ORD1978345OR[) I NANCE # 345 - AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, BEING THE LAND DIVISION ORDINANCE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDA IN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Sections 3.8 and 3.9 of the Land Division Ordinance are hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3.8, Paragraph One is hereby amended to provide as follows: "When it i:j proposed to divide land into not more than four parcels or building sites, or when it is proposed to divide a block, lot or outlot within a recorded subdivision plat into not more than four parcels or building sites without changing the boundaries of said block, lo-: or outlot, the subdividers shal I sub- divide by use of a certified survey map. The certified survey map shall include all parcels of land. The certified survey map shall be prepared in accordance wixh Section 6.0 of this ordinance." Section 3.8, Paragraph Five is hereby amended by adding thereto the following language: "And or revisions (restrict Sect provide as follows; shall recommend approval, conditional approval ions) of the plat to the Common Council." ion 3.0, Paragraph Six is hereby ad'ced to 'i "Prior to submitting a certified survey map or plat of survey for approval, the subdivider shall submit a preliminary plat or sketch which shall be sufficient in detail to determine whether the final certified survey map will meet the requirements of th is ordinance and the zon in(g ordinance." The definition of Minor Subdivision as contained in Section II is hereby amended to provide as follows: resulting in the sites or the div subdivision plat without changing "The division of land by the owner or subdivider creation of not more than four parcels or building into not more than four parcels or building sites the exterior boundaries of said block, lot our outlot." ision of a b ock, lot or outlot within a recorded provide as follows: Section 3.9, Paragraph One is hereby amended to "The Common Council shall approve, approve condi- tionally or reject the map within 45 days from the date of filing If the map is rejected, the reasons shall be stated in the minutes of the meeting and a written statement forwarded to the subdivider and surveyor. If the map is approved, the Common Council shall cause the City Clerk to so certify on the face of the original map and return the map to the subdivider." of the map, un I ess time is extended by agreement with the subdivider. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances incon- sistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. CITY CLW , . Section 3.8, ramgraph Fi& .thereGth? fdlowing Ianhage: "And, 8hall.remmmind ab- PravovB_I, +riditional apprpval or ,plattp the.~~on'C~uncjl." revkibns (restrictions) of .the Section 3.8;Paragrsph.six is hekby added to prqvide a5 follows: Rior to, submitting B eer. .tified,.survey map or plat of survey for approval. the sub- divider sh$l submiti prelimin- aryplstor-sket+~ whi+shall be suficient in.duteit to determine whettier w the- final "iertified Survey map wil!. ine.the re. quirements of this ordincnk and.the zpning ordinance." ~ 7he definition of Minor Sub. div&ion as contained in Mion 2 is,hereby amended to provide .. gqcby Fended. by adding ,. \ Is roll0W~~ .- ,n@nc$ hereby repealid. 2-+$ioi, 3. This ordinance ' &I1 be in&ll fbr&snd 'effect f& and ,after its pasinge and publi+jon.. !i PdsPhd and' approved 'this 14th. day of 'March, 1978: /s/Je;oome J. Gottfried. '' , \_. BOOKKEEPER My Commission expires Ieb. 18, 19 7.9.