ORD1976317I. ORDINANCE # 317 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 18.28 (2) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORIJIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Section 18.28 (2) of the Municipal Code is hereby repealed and recreated to provide as follows: (2) DETERMINATION OF OWNERSHIP. For the purposes of this section, lots and property shall be considered in the same ownership when owned by: the same individual or corporat.ion; an individual and another in joint tenancy, or as tenants in common, and either of said joint or common tenant or tenants owns other lots individually or as joint tenanbor tenant in common with another; an individual and&other lots am own,?d by his spouse, parents, brothers and sisters, children, or the spouse of anychild, and when an,y of said lots are owned by an individual and other lots are owned bv.a corDoration in which said individual is an officer or SECTION 2: Any ord with or contravening this ord I i ng stoc kho I der. inancesor parts of ordinances inconsistent inance are hereby repealed. director or control SECTION 3: This ordin3nce shall be in hI.1 force and effect from and after its passage/ and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED lI- IS a /Mayor ATTEST: .. I ........ ..... ........... ....... BOOKKEEPER. My Commission expires . 7d