ORD1978357ORDINANCE #357 (As Amended) a AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, SECTION 1: The Zoning District Map of the City of Muskego is hereby amended by rezoning the followinE described property from R-2 and R-1 to RS-2 OPD: NWk Section 31 T5N R20E ex that desc: in Vols 210/265, 2101264, 2121197, 2471101, 230138 and those parcels scld as Lots and kncwn as Unrec Plat of Oakwood Park. The W 34.22 ft of Lot 14 Unrec which lies NE of SW bank of brook Sec 31 T5N R20E Ziegler's 0akwoc.d Park in NE% pt NE cor of W& SEk Ex Vol 638/461, 600/425 139.226 Ac Ex Vol 7881159 Excepting from the above the E 180 feet of the N 1,764.82 feet of said NE% Sec. SECTION 2 All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or cont:ravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This; ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its; passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 27th DAY OF De'cember 1978 I e ATTEST /3-.g+d1 Bette J Bowyer, City C cs ORDINANCE # 357 / AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG (S. Potrykus) * DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE OF NUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, SECTION 1: The Zoning Disdict Vip of the City of Muskego is hereby mended by rezonikg the following described property from R-2 and R-1 to RS-2 .OPD: 2 hW2 Section 31 T5N Ex that desc in Vols 210/265, 210/264 247/101, 230/38 & those parcels soid & known as Unrec k. The W 34.22 ft of Lot Oakwood Park in NE4 pt NE lies NE of SW bank of Ex Vol 638/461, 600/425 a SECTION 2: ordinance are hereby re- or parts of ordinances in- shall be in full force and - pealed. publication. CITY OF MUSKEG0 / ATTEST : CITY CLERK STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ) 5s. CITY -EGO Official Notice ORDINANCE NO. 351 (As Amended) An- Ordinance to Amend the Zoning District Map of the City of y;skego 'The Common Coincil of the City of Murkego, Wis.. do or- dain 8s follows: Map of the City or Muskego is Section 1: The Zoning District hereby amended by rezoning the following described property lrom R-2 and R-l to RS-2 OPD NW 1/4 Section 31 T5N R20E ex that des in Vols 2101265. 230138 and&ore.parcels sdd,as 2101264, ,2121197. 2471101, Lata and knob UnrF-Qgt~ I of Oakwmd Perk. 7he W 94:u.' 2 wonl P+in NE 114 ptw mr of W 112 SE 114 which lies NE of ' 'PI SW bank of brook Sec 31 T5N R2OE Ex Vol 6381461. 6001425 139.226 AC Ex Vol 7881159 Ea., cipting frorn'the above the E 180 feet of N 1. 754.82 reit of said NE 114 See. parts of ordinances inmuistent Section 2: All oidinances or with or contravening this ardi. nsnce are hereby repealed. shall be in full face and effect Section 3: This ordinance from and after its passage and publication. 1slJerome J. Cottfried Mayor , Attest; , /slBe& J. Boyer. City Clerk <i-> C", > '& c+- L 5, ft d.&t.Wk!!&e&fS 0;*, 2 I Patricia R. Schultz being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The hfuskeg.? 5Y.n. .. a newspaper published at .hf:Kkl? Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on ... .. .. .. .. . BOOKKEEPER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this . . day Ilf . My Commission expires Feb.. 1.8. 19 ?a