ORD1981410ORDINANCE # 410 SECTION 7.18(2) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AN ORDINANCE 'TO AMEND CHAPTER 7, 0 THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN. DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 7, Sec:tion 7.18(2) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to provide as follows: (2) Application: Registra.tion Forms. The operatoror owner of a bicycle shall register with the Police Department description of the bic:ycle on forms issued by said the name and address of its owner and a complete department every four years and thereafter on or before May 1. A registration fee of $2.00 for the full four years shall-be paid~upon filing of each of said forms. The registration-shall. be numbered serially-and kept by said department as a pblic record.. Upon each registration there sha.11 be issued a licenseceffective for four calendar years which shall entitlerche licensee and persons authorized. by the licensee to operate said bicycle in said city. SECTION 2: All ordinances.or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordirance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect PASSED AND APPROVED THIS - 4 DAY OF @y_ t. 1981. from and aiter its passage and publication. ATTEST : J I THE COMMON CO&&ILOFTHE &Y s .OF MUSKEGO. WISCONSlN..DO ORDAIN I: AS Fomnwsc ..,. 2. . ...... ....... ..... ......... ..... ... ......... .... .......... ...... ...... .. .. (Signed) .A &A& ...... BOOKKEEE'ER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this day L&th .......... of ....... ...... 19 .. My Commission expires . Feb.. 13 1983,