ORD1976312ORD INAIJCE # 312 I - b AN ORDtNANCE TO AMEND SECTION 20.13 (1) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Section 211.13 (I) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to provide as follows: 20.13 OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES ON ICE. (I) Operation Prohibited on Bass Bay. No person shall use or operate any automobile or other motor driven vehic1e:i.n excess of 750 pounds gross vehicle weight upon the ice surface of that part of Big Muskego Lake known as Bass Bay, which is the Bay located at the Northwest end of said Big Muskego Lake. 0 SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication Passed and Approved th is &!. , day of , 1976. I ATTEST: - City Clerk STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ) ss. CITY OF MUFKECO Official Notice ORDINANCE NO. 312 An ordinance to amend section 20.13 (1) of the municipal code of the city dMuskego - The common council of the a city of Muskego. Wis.. do ordain Section I: Section 20.13 (I) of amended to provjde, as follows: the municipal code is hereby Vehicles on Ice. (I) Operation .'20.13 Oberation of Motor prohibited dn Bass%ay. No per- son shall use 0.r operate any au- vehicle in excess of 750 pounds @mobile or other mat& driven gross vehicle weight upon the ice.surface'of-:hac part-of Big bay, which is the bay.locsted at Muskego lake.known 8s Bass the northwest end or said Big Muskego lake. Seetion 2: All ordinances or parts ofordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordi- nance are hereby repealed. Section 3: This ordinance shall be in full farce and effect as follows: from and arter ik passage and publication. day of May, 1976. IdJerome J. Cottfried Mayor k/Betty J. B+er Attest: City Clerk Passed and-approved this 25 Duane Dunham, being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The hP. ....... ....... a lnewspaper published at, &?g?E? . ......... Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on .u+-~/. ~j. /i Y76. ............ .. .............. ............. .. .. .... (Signed) . . Publisher (Title) of . . M'f Commission expires &A.M. . 197h