ORD1977325ORDINANCE #325 (As Amended).
, SECTION 1: Chapter 16, Sect:lon 16.22 .(1) of the hfunicipal Code shall
be amended to provide as fol:!ows.
(1) Holding tanks shall be regulated and in'stalled as follows:
(a) Holding tanks shall be authorized and permits issued
dwellings or other buildings actually in use or under construction
therefor by the Inspection Department to service when necessary,
as of the 10th day of may,^. 1977. No permit shall be authorized
and issued to serve any residential building for which a permit is
issued after said date.
(t) That whenever a holding tank permit is
applied for, the City of Huskego will require a surety bond
in form satisfactory to the City Attorney and if not issue
by a licensed surety corporation approved by the Cormnon
$~,oOO.oo and shall guarantee to the City the performance of
the obligations imposed upon the owner; and reimbursement to
the City for any and all expenses incurred by the City for
which the ouner is obligated to reimburse the City. Said bond
shall further provide that it shall be effectfwe from the date
of said bond and shall not be cancelled or otherwise revoked
except upon 60 days notice to the City. Except said bond
shall autolnatically terminate in the event the premi.scs upon
which the holding tank permit is issued shall be sold or the
rirle otherwise changed. In that event, the City may require
a new bond from its successor title holders.
" Council. Said surety bond shall be in the amount of
(c) C0mplet-e plan:; of che installation and an
lnent signed by the City and 1:he olJner detailing the terlns of a
holdillg tank servicing agreement in accordance with sub-
shall be submitted to the Plllmbing Code of the state Depart-
ment Of Health and Spcial Seluiccs for 'e2ch request install a holding tank.
@made in accord with the following criteria: (d) installation of the holding tank shall be
1. 'The holding tank shall be construc.tcd on
appl-owed ina~erial in accol-d with the provisions of
desj.zned in accol-d:nce with sec. H 62.20(1)(e) and
locared j.n accord wit.h sec. 13 62.20(1)(c). (Ee
cer~ain to Ioca~e che ue11 on the plan.)
I tlle Nisconsin Administrative Code, sec. H62. 20(1) (d) ! 2. liolding tanks shall be sized in co11sider-
ati~on of a 5 day hclding czpacity although thought
should be given to installing a holding tank with a
czpacity equal to a one week total load. (Sizing
should be based on the date zppearing in the table
in sec. H 62.20(1)(e) 1. of the State PlLnbing Code.)
3. A warnj.ng device shall be installed to alert
the individual j.n charge of the need to pump the
holding tank, if the tank should near its capacity
prior YQ its regularly scheduled servicing. This
device sh.+ll be eicher an audible alarm or light
which should be pole mounted or conspicuously lo-
cated inside the building
of at least a 2Cl inch inside dj.ameter, brought to at
least 6 inches above the sur,face of the ground to
facilitate ease of inspection and servicing. The
manhole sections and cover shall be of concrete or
4. Each tznk shall be provided with a manhole
steel in accord with the State Plumbing Code, sec.
H 62. 20(1) (d)l.
5. ne joints between the holding tank cover and
tank, between the first manhole section and tank,'
and between each successive manhole section shall be
made water tight.
6. To effect efficient removal of solids the
bottom of the tank shall be set at a pitch of 4% toward the end of the tank served by the manhole.
7. Plans shall include construction details
of the holding tank if it is not possible to pur-
chase an approved holding tank of the capacity re-
8. If an approved septic tank is installed to
shall be removed with the outlet plugged as per sec.
serve as a holding tank, the inlet and outlet baffles
H 62.15 and H 62.16 of the State Plumbing Code.
9. The manhole cover shall be equi.pped with an
effective lockin:: device to prevent persons, espec-
ially children, .from tampering with this cover,
gaining access to its contents and exposing them-
selves to a 1ieal;rh hazard and to prevent other
unprecedented accidents. .
10. There shall he provided at least a 2 inch
with sec H 62 ZO(3) of the \-!isconsin kdnlinis!lrative
fresh air inlet instal~led and located in, complia!-lce
11. It shal:! be necessary to have the tank
pumped by a licensed scp1:ic tank peaper with sludze
and other material. removed From the holding tank
and hauled to an approvsJ place of: disposal. in accord
wiLh che b!Fsconsj.n f,cd~~~inis~ratj.ve Code.
SECTION 2 All ordinances cr parts of ordjnxnces incollsistknt
wit11 or contravening this ordinance are heri.!Jy repealed.
SECTION 3 This ordinance shall he in €1111 force and effect ';-om
and after i~ts passage and publication.
SECTION 1: Chapter 16, Sec cipal Code shall
be amended to provide as follows:
(1) Holding tanks shall be
(a) Holding tanks s
therefor by the Inspection Department to
dwellings or other building:; actually in
as of the 20th day of April, 1977. No
and issued to serve any residential bu ng for which a permit is
issued after said date.
( L) That whenever a ho g tank penni t is
applied for, the City of Muskego requ'ire a surety bond
in form satisfactory to th
by a licensed surety corpo
Council. Said surety bond sh
$1,000.00 and shall guaran
the obligations imposed upc e owner; and reimbursement to
the City for any and all e
which the
wept said bond
shall automati he premises upon
which the hold
title 0therwi.s City may require
a new .bond fro
tallation and an agree-
ment of He
a holding tank.
e of the State Depart-
r'each request to install
tank shall be constructed on
accord with the provisions of
trative Code, sec. H62.20(l)(d)
e with sec. H 62.20(l)(e) and
h sec. 14 62.20(1)(c). (Be
he we11 on the plan.)
ing capacity although thought
s shall be sized in consider-
o installing a holding tank with a
a one week total load. (Sizing
e date appearing in the table
1. of the State Plmbing Code.)
I ". ,%
3. A warning device shall be installed to alert
the individual. in charge of tl~c need to pump the
holding tank, i€ the tank should near its capacity
device shall be either an audible alarm or light
prior to its re;:ularly scheduled servicing. This
which should be pole mounted or conspj.cuously lo
cated inside the building.
4. Each tank shall
of at ].east a 20 i.nch ins
least 6 inches above the
facilitate ease of inspcc
manhole sections and cove
H 62.20(1) (d)l.
steel in accord with thc
5. The joints betwe
tank, between the first m
and between each successi
made water tight.
bottom of the tank shall
6. To effect effici
toward the end of the tan
of the holding is not possible to pur- chase an of the capacity re-
and outlet baffles
is installed to
as per sec.
with an
SECTION 2: All j.nances 0.r parts of ordjnances inconsistent
with or contravening is ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION 3. This in full force and effect Ti-orn
and after its passag
PASSED AND APPR E3 THIS &,oU. DAY OF 0- p .- , 1977.
- " Mayor
Patricia R. Schultz being duly sworn,
doth depose ani say that he is an authorized representative of
TL- Yusltezo bun - I [le ................ .......... 'Mu5ke'g.o' a newspaper published at. .....................
Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a
,true copy, takkn from said paper, was published therein on
...v . ....
Subscribed and sworn to before me this .f ..... day
of. .* ............. ,19. ... 77 A. .42LV. 7 ..A&,