ORD1977321.- - .- - .""" ~ ~ .~ .. . 4 .~ Re Country Club Oaks ORDINANCE # 321 AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY AND TO AMEND THE ZON ING MAP OF ME: CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN W THE COMMON COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDA IN AS FOLLOWS: FROM AGRICULTURE TO RCE COUNTRY ESTATE WITH AN OVERLAY FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: All that part of the N.E. If4 of Section 26, T. 5 N,, R20E and described as follows: in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Section, thence s. 87" 39' IO" West, along the north line of said + section 1.005.00 feet to a point; thence S. 00" 29' 58" East, 210.00 feet to a point; thenc:e S. 02O 04' 48" East, 982.55 feet to the point of beginnincl of the land to be described; thence continuing S. 02" 04' 48" East, 320.48 feet to a point; thence N. 80" 00' 00" W. 773.08 feet to a point; thence S. 58" 1'0' W., 230.00 feet to a point; thence S 28O 50' E. 125.00 feet to a point; thence S. 64" 40' W. 120.00 feet to a point; thence N. 80" 40' W. 160.00 feet to a point; thence S. 54" 35' W. 120.00 feet to a point; thence N. 51" 30' W., 231.00 feet to a point, thence S. 38" 18' 34" W. 354.48 feet to a point; theilce N. 01" 04' 99" W. along the west I ine of said + section 600.00 feet to a point; thence N. 88" 51' 10" E., 1330.78 feet to a - point; thence N. 00" 29' 58" W. 120.00 f& to a point; thence N. 88" 51' IO" E. 342.56 feet to the point of beginning. SECTION 2: The zoning map as referred to in Chapter 17, Section 3.04 of the Municipal Cade of Mws~kego, Wisconsin, is amended by reclassifyinc e above described property as :shown on said map in accordance with Section areof. SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. - SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in ful I force and effect from and after its passage and pub1 ication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 23 DAY OF 2,J-.~y , 1977. " ATTEST: t Patricia R. Schultz a beingdu,ysworn, doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The .biSkegQ. sruz . a newspaper published at . Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on .... .. MUSkkpJ ... .. .. ....... ................ ...... ...........