ORD1975309ORDINANCE #309 APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO FOR THE YEAR 1976 THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WIS. DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: m qP SECTION 1: There is hereby appropriated out of the receipts of the City of Muskego for the year 1976, includj-ng monies received from the General Property Tax levy, to the various funds and purposes set up in the budget presented herewith for the purposes therein stated, the following amount: EXPENDITURES & ENCUMBRANCES ACTUAL EXPENSE ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1.975-10 Mths. TOTAL-75 1976 General Government 2.90,287.92 342,298.35 372,721.00 Public Safety 4.50,049.03 546,805.03 591,149.00 Transportation 203,364.21 272,375.00 284,000.00 Education & Recreation 1.05,605.90 117,310.71 124,165.00 E.E.A. & Utility Expense 9 , 313.44 "- -" Unclassified 6,624.81 6,800.00 80,000.00 Indebtedness 440,941.12 466,419.65 503,402.99 1 a TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,506,186.43 1,752,008.74 1,955,437.99 I REVENUES General Property Taxes 290,360.65 290,360.65 325,000.00' State Aids & Shared Taxes 457,342.30 901,278.80 908,500.00 . Licenses and Permits 69,867.82 74,061.50 57,987.50 Revenue from Investments 68,816.93 78,515.22 65,000.00 Other Revenue Transfers 59,574.36 61,511.61 63,200.00 438,852.50 438,852.50 535,750.49 TOTAL REVENUES 1,354,814.56 1,844,580.28 1,955,437.99 broperty within the City o:E Muskego as returned by the Assessor in the ECTION 2: There is hereby levied a tax of $3.00 per $1,000.00 upon all the year 1975 for uses and purposes set forth in said budget. SECTION 3: The City Clerk be and ~LS hereby authorized and directed to spread the said tax upon the current tax roll of the City of Muskego. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Ad City Clerk Ald. Paul J. Schaumberg Ald. Charles P. Foldy Ald. Edwin P. Dumke STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) ss. Milwaukee County ) owmici LIDP Duane Dunham, being duly sworn, cloth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The %.n. . . :I newspaper published at ':Y$:?egP. Wisconsin .and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on . .. &,&+g.&;.L: ,/:?, ,,'{9za- . . . . . . . . n n -x/ . . . .. ....._ \J'gllcu~ qpW.v.-. v.:.v: .u. :: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Publisher (Title) orn to before me this . . .dl&. . day ... My Commission . ..