ORD19803820RD.tNANCE #x AN OR1)INANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 8 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 1: Secti.on S.025 of the 'Plunicipa'l .Code is .hereby created to provide as fOl10Ws: 8.025 DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION TO STREETS AND ALLEYS CONTAINING CURB AND GUTTER streets or alleys containing curb and gutter unless prior to the issuance of a building permit the applicant shall deposit with the City Treasurer a cash deposit of $200 which shall be-required to insure proper care, maintenance, restoration, repair and landscaping of the curb and gutter aft.er construction^ applicable to the property for which the building permit of the driveway. The c.ash deposit shall'be specifically application has been made, and will be held by the City guarantee, provided and upon such request being made, until the applicant requests a return of the financial the Highway Superintendent shall make an inspection of properly maintained, repaired, restored and landscaped said property and if the curb and gutter has been after constructicn of the driveway, then the financial guarantee shall be returned. In any event, and gutter has nc,t .been properly maintained, if rest red cu:b repaired and landscaped after driveway construction, the Highway Superintendent shall inform the appli'cant of the necessary corrections and give him a reasonable time to make said corrections. If the corrections are not made within i. reasonable time, the City shall make the corrections and the cost shall be deducted from be charged to the applicant; if no request is made by the deposit; any cost in excess of the deposit shall the applicant wir:hin one year after construction of returned by the City to the applicant. the driveway, the balance of the deposit may be No driveways shall be constructed connecting any SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this olrdinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This ordini3nce shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage .3nd publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THLS ATTEST : -~ ~ City Clerk .- . -_ STATE OF WISCONSIN ) 1 ss. _. ~n Ordinance '-tb-:A,mend ~ ChaRter.8 of .the Municipal Code ,. .>'. '' . sworn, -presentative of .................. a newspaper published at .. h.s.k.e.g? .... ........ ~~ N'iSCOnSin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a he COPY, taken irom said paper, was published therein on ....... ............. ........ ........ .............. ............ .............. ..................... (S,igned). .......... BOOKKEEPER,