ORD1980399ORDINANCE # 399 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 16 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN .,., SECTION 1: Chapt2r 16 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego 1s hereby amended as Eollows: Section 16.16 Percolation Test. Repealed and recreated as follows: 16.16 Sanitary ]?emits Waukesha County to issue state sanitary permits H63.05 (2)) of the State Administrative Code. in accordance with ss. 145.135, ss. 145.19 and 16.17 Septic Tanks. Repealed 16.18 Seepage System Installation. Repealed f The following sections of Chapter 16 are renumbered as follows: 16.17 Pump Installation 16.18 Relief Va'lves, Hot Water Heating Storage Tanks 16.19 Holding Tank Program 16.20 Discharge of Clear Water Sump Pumps 16.21 Penalties 16.22 Agent Municipality with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect a from and atter its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF 9 1960. CITY OF MUSKEGO Jerome J. Gottfried, Mayor ATTEST : City Clerk " STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ) ss. x-~ _. .ci ' EGO ,ORDINANC~.NO. , .~ 399 "" ~~ ~- ~.I amendedas foll~ws: , ,., '= I , .band.!ecreted'is follows:;,:.: ": . 16:16,Sanitary Permits ,- : -. . ~I S~tion,16.16~Pe~col~tio~.Test.. Repealed permits.,i" +cc6cdance with:ss.- 145.135, ss. Wziukesha Cpunty 1o:issue:state sanitary ' 145.19~andH63.05 (2) of the Slate Adminis- trativqeode. -. 16.i?,Septic Tank$:,Repealed 16.;@~:Seepage System.'Ins~ailation.,. The~fnllowing ,sections bf Chapter Ware . . rciumbered a$ f~lowq: , . .' 16:lI.Pump lnstallatlon .- ~~ .. ~- I 16.18. Relief Valves, Hot:Wa~ier Heat&- , '~~;1~~olding ~aik;: Program , , 16.21 Penalties ... 16.22.Agent Municipa![y' . . ' SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of or- I dinance$ incqnsistent with or contravening '- .this ordiriance,are hereby repea!ed. .SECTION 3:.This ordinance.sPIl be in.jull. . force and:effecl from..and-afler~ its passage'. . -i kep6a?&* " ,. - .. SforiigeiTanks 16.201 Discharge of Clear Water. Sump Pump?, : <pdpublicati$n:. .: . , .:. PASSED:AN~ APPROVEDTHIS 11 DAY OF No,<-!,.l980. - ' . ,;~. .... .,-;I .. .. _,_ CITY 0F.MUSKEGO ~ /s/Jer6me J,'Gottfried. Mayor ' .:.- >' /.&harlotte,Stewart; City Clerk _,J .. ATTEST ~. - ..... LOUISE LANE being duly sworn, (loth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of ne .Vus!%.o. .Sur!. ........................ ;I newspaper published at .. b%sk.e.g? ................ Ilkconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a !rue copy, taken Irom said paper. was published therein on *. ... .. . $4, L%@. .... ......................... ....................... .......................... .......................... ............. BOOKKEEPER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this .day of ............... ... ..... ..... My Commission expires ...... Feb,, 13 .. 1983. .