11. Section 7.6 of the Land Division Ordinance
of the City of Muskego is hereby amended by amending the first
paragraph to read as follows
7.6 LOTS
The size, shape, and orientation of lots shall be
appropriate for the location of the subdivision and
for the type of development and use contemplated
pleasing buildkg site, a proper architectural setting,
The lots should be designed to provide an aesthetically
and for solar access for the building contemplated.
ORDINANCE #412 - Page 3
Section 12. Section 7.8 of the Land Division Ordinance
e paragraph to read as follows:
of the City of Muskego is hereby amended by amending the first
The City Plan Commission may require easements of
widths deemed adequate for the intended purpose on
of all rear lot lines, on each side of all side lot
the property side of front lot lines, on each side
lines or across lots where necessary or advisable
for electric power and communication facilities,
and other utility lines, and solar access. All
storm and sanitary sewers, street trees, gas, water
easements shall be noted on the final plat followed
by reference to the use or uses for which they are
Section 13. Section 8.13 of the Land Division Ordinance
of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to read as foll ws 9:
Thesubdivider shall plant a species approved by the
City Plan Commission with one tree for each 50' of
unless otherwise determined by the City Plan Commis-
frontage on all streets proposed to be dedicated,
sion on the basis of existing conditions in terms of
natural tree coverage. The required trees shall be
planted so that they will not interfere with solar
access to south walls and rooftops. All trees shall
be Class A nursery stock, free of all disease, and
shall be 8-10' in height with 1%" to 1%" caliper at
the point on the trunk 6" above grade after planting.
All trees shall be planted and staked using proper
completed in accordance with plans and specifications
and appropriate methods. Tree planting shall be
approved by the City Plan Commission. A bond shall
be submitted in an amount determined by the City to
cover the cost of the trees and planting of same and
said bond will not be released until 18 months after
Section 14. Section 11.0 of the Land Division Ordinance
of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to,add the following
to the list of definitions
Solar Access
Access to solar rays so there is no shading to the
south wall or rooftop of any proposed structure.
Any wall facing within 45' of due south. South Wall
Section 15. All ordinances or parts of ordinances
inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby
a and effect from and after its passage and publication.
Section 16. This ordinance shall be in full force
City Clerk
51 81
being duly sworn,
doth deb,,e and say that he is an authorized representative of
........ .........
(:Signed) @&:&:& . ........
Subscribed and sworn to before me this .. .J&. . day
(If ......... .......
My Commission expires . . .Feb... 13. 1983, .
&ross lots, where .necessary or,advigable for electric power and commuh'ication
facilities. storm, andsanitary sewers.-street trees, gas, water?andother utility lines, and
,solar access. ,All' easements shall be noted
on the final plat.followed:by reference to the
use or uses for-whichthey ar.e.intended.
;ion Ordinance of the City of Muskego is ~ectioh.l3.,Section'8.13 of the Land Divi-
hereby.amended to read as follows: , 2
8:13 ST,REET .TREES -. .. I. " . 'The-subdivider .shall plant,.a spekies ap-~
I ,prayed by .the.City; Plan'ComdiSsion with^
one tree for, each 50"'of frontsge on.all
streets 'proposed .to be dbdicated, inless
otherwise. +termined ~*tiy. the City Plan
tiO.ns,in terms,'ofhatural tree coverage. The
will not interfere with solar access tqsouth
required trees $iall,:be planted.sq'that thee
walls'and rooftops. All,treesShall be Cle'ss~A.
,nursery stock, freeof all:disease and shall
be:8-10' in heightwith l'-ll4'!'to I-lh" caliper,
at the point on-.th,e frunki6" above.gra.de
after planting:All trees shall be planted.and
'staked .using proper .and appropriate
in acc0rda;nc.e with plans and specifications
methods,'Tree planting shall be'completed
approved py.the. City Plan Commission: A
bond shall be,submitted in an amount,deter:
mined by the City tokover .the cost of the
,trees,and. planting of same aid said bond will not be, released .until.'la months aft&
. 'Section 14. Section 11.0 of the LandlDivi-
sion Ordinance of. the City'of 'Muskego is 1 hereby amended to add the following t0 the
list of definitions:
.Solar Access
Access to solar r,a>sso thewis no shading
to'the south ~ll.o~ r<oftop,of any proppsed structure:" .: ?I ;. I
.South Wall - :
Any wall facing within 45" of due south.
' .Section 15. All.oidinances or parts oi;ordi-
na ces inconsistent: with or.:contravening
thibrdinance are ?ereby repealed.:
Section 16:'This ordinariceshall be'in'full
force.~an@ effect from and:after its passage
I -~ ~I ,
-and publication, I ..:A'- - '