0RDINA.NCE # 398
(16), 17:8.11 (7) B. 1. c. (i) (ii) (iii) (a) (iv) (v) d. (i) (ii) e.,
AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 17, SECTION 17:6.10 (2) (5) (6) (7) (9)
17:8.12 (7) B. 2. a. (i) (ii) (iii) (a) (iv) (v) b. (i) (ii), 17:8.13
(7) B. 2. a., 17:8.13 (7) C. 5., 17:8.14 (7) B. 2. a., 17:8.14 (7) C. 4., 17:8.15 (7) B. 1. c., 17:8.15 (7) C. I., 17:9.01 (7) B. 2. a.,
17:9.02 (7) B. 2. c., 17:9.06 (7) B. 2. a., 17:9.08 (7) B. 3. a.,
17:9.09 (7) B. 3. OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE
17:8.11 (7) SECTION 1: Chapter
17:8.12 (7) B. 2. a. (i) B. 1. c. (i)
(7) B. 2. a., 17:8.13 (7
4.. 17:8.15 (7) B. 1. c.
1719.02 (7) B. 17:9.09 (7) B.
3. of the
2. c., 17
17, Section 17:6.10 (2) (5) (6) (7) (9) (16),
(ii) (iii) (a) (iv) (v) d. (i) (ii) e.,
) C. 5., 17:8.14 (7) B. 2. a., 17:8.14 (7) C.
(ii) (iii) (a) (iv) (v) b. (I) (II), 17:8.13
, 17:8.15 (7) C. l., 17:9.01 (7) B. 2. a.,
:9.06 (7) B. 2. a., 17:9.05 (7) B. 3. a.,
Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows:
Setbacks and Offsets: No sign hereafter shall be erected,
structurally altered or relocated so that it is closer to
the base setback line than hereinafter specified by the
regulations of the district in which it is located, with
may be altered subject to the approval of the Plan
the exception that existing signs in the base setback area
Commission; and, the offset shall not be less than 3’ from
any property line, or as hereicafter specified by the
regulations of the district in which it is located.
Directional Signs: A sign, no+ to exceed 12 square feet
in area, for the purpose of directing patrons or zttendants
to an establishment off the main travelled highway for
service clubs, churches, or other non-profit organizations
nay be permitted in any district other than a residential
district upon aFproval of the Plan Commission. A sign not
church, hospital, school or other public service building
to exceed 6 square feet in area indicating direction to a
may be permitted in any district upon approval of the Plan
within the City for any single business or organization.
Commission. Not more than 4 such signs may be erected
Non-Accessory Signs Prohibited: No sign, billboard, or
other advertising media not directly related to the use of
the premises on which it is located, except directional
signs as herein provided shall be permitted in any
Height and Area: No free standing sign shall exceed the
height and area as hereinafter specified by the regula-
tions of the district in which it is located.
Shopping Center Sign: A sign identifying a shopping
center grouping of stores in excess of 50,000 sq. ft. in
area may be permitted with the approval of the Plan
Commission by the modification of the regulations of the
district in which they are located applicable to the
height, size and location of such sign consistent with the
spirit and intent of the regulations in that district.
Non-conforming Signs to be Removed: All signs
aesthetically in disrepair and dangerous signs shall be
* 17:8.11 (7) B. 1
c. Free standing and projecting signs, subject to the
(i) Offsets - NO :sign shall be closer than 3' to any other property line.
(ii) Setback - No sign shall be permitted in the road
right-of-way nor in the base setback area.
(iii) Size - A 10 sq. ft. sign may be permitted at the
base setback line on a lot that has 50' of frontage,
and may be increased by one square foot for every
10' additional lot frontage, up to a maximum of 300'
lot width; anti may also be increased one square foot
for every two ft. additional setback from the base
setback line up to a maximum 40' setback. But, in
no case shall the area to be used for calculation be
more than 300' lot width with a 40' setback.
(a) On cornel: lots, width of the lot shall be
where the sign is to be located.
determined by using the width of the frontage
(iv) Height - Maxinum of 20' in height from the ground to
the top.
(V) Only one free standing sign permitted per site.
d. Flat wall signs, sub:ject to the following:
(i) be located.
Size - 3% of the wall area on which the sign is to
(ii) Height - No si.gn shall extend beyond the height or
width of the building.
e. Any other structure or use normally accessory to the
principal uses permitted.
17:8.12 (7) B. 2.
0 a. Freestanding and pro!lecting signs, subject to the following:
(i) Offsets - No sign shall be closer than 3' to any other property line.
(ii) Setback - No sign shall be permitted in the road
right-of-way nor in the base setback area.
