ORD1980383, ORDINANCE .> # 383 CHAPTER 17 OE' THE MUNICIPAL CODE AN ORDl RANCE TO AMEND 4AS FOLLOWS : THE.COt.IMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN SEC-TION:~~: - Chapt.er- .17 bl the Municipal Code is heieby amended to change the zoning district map as follows: 1. Remove OIP from old fire department site on.Hy 36, NE 114 Section 25 2. Remove OIP from Hy 36 Wayside, NW 1/4 Section 35 , 3. Remove 00s from former beauty shop, NW 1/4 Section 25 (S95.~ W13251 Ryan-Drive) 4. Change OIP for V.F.W. on Hy 24 to OHS 5. Extend OIP to include entire Civic Center Site 6. Establish OIP 'Districts for Parks and Sewer TreaPment plants and lagoons 4. Remove 00s from former honey farm, W128 S6391 Emerson Drive ,8. Remove 00s from former Southwest Suburban Realty, 577 W18300 Janesville Road ,9. Switch OIP and 00s zoning for Fire Station and Spitzners on Hy 24 SECTION 2: All ordinaitc-s or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION __ 3: This ordinarlce shall be in full force and effect from andafter its passage and publication. PASSED AVD APPROVED THIS 1980. ATTEST: City Clerk .. . STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Yilwaukee.County ) ) ss. ORDINANCE NO: Sa? ! Chaptei 17 of the Municipal An Qrdinance to Amend Code' .- . - Thk Common Council of. the'City.or Muskego, W,is.,.do ordain kfollows: . Municipal. C0d.e is.-here>y S&cIion'l:Chapter liif'the ' a'mended. to'change Ihe ?on- ingdistricrmap as Iollow~:, E Remove-OlP. from old :G;.NE 1/4 Section 25. fire departmeni .sitelon: Hy.; Z:.Rempvri OIPfrom Hy. 36 Wayside..NW 1/4 Section 35: foimer.beauty stiop,~ NW .1/4 '3;' Rqmove. 00.5 f,;o~m hction 25' (s95 W13251 Ryan Dave),. 4, Chanke OIP ior V.F.W. on kiy:-24 tonHS. 5. Extend OIP to,include' entirecivic Center Site. 6- Estab1,ish OIP Districts for Parks .and Sewer Treat- 7. Re,move -00s ,fr,om ment plants and lagoons. former h?py farm, .WlZE X391 Emerson~Drive. former Southwest Suburbah Realt'r. S77 W,18300 8. .Remove -00s Tio'm~~ .ing ,for Fire' Station and Spitzners on Hy:24. . , or'parls of ordinances incon-:. ~. Seelion 2: .All ordinances. iistent with or contiavening this' ->rdinance' ' are'. hefetif .~ repgged. ' I- ~;'.'SeCtion%: 'This ordinance shall .be in .fullforce":and- effect. from' and after its passage aiid~publieation: :,Passed and approved th,& 8lh.dak Of April, 1980. /s/Jerorne J. Coltfried: Mayor /slBette J?Bowyer 1 City~,Clerk Attest:. .. .. % ,_~ Louise Lare being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of Thc .hr,?sk?g.O. .sur! ...................... a newspaper published at .. b$J.Sk.e.g? ............... Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a frw copy, taken irom said paper. was published therein on .. +. cq. (?KO. ..... ...................... ........... ........ .................... ..... .............. ........................ (Signed) . fl&. Z2L-L. .......... BOOKKEEPER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this .?/.7.%. . day of ........... +. , 19 PC. &:.A& My Commission expires Feb ... .l3. . 1983