ORD1979370OEBDINANCE 11370 (As Amended) c . AN ORDINANCE TO MND THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, SECTION 1: The Zoning District Map of the City of Muskego is hereby amended by rezoning the following described property from R-1 and F;-2 to RS-2 and A: The areas in Section 31 which are presently zoned R-1 and R-2 be rez,oned to RS-2; that the area in the NW 114 of Section 32 presently zoned R-2 be rezoned to RS-2; that the area in the SE 114 of Section 32 presently zoned R-1 be rezoned to RS-2, except the Robert Cuve property which shall be re- zoned to Agricultural; that the area in the SW 114 of Section 33 presently zoned R-1 and owned by W. H. Peters be rezoneci to Agricultural; and that the Robert Duve property in the NW 114 of Section 33 presently zoned. R-1 be rezoned to Agricultural; and that the Hellie Brodel property in the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 31 and all that portion of the SW 114 of the SE 114 of Section 31 presently zoned R-1 be rezoned to Agricultural. SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in- consistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of April *- , 1979. CITY OF MUSKEGO Jerome J. Gottfried, Mayor ATTEST : City Clerk ORDINANC,E # 370 i; AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING DISTRIE~ MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 / THE COMMON COUNCIL SKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Zor of the City of Muskego is hereby amended ollowing described property from R-1 and R-2 The areas in Section 31 R-1 and R-2 be rezc the area in the NW 1/4 of Secti rezoned to RS-2; tl. Section 32 present1 except the Robert 1 zoned to Agricultur of Section 33 pres€ W. H. Peters be re2 the Robert esently zoned R-1 be rezoned to Agricultural. or parts of ordinances in- ordinance are hereby re- pealed. SECTION 3: is ordinance shall be in full force and publication. this day of - I 19 79 CITY OF MUSKEG0 STATE OF WISCONSIN Milwaukee County ) ) ss. CITY'%FRIUSKECO Official Notice' I ORDINANCE NO. 370 !.As Amended) -. An Ordinance tb- Amend .*'me Zoning Dislricl Map of .the City of Muskego. The Common Council of the Chy of Muskego, Wis.. do ordain as roll ow^: District Map of the city^ of SECTION 1 The Zoning MusGgo ishereby amended described property from R,I by rezoning !he following and R-2 io RS2 and A: which are presently zoned The areas in Section 31 area in the NW l/4 of Sectiov R-1 and R-2 lo RSZ; that the 32 presently 'zoned R-2 be rezoned to RSO; that the 32 Presently zoned R-1 be area in the SE 114 oTSection rezoned.10 RSZ, except the s6all be rezoned .to Robert Duve property which Agricultural; that thearea in the SW 114 d Seetion Js pre Sently zoned R-1 and owned by W. H..Peters be rezoned IO Agricultural; and Ihat the Robeft Duve property in the sently zoned R-I be rezoned NW IN of Seetion fs pre Hellic Brodel property inthe to Agricultural; and that the SE 114 of the SW 114 of Sec. tion31 and all that portion of the SW 1N of the lj4 of Section 31 presently zoned Agricultural. R-1 be rezoned to SECTION 2: All ordi- nances or parls of ordi- contravening this ordinance nances inconsistent wilh or are hereby repealed. I SECTION 3: This ordi- nance shall be in full lorbe and effect from and after its I passage and publication. PROVED this 24th day or PASSED AND AP- April. 1979; City of Muskego Is! Jerome J. Collfried. Mayor' ATTEST' City Clerk Is/ Bette J. Bowyer. /1 . A. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3A day of ,I9 718 65: .,.flz ukee County Wisconsin My Commission expires .?eb.. 13 19 87.