ORD19763150 rn 0 c " ORDINANCE # 315 TO AMEND TE ZONING r\w OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY AND THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The fo:llowing described property not presently zoned RS2 OIP is hereby rezoned as indicated: From RS-2 to RS-2 with an OLP: All that part of t.he E$- of Section 2, T5N, R20E, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, de- scribed as follow::: Commencing at a point 431.70' south along the east line of the SEt to point of beginnin , thence north along the east section line 140 % .18' LO a point bein th8 center line of S. T. H. 24, thence south %0.5 ,west in center of highway $63.16' thence south 1 32' w567.64' to a point on the section line, tbence west on the line 3$4.67', thence south 23 54' east 472.05', thence parallel to the sectior. line to the point of beginning, containing approxi- mately 23.7 acres. SECTION 2: The zoning map as referred to in Chapter 17, Section 3.04 of the Municipal Code of Muskego, Wisconsin, is amended by reclassifying the above described property as shown on said map in accordance with Section 1 hereof. Sistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances incon- SECTION 4: This o:r effect from and after its passage and publicatio PASSED AND APPROVE11 THIS day of ATTEST : STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ss. being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The .. .Sun. ..................... a newspaper published at . %ke80. .............. Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a trtue copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on .. . .L77L. ... Y ........................ ........................... ....................... ........................ ......................... (Signed). .......... 4L..pd& @. .Bm.. ....... v BOOKKEEPER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this .......... A/ .& .day of.. I