ORD1980407ORDINANCE #407
2.4 IMPROVEMENTS of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to
SECTION 1. The: first paragraph of Chapter 18'. Section
provide as follows: -
Before approval of any final plat loca'ted within the
corporate limits of the City, the subdivider may install
street, utility and other public improvements as herein-
as required at the time that the final plat-is submitted after provided. If such improvements are not installed
for approval, t.he subdivider shall before recording of
the final plat enter into a contract with the City
agreeing to install the required improvements and shall
file.with said contract a letter of credit, cash or
certified check meeting the approval of the City Attorney
in an amount equal to the estimated cost of 'the improve-
ments, said est:imate to be made by the City .Engineer.
by the subdivider or his subcontractors not later
as a guarantee that such improvements will be completed
and as a further .guarantee that all obligations to sub-
than one (1) year from the date of .recording of the plat
.contractors for work on the development are satisfied.
Contractors and subcontractors who .are to be engaged in
the construction of street and utility improvements on
dedicated street rights-of-way shall be subject to the
approval of the City Engineer.
SECTION 2. The second paragraph of Chapter 18, Section
3.2 PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW of the Municipal Code is hereby amended
to provide as follows:
The City Clerk shall, within two (2) days after filing,
transmit four (4) copies to the City Plan Commission;
four (4) copie:; to the Common Council; two (2) copies
to the Wisconsin Department of Development; additional
of two (2) copies each to the Wisconsin Department of copies to the Department of Development for retransmission
Transportation if the subdivision abuts or adjoins a
state trunk highway; and .the Wisconsin,,State Department
of Health and Social Services if the subdivision is
not served by a public sewer and provision for such service
has not been made, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural
Resources if s'horelands are contained within the proposed
subdivision; two (2) copies to the County Clerk, Two (2)
copies to the applicable Town Clerk if the subdivision
lies within the extraterritorial plat approved jurisdic-
tion of the City, two (2) copies to the Southeastern
Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission; and two (2)
-copies to each affected public and private utility.
a 3.2 PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW of the Municipal Code is hereby amended
to provide as follows:
SECTION.3. The fourth paragraph of Chapter 18, Section
.. "
The Wisconsin Department of Development, the Wisconsin
Department of Transportation, the Wisconsin Department
of Natural Resources, and the Wisconsin Department of
Health and Social Services shall be hereinafter referred
to as objecting agencies. The County Park and Planning
Commission designated as an approving agency when the
Plat is located in the extraterritorial platapproval
jurisdiction of the City and is hereinafter referred to
the c0rporat.e limits of the City. The Southeastern Wis-
as an objecting agenc'y when the plat is located within
consin Regional Planning Commission is an advisory
Planning agency created pursuant to Section 66.945 of
the Wisconsin Statues in part for the purpose of serving
the City and its Commissions, the County and its Commis-
sions, Town Board or Commissions and state agencies
haviw jurisdiction under the Drovisions of this Ordinance
.. -
ORDINANCE #407 (continued)
Page Two
SECTION 4. The second paragraph of Chapter 18, Section 3.3 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL of the Municipal Code is hereby
amended to provide as fo1:lows: - 0 The Common Counm-il and the City Plan Commission, within
ninety (90) day:; of the date of filing of a Preliminary
Plat with the City Clerk, shall approve, approve
conditionally, nor reject iuch Plat, unless the time is
extended by agreement with the subdivider. One copy c a
with the date and action endorsed thereon; and if
the Plat shall thereupon be returned to the subdivider
approved conditionally or rejected, a letter setting
" jection shall accompany the Plat. One copy each of the
forth the conditions of approval or the reasons, for re-
Plat and letter shall be placed in the Common Council and
City Plan Commission permanent files.
SECTION 5. The third paragraph of Chapter 18, Section
3.3 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL of the Municipal Code is hereby
amended to provide as follows:
Failure of the Common Council or the City Plan Commission
to act within ninety (90) days of the date of filing
or within the times as extended by agreement with the
subdivider, shall constitute an approval. 0
SECTION 6. The second paragraph of Chapter 18, Sectizn
3.4 FINAL PLAT REVIEW of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to
provide as follows:
The City Clerk shall, within two (2) days after filing,
transmit four (4) copies t6 the City Plan Com.ission,
four (4) copies to the Cormnon Council, two (2) copies
to the Wisconsin Departceut of Development; additional
copies to the Ilepartment of Development for re-transmission
Transportation if the subdivision abuts or adjoins a
of two' (2) copies each to the Wisconsin Department of
Health and Soci.al Services if the subdivision is not
state~trunk hiE;hway, and the Wisconsin Department of
has not been made, and the Wisconsin Department of
served by a public sewer and provision for such service
Natural Resources if shorelands are contained within the
proposed subdivision; two (2) copies to the County Clerk;
two (2) copies to the applicable Town Clerk, if the
subdivision lies within the extraterritorial plat
approval jurisdiction of the City and two (2) copies a-
to each affected public or private utility. The County
is designated as an approving agency when the plat is
located in the extraterritorial plat approval jurisdic-
tion of the city and is hereinafter referred to as an
objecting agency when the plat is located within the
the town wherein the plat is located, when the subdivision corporate limits of the City. The Common Council and
is located in the extraterritorial plat approval juris-
diction of the City, are designated approving agencies.
The Wisconsin Department of Development, the Wisconsin
of Health and !;ocial Services and the Wisconsin Depart-
Department of Transportation, the Wisconsin Department
ment of Natura'L Resources shall be hereinafter referre)
to- as- objecting agencies.
SECTION 7. Chapter 18, Section 11 .O DEFINITIONS of the-
Municipal Code, subsection entitled "Surety Bond" is hereby
repealed and recreated twread as follows:
Financial Guarantee: A letter of credit, cash or -a
certified check guaranteeing performance of a contract
or obligation through possible forfeiture of the letter
of credit, cas:? or certified check if said contract or
obligation is unfilled by the subdivider. .
.a (- -
ORDINANCE #407 (continued)
Page Three
SECTION 8. All ordinances.or parts of ordinances
inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby
SECTION 9. This ordinance shall be in .full force and
effect from and after its 'passage and publication.
City Clerk
_. being duly sworn,
(10th depose and say that he is an authorized representative of
'rhe .h:Uskeg.o. .Sun. .......................
;) newspaper published at .. ~U.sk.e.5l2 .............
leisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a
I:rue copy, taken iro . was published therein on
............. ..
........... ..
... ...............
........ ......
Feb, .13 1983 .
mng agsncies:'
SECTION 7. chapter 18. Section 11.0
DEFINITIONS;O~ the Municipal Code, sub-
sectioti enfitled.'*Surety -Bond" is hereby
repealed'and recreated to read-as.follows:
Financial Guaran1ee:'A letter.of credit.
fosniance .of. a,' contract or obligation cash or 'certified check guaranteeing per-
thruugh possible forfeiture of the letter of
credit, cash or.certified.check if said con-
trgct or obligation is..unfilled by the sub- . divider:
dinances inconsistent with or contravening
.SECTION 8.'All ordinances.qr parts-of or-
&is 0rdinanc.e aie,hereby repealed.
.SECTION 9. This ordinance shall be in full
.force.and effectfrom and after its.passage
and publication. ,,.. ' P4SSED ANDGAPPROVED THIS 21 DAY
L OF,D~ece,mber,~~lS8O~'-. :i'. ' IsIJerorne J,.Cottrried. Mayor
lsiCharlotte Stewart,
City Clerk ._. .~. .
., .