ORD1975308AN ORD INANCE TO AMEND SECTION 3. I3 OF THE MUNlCl PAL CODE OF THE c1.n OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE C.ITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, Do ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Section 3.13 of the municipal code establishing ?),-,wer serv,ice areas to be served by the City of Muskego is hereby amended by adding Section I (b) as fol lows: (I)(b) HIGHWAY 24 & EMERSON DRIVE DISTRICT: Pt.. of Southeast +, Section 36, Town 6 North, Range 20 . East, 'Commencing South I ine 1028.01 feet East of the Southwest corner, thence North 4O 24' 50" West 235.92 feet; thence .Northeasterly 384.4; thence South 385.18 feet; thence West 295.99 feet to binning. Part of Southeast 4: of Section 36, Town 6 North, Range e 20 East; Commencing 1649.46 feet West of Southeast corner thence South 4O 26' 20" East 616.29; thence Westerly 180 feet; thmce North 4O 26' 20" West 630.20 feet; thence North 4' 26' 20" West 63.43 feet; thence North 67" '12' 7" East 189.65 feet; thence South 4O. 26' 20" East 139.66 feet to beginning, excepting Vol. 677',page 176, also property in Town of Muskego. SECTION 2: All ordinances'or parts of ordinances inconsistent i I I SECTION: 3: This ordina,nce' shal,l be in full force and effect with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. from and after is passage and publication PASSED AND APPROVED TH l;S,$g DAY OF d d' r 1975. . . ..t, .. _....." STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ) ss, crw OP MUSKK~~O Official Notice ORDNANCE ~308 - An Ordinance to AmendSec- lion 3.13 01 the Municipal Code or the City orMuskego, Wis. Duane Dunnam, being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of Tlie . .Sun. ....................... a newspaper published at .vUgk.eegQ ............ Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a trlle copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on .. flz.5- 7 /7.25-. . , ............. ..... ..................... ............... .......... ...... (Signed) . day 4p ... of,. .. .... ..