ORD1978359ORDINANCE # 359 MJNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 15.12 OF THE THE COI@ION COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOVIS: SECTION 1: Section 15.12 (Electric Code) of the 1uTunicipal Code of the City csf ruskego is hereby amended to provide as fol1ov:s: (1)( a) In order tcl safeguard life and property from tions (electrical fitness) of applicants who desire electrical hazards and to determine the qualifica- to qualify as master electricians, there shall be and is hereby created an electrical license and examining board, hereafter referred to as the board, consisting of the inspector of buildings, and four other nerlbers. One member sh.~?ll be an (electrical) engineer, one an electrical contrac- business, one a journeyman electrician who has had tor regularly eng;iged in the electrical contracting at least six year:; practical experience in general electrical work, and one 2 person who shall not be actively engaged :in the electrical contracting business or installation thereof but who has a practical knowled,y of electricity. Appointments expire. All membsrs shall be citizens of the city. shall be made for three-year terms as the terms A11 members shall serve until their successors are appointed and confirmed. SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in- consistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby re- pealed. b SECTION 3: This ordinznce shdl be in full foqce and effect from and after it's passe@ and publication. 'i ATTEST : CITY CLERf STATE OF WISCONSIN ') ) ss. Milwaukee County ) cm BplAwBBoo Offldrl Notlco ORDINANm No. 359 An Ordinance to Amend Section the City 6f Muakego. 15.12 or& Municipal Code of City of Muakego, Wis.. do or. The Common Council of the dain am follom: Section 1: Section 15.12 (Electric Code) of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to provide as follows: (1) (a) In order to kaleguard hamrds and to dete-imine the life and property from elecbical qualifications (electrical fir: naar) of applicnnta who desire to qualify a8 master electricians. there shall be and is hereby ae- ated an electrical license and examining board, hereafter referred ti a8 %e board, consist- ing of the inspector of buildinge. and four. other members. One member,shpll be an (electrical) tractor regularly engaged in the engineer, one an electrical wn- electrical contracting busin-, one i jo-eyinan ..electrician who has had at least sir yeah' practical experience in genera! electrical'work, and'one a per- son who ,shall not .be actively engaged in the .electrical con- tracting busii~~oijnstsllstion thereof but~who bass practical knowledge of .,electricity. Ap. pointments shall. be made for three-year.term$ as the terms expire. AH members. shall be citizens of thecity.'Nl members shall semi until their sueCes9ors are sq@ointed and confirmed. Section 2: All ?rdinsnces or parts of ordinances ineonsistent with or contravening this ordi- nance are hereby repealed. Section 3: Thii oidinance shall be in full force and effed from and after its pasaage and publication. Adopted this 24th day of Oc, tober, 1978. City of Muskego /a/Jerome J. Gottfried Mayor Attest: IslBette J. Bowyer City Clerk . "' ,: .. i. Patricia R. Schultt being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The . .@-!skW!, SUP. .................... a newspaper published at . .hluskego. ...... Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on .... ... ... ........ ... ....... BOOKKEGPER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this . 24 fl. ... day of . .. My Commission expires Feb.. .1-8 19 79