ORD1980386- " . . " 4 . -" ... I .. . !. ORDINANCE # 386 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 30, SECTI0I.I 30.09-TAB:LE NO. 1 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE I THE COMNON COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF i*lUSKEGO AS FOLLOWS : , WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN MunicTCox is hereby amended to prcvide as SECTION 1. Chapter 30, Section 30.09-Tab TABLE NO. 1 Schedule of Permit Fees B; Residences - Apartments, Three Family C. Residences - Additions, accessory and over buildings, private garages; breezeways (1) Agricultural buildings / D. Local Business, institutional, and E. Manufacturing and industrial buildings office buildings or additions thereto or additions thereto F. all^ other buildings, structures alterations, residing, re-roofing, -repairs. where cubic contents cannot be' calchlated G Heating, including ductwork condemns t i J. Moving bui le No. 1 of the I follows: $2.25 ped 1000 cu. ft. or fraction th?reof 2.50 pe: 1000 cu. ft. or fraction thereof 2.25 per 1000 cu. ft. or fraction thereof, $10.00 minimum 1.00 per 1000 cu. ft. or fraction thereof I 2.50 per 1000 cu. ft. I I or fraction thereof 1.75 Der 1000 cu. ft. ; $15.00 MINIMUM or fraction thereof, 1 $10.00 minimum 4.00 per $1,000 vgluation, $10.00 min. :, 5.00 per unit, up to and including 150,000 BTU units. Additional fee of $3.00 per each 50,000 BTU or fraction thereof. $3.00 per incinerator unit. $10.00 minimum H. Air conditioning - other than wall units 10.00 a unit permanently installed wall units 3.00 per unit may waive fee if structure is subject to 1200 sq. ft. $20.00 I. Nrecking and razing. Building Inspector 10.00 buildings up to on order buildings over 1200 sq lding over public ways 20.00 plus $1.50 per ft. 1000 cu. ft. for principal buildings $3.00 plus $1.50 per 1000 cu. ft. for accessory buildings K. L. M. N. - 0. P. 9. Failure to obtain permit prior to commencement of work certificates of Occupancy Flammable liquid storage Reinspection. Where additional inspections are made necessary by reason of neglect to make corrections in the-kork found faultv. defective or incomplete at the expiration of the timb limit set for reinspection as specified in notice duly served Special Inspections Plan Examination - One and two fami residence Apartments, three family and over, housing, multiple family dwellings Commercial - Industrial Additions, alterations to 1,2,3 Wisconsin Uniform Buildin,: Permit Electrical, Plumbing and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning if issued sep?rately City shall su'omit these fees to State on a monthly basis. Double fees 1) $5.00 per 2) $15.00 - All other residential unit buildings or portions thereof capacity, $10.00 min. 5.00 minimum $5.00 per 1000 gallon 5.00 minimum 1Y 10.00 row 15 .OO 15 .OO 10.00 6.00 3 .OO Note #1: Permits"may be obtained individually or on one form in the categories of construction; heating, ventilating 0 and air conditioning; electrical and plumbing. Note #2: An additional fee for plan review may be assessed at the time of application for renewal of the permit. Note #3: Cubic contents shall be defined as follows: That volume walls from the top of the footing to the roof. of building enclosed by the outer surface of the exterior Note #4. In determining costs, all construction shall be included with the exception of heating, air conditioning, electrical, or plumbing work. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. e SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in fu from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 93 DAY OF ATTEST: Jerome J. Gotth-ed, Mayor r City Clerk ) ss. Milwaukee County ) (1) Agricultural buiidirigi,.$l.,d.pe; ik-! D. Local ,'Business. institutional; 'and' office 'buildings or additions 'thereto,, $2.50 Per lCW:&:.ft. :or fractioi ther.of;-$M minimum. Cu: ft. or',fraction themof: .. I . I~ ., , ..,.# . i .I plicaton.lor renewal of the permit.- C -- Note No. 3: Cubic- confents shall. be defined as:follows;. That,volume of buildirig, ., enclosed-by the ouier surfaceof the'exterior walls from the'top of,the footing'to the ro+ Note NO..^: In determining costs, allcbn- strvction shall~.be ineluded with the keep or plumbing work. , tian of,heatin~.'air~ondiiioning.'el~~t~i~aI: .~.i. ~ ~ \. 2 trw rnnv taken from .. .. .. ........ .. .. ..... .. ........... ..... BOOKKEEPER, Subscribed and sworn ... of . . ... My Commission expires Feb ... ~13 19 a3