ORD1976310. ORD INANCE # 310 0,. . . - +. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 18.28 (2) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN . THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WlSCONSl~ DO ORDA IN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Section 18.28 (2) of the Municipal Code is hereby ,a repealed and recreated to provicle as follows: (2) DETERMINATION OF OWNERSHIP. For the purpose of this sect ion, lots anti property shal I be co&idered in the same ownership when owned by: the same individual or corporation; and irdividual and another in joint tenancy, or as tenants in commc.n, and either of said joint or common tenant or tenants owns other lots individually or as joint tenant or tenant in common with another; an individual and other lots are owred by his spouse, parents, children, or the spouse of any child, and when any of said lots are owned by an individual and other lots are owned by a corporation in which $,aid individual is an officer or director or controllirg stockholder. SECTION 2: Any ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordincnce are hereby repealed. .I SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect Passed and approved tk, is 2 - day of $ e k? , 1976. from and after its passage and publication. ATTEST: CITY OFMUSKEGO ORDINANCE NO, 310 An Ordinance to Amend Sec- tion 18.28 12) of the Municipal Cede of the City of ,Muskego, Wiwnnsin. City d Muskego, Wisconsin, do The Common Council of the ordain as follows: Section I: Section 18.28 (2) or the Municipal Code is hereby repealed and recreated to pro. :.is as follows: (2) DETERMINATION OF of this section, lots and property OWNERSHIP. For the purpose shall be considered in the =me ownership when owned by: the same individual or corporation; joint tenancy. or as tenants in an individual and another in common,and either ofsaid joint or common tenant or tenants as joint tenant or tenant in corn. owns other lok individually 01 dividual and other lots are mon with another; an in. owhed by his spuusp. paren&, children. or the spouse of any child. and when any of said lots other lo& are owned by a cor. are owned by an individual and wration in which said io. or controlling stockholder, dividual is an officer or director SECXION 2: Any ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsis- tent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealid. SECPION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage snd Dublicatinn