ORD1979376ORDINANCE: # 376 AN ORDINANCE TO ILEPEAL AND RECREATE SECTIONS 2.4( 1) AND (3) OF CHAPTER 18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE COMlilON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, * DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTIONl: Paragraph 1 of Section 2.4( 1) of Chapter 18 of the Municipal Code, being the land division ordinance,is hereby repealed and recreated to provide as follows: Section 2.4( 1) EXISTING SUBSTANDARD LOTS. (1) CONVEYANCE RESTRICTED. In the case of a lot of record on May 15, 1967, which does not conform to the zoning regulations of the City and which ad- joins along a side lot line properiy held in the same ownership no such lot shall be conveyed to for a structure on such a lot except in conformity another owner nor shall a building permit be issued c with the following: SECTION 2: Sections (a) through (e) of 2.4(1) shall remain in effect and are not repealed or recreated by this ordi- nance. SECTION 3: Section 2.4(3) is hereby repealed and recreated to provide as follows: Section 2.4(3) In case title to a lot of record on May 15, 1967, which does not conform to the zoning regulations of thl? City, and which adjoins along a side lot line, a .similar lot which does not conform to the zoning reg:llations of the city, shall become in single or common ownership after the 15th day of February 1975, the regulations of subsection (1) hereof shall apply. SECTION 4: All o::dinances or parts of ordinances incon- sistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in ull force and l effect from and after its paisage and publicatiod ATTEST : PASSED AND APPROVED this /O'day of ylL& , 1979. I STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ss. CITY -EGO Official Notice ORDINANCE NO. 376 An Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Sections 2.4(1.) and nicipal Code of the City of (3) of Chapter" of the Mu- Muskego The Common Council of the City of Muskego. Wis., do ordain as follows: SECTION I. Paragraph 1 of Section 2.4(1) of Chapter being the land division ordi- 18 of the Municipal Code, nance. is hereby repealed and recreated to provide as follows: Substandard Lots. (1) Con- Section 2.4(1) Existing veyance Restricted. In the case of a lot of record on May 15. 1967, which does not con- form to the zoning regula- tions of the City, and which adjoins along a side lot line properly held in the same be conveyed to another ownership no such lot shall owner nor shall a building permit be issued for a strue- ture on such a lot except in conformity with the follow- ing: through (e) of 2.4W shall re- SECTION 2: Sections (a) main in.effect and are not ordinance. repealed or recreed by this SECTION 9: Seclion+4(3f is hereby repdaled and reere+ ated to provide as follows: Section 2.W) In case title to a lot of record on May 15, to the zoning regulations of 1967. which does not conform the City, and which adjoins along a side lolline. a similar lot which does not conform to the zoning regulations of the or common ownership after city. shall become in single" the 15th day of February. 1975, (he regulations of sub- section (1) hereof shall ap- Ply. .SECTION 4: All ordi- nances or parts of ordi- nances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. nanee shall be in full force SECTlON 5: This ordi- and effect from and after ils passage and publication. loth day of July, 19'79: Passed and Approved this IdJerome J. Cottfried Mayor ATTEST IsBette J. Bowyer City Clerk Pa.triclz R. Sch~1.t~ being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The .)(~~&ego. .3Gn a newspaper published at ~usheg.~. Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, laken from said paper, was published therein on BOOKKEEPER Subscribed and sworn to before me this of My Commission expires ,- Wh. 3-3. 198;-