ORD1976320- - -" /.- .. ORDINANCE # 320 (As Amended) AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL. AND RECREATE SECTION 3.10 (5)(e) and (f) OF THE MUN IC1 PAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN THE CQMMoN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WiSCONSlN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTIOK.>l: Section 3.10 (5)(e) and Section 3.10 (5)(f) of I the Municipal code are hereby repealed and recreated to provide as fol lows: 3.10 (5)(e) (I) When any combination of uses exist on any of the premises served by the sewerage system so that the accurate sewer-service rate applicable cmnot be readily ascertained by the provisions of this .ordinance, then the Common Council, after recommendation from the Sewer Committee, shall after conducting an investigation and considering the pertinent facts in each case, determine and set the service charge for such premi.se:s by resolution of the Board. .'(2) The sewerage service charge for any vacant commercial bui Id'ing shall be $33.00 per yeer. Such charge shall become effective at the end of thecparterly period in which such building becomes vacant and only upon the condition tha,t the owner, or his agent, notifies the City Clerk, in writing of such Facancy and upon inspection thereof by the -Inspection Dkp~t. to determine that such Building is vacant. The sum of $5.00 shall be paid '5y the owner, or his agent, to the City for such: inspection. A request for such inspection shall be made by .the owner, or his agent, to the Inspection Department and t~he fee for such inspection shal I be paid prior to such inspection. (3) It shall be the duty of the owner of any vacant commercial building to notify the City CI'e'rf: in writing within five (5) .days from the date any such buildjng, or any portion thereof, is re-occupied. The sewerage service charge for the quarter that any such building, or any portion thereof, is re-occupied shall be prorated for such quarter on the basis of charges provi-ted .io Section (5)(d) and (e) of this ordinance. (4) If such owner feils to notify the City Clerk of re-occupancy of said commercial building, or any portion thereof, as herein provided then double sewerage service charges shall be assessed against said building until such notice is received. The notice to be given hl I describe the premises and involved and the date that the premises are re-occupied. I . 3.10 (5)(f) For each..lot, parcel of land or prernlses for which sewage disposal fac'i I i,~ti.es have been or wi I I be made available, but for which no special assessment has been determined prior to connection with the main public sewer, there shall be $500.00. D '* .. -: cot lected, a conmrtion charge in the sum of .. \ . ._ SECTION 2: Section 3.10 (6)(d) of the Municipal Code is hereby created to provide as follows: 8 (d) CONNECTION FEES: Connection fees provided in 3.10(5)(f) shall be paid to the City at the time the Building Permit is issued. 0 SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ord.inance are hereby repealed. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS - 23rd DAY OF November 2 1976. ATTEST: City Clerk " t i 13RD INANCE # 320 AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL AND RECREATE SECTION 3.10 (5)(e) and (f) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, W4SCONSIN THE COMMON COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: /' SECTIONkI: Section 3.10 (5)(e) and Section 3.10 (5)( the Municipal code are hereby repealed and recreated to provi fol lows: 3.10 (5)(e) (I) When any c of the premises served by the sewerage sewer service rate applicable cannot b provisions of this .ordinance, then the , after recommendation from the Sewer Committee, shall after investigation and considering the pertinent facts in eac mine and set the service charge for such premises by re and the inspect commerc five (5 any vacant commercial shall become effective building becomes vacant his agent, notifies the City Clerk, in writing of inspection thereof by the Plumbing Inspector Building is vacant. The sum of $5.00 sha I I be owner, or his agent, to the Plumbing Inspector for for such inspection shail be made by the owner -PIumb,ing inspector fee for such paid prior to such ion. duty of the owner of any vacant he City Cl'er): in writing within ny such building, or any portion ewerage service charge for the or such quarter on the basis ding, ar any portion thereof, is of charges provi (5)(d) and (e) of this ordinance. owner fails to notify the City Clerk of building, or any portion thereof, sewerage service charges shall be until such notice is received. the premises involved and of land or premi-sew. ." been or will be hade has been determined there shall' be levied, assessed and collected, a con'fETtion charge in the sum of '$500 .OO. - .~ SECTION 2: Section 3.10 (6)(d) of the Municipal Code is hereby created to provide as follaws: (d) CONNECTION FEES: Connection fees shall be billed to the property owner of record and payable at the time application for fee Is not paid It shall be placed on the next succeeding City tax on is made to the PI umb in(g Inspector. In the event the sa.id 01 I and baAIected as other taxes are col lected. - SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances Inconsistent ith or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. .. "" - SECTION 4: This ordinijnce shall be in full force and effect fromanufter its passage and pub1 ication. .. - PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 1976. Mayor ATTEST: 0 City Clerk