ORD1978355ORDINANCE q35; 0,s Amended) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CH. 18 SEC. 2.3 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 - * DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, SECTION 1 Ch 18, Sec. 2.3 of the Municipal Code of the provisions City of Muskego is hereby amended by adding thereto the following PROPORTIONATE PAYMENT IN LIEU OF DEDICATION a. If the Common Council has determined that such dedication is not feasible or c'mpatible with development of the com- munity, the deve1ope.r shall in lieu thereof pay to the City the following fees: 1. $200.00 per :single family lot 2. $200.00 per :residential unit for two-family, multi-family and combined commercial residential projects. 3. Equivalent values for planned unit development projects. b. Such fees shall be p:!aced in a non-lapsing fund and shall be used exclusively for immediate or future site acquisitions or for capital improvement of parks and recreational areas. Such fees shall apply to units created by subdivision, cert- ified survey map or planned unit development. c. Where the development: results in the creation of not more than one additional unit or parcel of land, payment shall be required only for the additior.al unit. d. Payment shall be in a. lump sum and paid.at the time of final approval of plat or certified survey map. e. Where a lot or parcel for which payment has once been made is further divided, payment shall be required for the additional lots or parcels created. f. The required payment shall be made before the certification of of approval may be affixed to the final plat, certified survey map, or planned development. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 26th - DAY OF September , 1978. SJ/5d City Clerk - City of Muskego \. I 0RDI:NANCE $1355 AN ORDINANCE ’JXJ ANEND CH. 18 SEC. 2.3 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 i / DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,/WISCONSIN, / /I City of Muskego is hereby amended by adding thbreto the following provisions: i SECTION 1 : Ch. 18, Sec. 2.3 of the Muhicipal Code of the PROPORTIONATE PAYMENT IN LIEU OF DEDICATION: i a. If the Common Council has detprmined that such dedi- cation is not feasiible or compatible with development of the community, the develdper shall in lieu thereof pay to the City a fee equidalent to $200.00 per lot, / b. Such fees shall be place9 / in a non-lapsing fund and shall be used exc1usive;y for immediate or future site acquisitions or capital improvement of parks and recreational Such fees shall apply to units created by certified surve:r map or planned unit devel’opment. c. Where the developm,ent results in the creation of not / more than one addiiional unit or parcel, payment shall be required only ior the additional unit. d. Payment shall in a lump sum and paid at the time of final plat or certified survey map. for which payment has once been shall be required for created. f. The be made before the certifi- may be affixed to the final. plat, or planned development, or parts of ordinances incon- ordinance are hereby repealed. shall be in full force and effect from and after i/ts passage and publication. / PASSED AND APP~OVED THIS DAY OF , 1978. STATE OF WISCONSIN 1 Patricia R. Schultz belng duly sworn, Milwaukee Cnu~ CITY&hCO official 'Notlce ORDINANCE NO. 355 (As Amended) An Ordinanee to Amend Ch. 18 See. 2.3 or the Municipal Code .OF THE CITY OF THE COkMON COUNCIL MUSTEGO. WIS.. .DO OR- DAIN AS .FOLLOWS: of th. Municipal Code of the SECTION I: Ch. 1.5. Sec. 2.3 or thhercity-or MUS~C~O. flt! ) ss. doth depose and say thal he is an authorized representative of The .MuSkgQ sun. . .. .. C. wdev&pmill.. results in ihe creation or not a newspaper published at Muskego . .. mnre than one additional unit Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a or parcel of land, payment shall be reguired.only for the addi. true copy, taken irom tional .unit. d. ppMrmentshall be in a lump .. . sum' &d paid at the time of final apirod or plat or fer- tified survey map. 9. Where. a lot or parcel for which payment has once been made is further divided, pay- meat +all be required for the sdditionil lots or parcels ere-. ,- or future site acquisitions ot for capital improvement of'park and recrearional areas. Such fees &hall apply to units created by .;tihision. certified surv'ey map or planned unit develop- ment. . ,. . .. .. BOOKKEEPER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this .. day of . 1978 ~ /.&Weg ol .BJY No& Public, t&waukee County Wisconsin My Commission expires .E&.. 18 19 ,?9