ORD1978358ORDINANCE # 358. .- AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP (Cunningham) OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO 0 DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ME COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, W ISCONSI N, SECTION I: The .zoning district map of the City of Muskego is hereby amended Iby rezoning the following described property from 8-2 to RS-2: Pt. of the SEa of the SE& of Sec. 8 I ocated on the northwest corner of Racine Ave. and S.T.H. 24, being approximately IO acres of I and. SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in- c) pealed. consistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby re- SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. CITY OF MUSKEGO r JEROME J GOTTFRIED, WKR- ATTEST: CITY CLERK a October 9. 1978 TO THE HONORABLE ALDEilMEN OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 FROM MAYOR JEROME J. GOT'I'FRIED RE ORDINANCE $357 a Gentlemen - Ordinance 2357, entitled, An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning District On the 26th day of September your honorable body defeated Map of the City of hluskego (S. Potrykus - former Nettesheim property). In spite of the fact that I do not agree with your action I would not normally veto that action since it would have no direct affect on the question of whether or not the requested zoning or the exicting zoning is proper As you know, the Plan Commission, after a great deal of question be rezoned from R2 and R1 to RS2 OPD When that question was consideration, submitted a recornmendation to you that the area in submitted to you under Ordinance ;357 a majority of you indicated your disagreement with the Plan (Commission by voting "no" to the proposed . change Section 3.OG(D) of th,? city's zoning ordinance under the title, Changes and Amendments, states as €allows 3 06 (D) Referral 1. The City Cler'k shall lransmit without delay one copy of such petition to the Plan Conmission 2. The Plan Commission shall conduct a study and invcstig- ation and whe.re deemed desirable, an informal hearing, and report it:; reconmendation to the Common Council within 30 day, unless a longer period is stjpulaied by the Corrunon Council (E) OffIcizl Eearing The Cv~~mon Council shall hold a public hearing upon the petition in the mannel- pro\.icicJd by Section 3 0'7 of this ordinance (F) Act ion Cotrorlon Council shall zct to ;ippru\'e, modi Yy 2nd appr'J\e 1 .As soon %s ~~cssjble afic-r such publjc hearjng The or disapprove ~rhe l.!ro,pr!ed chzn,;e or n!;~ndrnent 2 'The Co;;~L,r;on C01i~cil si;zll~ 1noi tnke zction ~i1.i-io111 having first h<;zr.d The i.i-c.c\.~::en,i~..rjo~~ of t,he 21an Corrni ssion 3 Should 1!1e co1x'~on Ccjuncil nor: concur in t!ie ~ec~,,~!:~cr,dat?on of i;?e P1:in Ct?!:>v,isslon, ii- shall :.c-:-.i:f(:~. the ratter 10 : he Co!:vnissj~:~n for recor!sjcie;.;._rion i,t.:ore tzking E?nal ac;rion 4. An appro\:ed chznge shall be by ZpprOprIaIe ordinF.nce made promptly and necessary changes in the zoning map or text shall he (G) Protest: In case of protest egainst a change duly signed and acknowledged by the oxners of 20% or more either of the area of land included in such proposed change, or by the owners of 20% or more of the land or by the owners of 20% or more of the land directly immediately adjacent and extending 100 feet thereirom opposite thereto extending 100 feet irorn the street frontase of such opposite I~and, an amendment shall not become effectiue except by the fa\80rable vote of 3/4 of the members of the Council Honorable Aldermen October 9, 1978 Page 2. made so that any proposed zoning changes have adequate review by both As you can see, provi,sions in our zoning ordinance hax-e been the Plan Commission and the Council. This was done to protect the landowners involved in the .rezoning as well as surrounding property owners. Council does not agree with the recommendation of the Plan Commissior. they must send it back to them for reconsideration. This can be done by a motion to refer, indicating in that motion that the majority of the Council does not agree with the Plan Commission's recommendation Assuming this veto is upheld the proper procedure would be motion carries to immediate1.y refer back to the Plan Commission to once again move for adopt:ion of Ordinance 11357 and if that indicating your disagreement: As you can also see f:rom Section 3 06 D (3) when the Common e. ordinance dealing with this matter. However, because of it I have I apologize for not remembering that section of our zoning chosen to veto your action ad ask that you sustain that veto since to do anything else that would be in violation of the city's zoning ordinance wll.ich was adopted by you the Common Council. JJG/ j e