ORD1978365ORDINANCE: # 365 i AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE SUB-CHAPTER 13 OF CHAPTER 30 OF THE MUNICIPAI, CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (THE BUILDING CODE), WHICH SUB-CHAPTER ESTABLISHES FACTURED BUILDINGS FOR DWELLINGS BY ADOPTION OF THE UNIFORM DWELLING CODE. A CODE FOR ONE- ANI) TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS AND MANU- WISCONSIN ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, CHAPTER IND 20-25, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Code of the City of Muskego is hereby created to read as follows: SECTION I: Sub-chapter 13 of Chapter 30 of the Municipal Uniform Dwelling Code (1) The State of Wisconsin, Administrative Code. Chapter IND 20-25. Uniform - Dwelling Code, as adopted and effective December 1, 1978, and as amended thereto, is adopted and incor- orated in this code by reference. 2) The Building Inspector and his delegated repre- sentatives are hereby authorized and directed to administer and enforce all of the provisions of the Uniform Dwelling Code. SECTION 2: The City Clerk shall keep on file at the City P Hall a copy of the Wisconsin Administrative Code incorporated herein by reference, with revisions and amendments as from time to time are adopted, as an original City record. 1978, upon passage and publi8,ation. SECTION 3: This o:rdinance shall take effect December 1, sistent with or contravening this ordinance are meby repealed. ' SECTION 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances incon: PASSED AND APPROVED this &day of udd, 197E1. CITY OF MUSKEGO - ATTEST: STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ) ss. *-=- ' ' CITY OF MUS~L,,v'o -%, ... " , '0 Official Noti&% ORDINANCE NO. 365 maphr 13 of Chapter 30 of the An Ordinance to Create Sub. Muskego (The Bui\ding Code), Municipal Code of the City of Which SubXhapter &tablishes a Code for One- and Two-Fami. Buildings lor Dwellings by lY Dwellings and Manufactured adoption .of the Wiamnsin Ad. ministytive Code, Chapter IhL 20-25. Unilxm Dwelling Code. city of Muskego, Wis.. do or. The Common Council or the dain as followvs: Chapter 30 of the Municipal Section I: Sub-chapter 13 of Code of t!ce City of Muskqo in hereby created to read a8 follows: The State of WBconsin, dmm. Uniform Dwelling Code (1) istratriie Code. Chapyt &I 20-25, Uniform r+ulg Code. 3s adapted and effecdve Dec. 1. 1978, a& as amended thereto. is adopt.,,d and Incorporated in this code I,." reference. (2) The Bullding Inspector and his delegated representatives rare hereby authorized and directed to admmister and enforce all of the provisions or the Uniform Dwelling Code. shall keep on file at the Clty Section 2: The City Clerk Hall a copy of the Wismnsin Administrative Cade./ncorpor- ated fierein by referenri.. with revisions and amendments as from time to time are ad.opkd, as an original City record. , shall take effect DeC. 1. 1978. Section 2; This ordinance upon passage and publication. Seetion 4: All ordinances or parts oF;ordinances inconsistent nance are hereby repealed. with oicontravenitrg this odi- Passed and Approved this 12th day d December. 1978. City of Muskego IslJerome J. Cottfried Mayor Attest: IdBette J Bowyer Cnty Clerk Patricia E. Schultz beingdulysworn, doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The ,?.uskeg:-. .Sun a newspaper published at Muskeg-. Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true Copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on