(iii) Size - A 30 sq. ft. sign may be permitted at the
base setback 1.ine on a lot that has 50' of frontage,
and may be increased by one sq. ft. for every 10'
additional lot frontage, up to a maximum of 300'
every two ft. additional setback from the base
lot width; and may also be increased one sq. ft. for
setback line up to a maximum 40' setback. But, in
no case shall the area to be used for calculation be
more than 300' lot width with a 4U' setback.
(a) On corner' lots, width of the lot shall be
determined by using the width of the frontage
where the sign is to be located.
(iv) Height - Maximum of 20' in height from the ground
to the top.
0 (V) Only one freeatanding sign permitted per site.
b. Flat wall signs, sub.ject to the following:
(i) be located.
Size - 5% of .the wall area on which the sign is to
a (ii) Height - No sign shall extend beyond the height or
width of the building.
17:8.13 (7) B. 2.
a. Freestanding, projeclzing and flat wall signs as permitted
in B-2 District (See 17:8.12 (7) B. 2. a. and b.)
17:8.13 (7) C.
5. Repealed.
17:8.14 (7) B.
2. The following subject to approval by the Plan Commission of 0 building, site and operational plans:
a. Freestanding, projecting and flat wall signs as permitted
in B-2 District (See 17:8.12 (7) B. 2. a. and b.)
17:8.14 (7) C.
4. Repealed.
17:8.15 (7) B. 1
c. Freestanding projecting and flat wall signs as permitted
in B-1 District (See 17:8.11 (7) B. 1. c and d)
17:8.15 (7) C.
1. Repealed.
17:9.01 (7) B. 2.
e a. Freestanding, projecting and flat wall signs as permitted
in B-1 District (See 17:8.11 (7) B. 1. c and d)
17:9.02 (7) B. 2.
c. Freestanding, projecting and flat wall signs as permitted
in B-1 District (See 17:8.11 (7) B. 1. c. and d.)
17:9.06 (7) B. 2
a. Freestanding, projecting and flat wall signs as permitted
in B-2 District (See 17:8.12 (7) B. 2. a. and b.)
17:9.08 (7) B. 3.
a. Freestanding, projecting and flat wall signs as permitted
in B-1 District (See 17:8.11 (7) 1. c. and d.)
17:9.09 (7) B.
e 3. Signs as permitted irl RCE (See 17:8.01 (7) B. 6.)
SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent
with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed.
and a’fter its passage and publication.
SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from
City Clerk e
) ss.
LOUISE LANE being duly sworn.
110th depose ad say that he is an authorized representative of
'The .h!Wkegp. .sun.. .........................
,a newspaper published at .. biP.SkW? ................
'Hisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a
I true COW, taken irom
i_ .. .......
Subscribed and sworn ...
of ..
' (a).On~cprneg Iots;width-of theloishdk?
, determirid by,ising'thp widtti'of;ttie'fron-; ....
,'.. :(iv)'H,,e'igh~~~~~imumof. 20'~in:-height.,
,>'ta'ge,where,tbe,sig):is:to,be 1o;ated.:
\. fy0m:ihe'i:round. tiithe to!9 .: ~ . i
i;.(.v);Onb;one free standing sign permitted,.
,,-per:site.,: 'L '- . I
d..Flat;wall s/gns,.subject,to.the.follow-, * ,~
..... : ... ..
.I.<.(,i) Size .:3% of.the wallarea on which the
'mg: .~
sign.is.to~l~e located.
tii)'Height : No.sign shall extend beyo(ld-:
.;the heightor.width of the building. . ''
::'e:Any o1,her:structureor use.normally ac-
ai?essorpto.lhe principal uses, permitted:
;'ject to the following:
': to.any~ other property line.
I "1?.i~.i2"f7).'B.~z.
a. F,reesi:anding and projecting signs, sub-
(i);Offsets -No sign, shall be closer than 3!
. ~ (ii) Setback ::Nosign shall be #eFmitted in
ihe:road right-of-way-nor in the base; set-
.,,. (iii~) Size_ASOsq:ft!signmay be,permit-'
i ted at the t~ase:setbacklineon,a.lot:that~has 3' of front,age. and maybe increased by one
sq. ft. for every 10,additional lot frontage.,
up to a maicimum of 300' lot widIhiand may
.. also be increased one sq. ft. for every. two ft.
additiona1,setback from the ba$setbaCli- line up tq maximum 40' setback. But, in no
case shall I he area to be used for Calculation
bki,more khan 300: 1ot:width. with,a 40' set-
.d$tetmined by using the width of-the fro?
'(age w,herc the sign is to be located., -
L.(iv) 'Height . Maximum, or, 20' in height,
f;om-.the ground.to the:!op.
>(,y).onIy one freestandlng.sign.permitted
.back.area: , ..... .- ........ <
' ,I