ORD1976314ORD I NANCE #3 I4 AN ORDIMANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 30 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: as fol I owsT SECTION 11 Section 30.02 is hereby amended tp provide 30.02 Application of_ "Wisconsin Administrative DuiIdinq~Code" All buildinos and structures which involve the use of structural steel and rGinforced concrete framing; heavy timber constructions; roof trusses with spans more than twenty-five feet, not including section 30.02 shall conform to the applicable requirelnents Of truss roof rafters; and all other buildings not specified in the Wisconsin Administrative Building Code: except that the reinforced concrete slabs and walls not exceeding the allowab!e incidental use of steel beams, girders, columns and hangers and stresses of the proposed materials shall be permitted under the provisions of this code as determined by the Euilding Inspector. The construction requirements of buildings other tiian 1 and 2 family dwellings shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Wisconsin Administrative Building Code. SECTION.-L Section 30.06(3) is hereby amended to provide ~~ as follows: =!06(3) Approved PIS - Before any work is commenced or be issued at the regular fee rate. In any event, all work recommenced after the permit has lapsed, a new permit shall shall be completed within 18 months from the date of issuance of the permit. SECTION 3: Section 30.29(9) is hereby amended to provide as fol 1 ows : 30.29(9) Roof Rafterg - Roof rafters shall be vertically supported at the ridge when the slope of the roof is less than four (4") inches per foot. When the slope is more than four at the ridge or shall be adequately trussed or tied together (4") inches per foot roof rafters shall be vertically supported with not less than one by six (l"x6") inch collar beams spaced minimum of 1/3 the rafter length below the ridge, and each rafter not more than thirty-two (32") inches on centers, located a shall be fastened to the wall plate or special plate provided. Roof rafters shall be framed opposite each other at the ridge. SFCTION 4: Section 30.29(11! is hereby amended to provide as follows: or girders shall be anchored, tied or nailed to secure continuity. 30.29(11) Bearins andAnchoras - Floor joists framing into walls The ends OF al 1 be'ams or joists resting on walls or yirders shal I approved metal st i rrups or on wood cl ips or ribbon strips not bear not less than four (4", inches or shall be supported in framing from opposite sides shall either lap not less than six less than two by two (2"xZ") inches in size. Beams or joists (6") inches nor more than twelve (12") and be securely bolted or spiked together. When framing end to end, all joists, beams, and girders shall be secured together by approved metal ties, strap, or scabs. Anchorage of wood joists into masonry walls shall he in accordance with Wisconsin State Building Code. SECTION 5: Section 30.33(6)(h) is hereby created to provide as follows 30.33(6)(h) Re-Roofix - A new roof covering may be applied on top of an existing roof covering. No more than two layers OF roof covering wil 1 IJ: al lowed. A permit is required. 30.34 Wall and Ceil irq_Finish " - Every roon us?,: Tor 1 iving, sleepinq. dininq. coc~kinq. ~oilet sr bathino our~oses shall have' th6 walls and ceiling of a2proved mate;ials', or finlshed materials shall inclcde plaster, tile, wood, gypsum wallboard, in an approved manner as regulated by this Code. Approved and masonry units. PI1 wall and ceiling finishing materials shall have a minimum composite thickness of one-half (1/2") paneling is acceptable. Materials less than 1/4 inch shall inch, except that one-quarter (1/4") plywood or hardboard be backed by a rninimuln of 3/8 inch backer board. SECTION 7: Section 30.34(3) is hereby repealed and recreated to provide as Follows: (1/2") inch gypsum board applied and jointed per Gypsum 30.34(3) Drvwall - All drywall shall be a minimum of one-half Association Specifications Pamphlet GA-216-74. SECTION 8: Section 3O.ltO(l)(c) is hereby repealed and recreated to provide as follows: 30.40(l)(c) - Fireplace hearth extensions of approved non- combustible materials shall be provided For all solid Fuel square feet, the hearth extension shal? extend at least fireplaces. Where the fireplace openin is less that six (6) sixteen (16") inches in frcnt of and at least eight (8") inches beyond each