ORD1976316i OR[) INANCE # 316 a AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE SIXTION 1.06 (IO) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 Pl-?OVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF CITATIONS IN NON-TRAFFIC ORD'INANCE VIOLATIONS. * THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,..WISCONSIN, DQ ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Section 1.06 (IO) "Non-Traffic Citatlons", is hereby created to provide as fol lows: 1.06 (IO) ENFORCEMENT OF ORDINANCES OTHER THAN TRAFFIC ORD I NANCES. (a) Any police officer of the City and such other public officials a$ may be designated by resolution of the Common Council, may issue the following citation with Irespect to ordinances which are dlrectly re'lated to the official responsibility of the officials. e - FORM OF CITATION CITY OF MUSKEGO: :n - To : Defendant. The undersigned, an officer of the City of Muskego, states on .. oath ("information and belief"), that the defendant did on the day of , 197 -, v io I ate Sect i on.' of the Municipal CF 4. de of the City of MuskGgo in that: on tle day of ., 197-, at o'clock, .m., the defendant did (description of violation) YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED to appear in the Municipal Court of the City of Muskego,-Y182 S8200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, Wisconsin, on the day of , I !97-, at to answer thls citation. . o'clock, .m., -. b 1N LIEU OF COURT APPEARANCE, you may ma i I the sum of $~ to the office of the City -Clerk by o'clock, p.m. of the court date, t0gethe.r with the signed stipulation appearing on the reverse side - 'ereof. Your failure to appear or make deposit may result in action against 3; ou to clllect 9 forfeiture for the violation ahleged. I ’ ,.)Subscribed and sworn to before me this (signature of officer) I day of , 197 . i - Notary Public, Co., Wis. (b) STIPULATION OF NO CONTEST: Any person issued a citatlon may file with the Municipal Court a stipulation of no contest in substantially *he following form: ST I PULAT ION I, the undersigned, do hereby state that I have read the citation issued against me on the reverse side hereof; and do hereby enter a plea of no contest to the charge and waive my right to a trial. I request the court to accept said plea in lieu 3f issuing q summons against me and requiring a trial. WITNESS: e Received $ this day of , 197 . - DISPOSITION OF CASE: (c) FORFEITED PENALTY: The’sum to be forfeited pursuant to a stipulation of guilt for violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be as provided in Schedule A annexed hereto and incorporated herein by reference. w (d) FORFEITURES TO TREASURER: Th-e officer accepting forfeited * penalties shall deliver them to the City Clerk at least once in every seven (e) BAIL BONDS: (I) This section shall not limit the right of proper authorities to accept bail bonds, deposits or certificates or '* money deposits as provided i (2) The min may accept pursuant to Sect provided in sub. (c). SECTION 2: AI with or contravening this I C SECTION 3: This .from and after its passage PASSED AND APPRO\ ATTEST: Clerk i i n Section 66.114, Wisconsin Statutes. mum mount of bai I which any proper authority on 66. I 14, Wisconsin Statutes, shal I be 9s C )r C i C C C Iinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent !name are hereby repealed. /i nance sha I I be in fu I I force and effect I pLlbl icat ion. I ! ~HAPTER NO. 9 IO 13 15 16 17 0 18 19 SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE OF CASH DE:POSITS FOR VIOLATIONS OF NON-TRAFFIC CITATIONS -. T I TLE DEPOSIT Orderly Conduct $50.00 Public Nuisances $50.00 Licensing and Regulation of Animals $50.00 Electrical Code $25.00 Plumbing Code $25.00 Zonlng Ordinance $50.00 Subd I v is ion and PI att i ng $25.00 Minimum Housing Code $25.00 20.02-20.16 Public Waters and Beaches 30 Building Code $50.00 $25.00 \ STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee Cbunty ) ) ss. , , .1 C~TY OFMUSKEGO ~- , (signsture~piocGr! ~ . *~ ~ Official,dotice me Sltbkibed,aad sworn .to,before ORDINANCE NO. 316 -; 197". Duane Dunham, being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The . Nu8ke.g~ Sun. ..... Wisconsin .and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from said,,paper. was oublished therein on ... a newspaper published at. MF.s.k%?. .. ..... ......... ....... ........ 'i .... (Signed). .. Publisher (Title) Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..... 22 .-. .A#? . day of..