ORD1978344ORD INANCE # 344 AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL AND CREATE CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF SECTION 12.18 OF ME MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO EMER1:ENCY ALARM SYSTEMS THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDA IN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following Sections of Chapter 12.18 of al Code are hereb,! repealed and recreated to provide the Municip as fol lows I I. DEFlN ITIONS. A. "ALARM SYSTEM" as used in this ordinance shall mean fire and/or burglar, and/or other detection systems that are designed to be connected to -:he police department alarm panel or a commercial alarm company to alert the police and fire departments of danger to persons or property. B. FIRE OR SMOKE DETECTION SYSTEM: Any device designed to automatically detect the existence of a fire or smoke, and automatically sound an a,arm at the police station or a com- mercial alarm company. C. BURGLAF? DETECTION SYSTEM: Any device designed to detect an onauthorized entry into a residence or place of business and automatically sound an alarm at the police station or a com- mercial alarm company. E. STRUCTURE; As used in this subsection shall mean any building built for support, shelter or enclosure of persons or property. I I I. APPLICATION RE:QUIREMENTS. -* A. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT. Prior to the instal- lation of any alarm system, EI detailed plan and specification of the entire system shall be submit:ted for review and approval by the Chief of Police. Such plan shall :;how the location of all proposed devices. B. CODE RE:QUIREMENTS. Any alarm system installed in the City of Muskego shall conform, where applicable, to State and Local Codes. No device or equipment not approved and tested by a recognized independant testirlg agency will be accepted. C. FEES. An application and inspection fee of $25.00 shall accompanythe application. All electrical work done in by the Building Inspection Department and the fee in accordance with Chapter 15 of the Municipal C:ode. e. connection with the installat.ion of any alarm system shall be approved SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances incon- sistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and PASSED AND APPROVE11 th is \q*day of effect from and after its passage and publication. e CITY CLERK STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ) ss. OKINANCE NO. 344 AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL ANDCREATE CER- 'TAIN PROVISIONS OF SEC- TION 12.18 OF THE MUNICI- PAC CODE RELATING 'IXj SYSTEMS EMERGENCY ALARM me Common Council of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin. do ordain as follows: Sections of Chapter 12.18 of the SECTIDN I. The following Municipal Code are hereby remaled and reaeated to Pro- BOOKKEEPER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this a '/@ day of My Commission expires rJ.eb -, e 19 .7.?. 6. CODE WQUIRE- MENTS. Any dorm sptem in- Stalled in +e City of Muskego ahall &form. where spplica. ble, to State and I+ @des: proved-and tested by a recog- No devi$or~equ'iprnent not ap. nized independent testing agen- cy will be aamptcd.~ C. FEES. An application and inspection fee of $25.00 shall ic. mmpany the application. All tion with the instdation of any electricnl work,dme in mnng- alarmsystem shall be approved by the Building Inspection tkpkkment and the fee in ac- cordance with Chapter 15 of the Municipal Code. QUIREMENTS. A. ApPLICAmoN PER ordinance aie hereby repealed. tent with or mntravening this .. . SECTION 3. lhis ordinance MIT. ~i~~ to the installation of