side of the fireplace. Fireplace openings over 6 square feet shall be provided with a hearth extension of twenty (20") inches in front of, and twelve (12"! inches be- yond each side of the fireplace opening. All combustible materials shall be kept a minimum of eight (8") inches from the fireplace opening. SECTION 9: Section 30.40(1)(g) is hereby created to provide as follows: s.41 (I ) (4) into an approved chimney or vent. Any damper that is present Gas loqs - Logs must be "AGA" approved and vented must be locked in the open position. (I) Gas logs and gas lighters shall be installed only in fireplaces approved for wood or coal-burning 3r in noncombustible fireplaces equipped with Type R gas vents. (2) Gas logs and gas lighters shall not be installed in fireplaces in sleeping rooms. as follows: SECTION IO: Section ,30.43(7)(b) is hereby amended to provide 30.43(7)(b) - Where a private garage is part of a building having habitable room.; over such garage, theresshall be pro- occupancies, the spaces between the ioists and studs of the vided a horizontal and vertical separation between the two material four (4") inches in thickness and protected with one floor and wall shall Ihe filled with approved noncombustible hour fire-resistive construction. "" SECTION 11: Page 41 "able No. 1, Schedule oI: Fees is hereby amended to provide as follows: Table No. I Paraqrapho All other buildings, structures alterations, residing, re-roofing, repairs, where cubic contents cannot be calculated. Table No. 1 Paraqraph (n) Re-inspections - Where additional inspections are made necessary be reason of neglect to make corrections in the work found faulty, defective or incomplete at the expiration of the time limit set for reinspection as specified in notice duly served - $5.00 minimum. Table No. 1 Paraqrapll (0) Special Inspections - $5.00 minimum. _. . -. SECTION 12: All ordinances or parts of rodinances inconsistent or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. -i) from and after its passage and publication. SECTION 13: This ordinance shall be flJl1 force and effect I PASSED AND APPROVED THIS "&/&)DAY OF) , 1976. . City Clerk Y I STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee.County ) ) ss. (SEAL) Duane Dunham, being duly sworn, (10th depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The .????%?. ??F. 21 newspaper published at . .i,I!?k5?. ............... Wsconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a .~ ................... true copy, taken from paper, was published therein on ..Ck;%iC’..j. L yo,) .,/jp:.:7f5. ;; .................... ..................... ................... ............ ............ / Publisher (Title) & Subscribed and sworn to before me this . . :3&Y . . day (If . Ily Commission expires .if. . 19.7f hereby amended to provide as :afters shall be vertically sup- 30.29(91 Roof RafteeRoof 3orted at the ridgewhen the .4"1 inches per foot. When the ilopeof the roof is less than four dope is more.than four (4") in. :hes per foot roof rafters shall .idge or shall be adequately le vertically supported'at the .ru.wed or tied together with not allsr beams spaced not more ess than'one by six (1 x 6") inch mters. locatecl~.rninimum of han thirty-two 132") inches on 113 the rafter length below the ridge. and each rafter shall be lastened to'the WSII plate or rafters shall be framed opposite ipecial plate provided. Roof rollows: ated to provide,as follows: 30.40(1)(~tFirepla~e hearth extensions of approved noncom.- bustible materials shall be pro- vided for ,$I solid fuel fire. places. Where tht fireplace square .feet. the hearth exten. opening is less than six (6) sipn shall extend at least six- teen (16") inches in front of and each side of the fireplace. Fire- at least eight (8") inches beyond feet shall be provided with B Plam openings over 6 square (20") inches in front of. and hearth extension of twenty necessary by reason of neglect to make cmections in the work cnmplele at the expiration of found faulty, defective or in. the time limit set for reinspec- aerved7%.00 minimum. linn as specified in notice duly Table- No. I Paragraph (0) Special Inrpeciions.$~.00 minimum. Section 12: All'nrdinances or part- of ordinances inconsistent or mntravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. shall be in full force and effect, Sectipn IO: This ordinance from and after its passage and publication. Pased and Approved this 22