ORD1975306OkD I NANCE 306
SECTION I: The City of Muskego is hereby designated
as an agent municipality for the purpose of examining plumbing
plans, specifications and calculations for public buildings within
the boundaries of the City.
SECTION 2: Duties: The City as an agent municipality,
shall be responsible for the examination of all plans, specifications,
and calculations for all public buildings located within the City
of Muskego, except the follawing:
(a) Health #:are and Related Facilities. See
Wisconsin Administrative Code, Section H 62.25 (1) and (2).
(b) State olnrned bu i I dings
(c) Reduced pressure zone principle type backflow
preventers. See \disconsin Administrative Code, Section
H 62.24 (2)(a)
(d) Controlled roof drainage systems. See
Wisconsin Administrative Code, Section H 62.05 (4)
(e) Mobi le and manufactured homes
(f) Mobile home parks, water and sewerage systems;
See Wisconsin Administrative Code, Section 62.17 (I)(a)
(g) Private domestic sewage treatment and disposal
systems serving public buildings and experimental systems
serving all buildings. See Wisconsin Administrative Code,
' Section H 62.20 (I)(c)
(h) The granting of variances to the State Plumbing
SECTION 3: Plan Examination Fees: Plan examination' fees
for preliminary or complete plans shall accompany the plans when
submitted. If inadequate fees are provided, the necessary additional
fees shall be paid prior to approval. No written approval shall be
granted until all fees have been paid. Plan examination fees shall
be as follows:
(I) For public buildings, at the rate of $15.00 per
inch diameter of each building sewer;
(2) Acid wacte piping systems
(a) If submitted in general plumbing plans, $15.00
(b) If submitted separately, $20.00
(3) Privat,? interceptor main sewers, sanitary
and/or storm, $5.00 per inch diameter, the fee being determined
on the largest diameter of each interceptor main sewer, with a
minimumfee of $50.00.
in accc
engineer or registered plumbing
design and submit for approval,
for a plumbing system which he
and specifications the master p
dated and include his Wisconsin
Where more than one sheet is bo
SECTION 4; Plan submission: (a) Stamping and signing
~rd with Ch. AE I. Wis. Adm. Code by a registered architect,
All plans and specifications shall be sealed or stamped
designer. A master plumber may
plumbing plans and specifications
is to install. Each sheet of plans
lumber submits shall be signed,
master plumber license number.
und together into one volume, only
the title sheet or index sheet need be signed and dated by the
master plumber responsible for the preparation, provided the
signed sheet clearly identifies all of the othersheets comprising
the bound volume.
(b) Submission data. All plans, preliminary or complete,
shall be submitted in duplicate. Work shall not commence until
written approval for the preliminary or complete plans is received
from the department. The plans submitted shall be prints that
are clear, legible, and permanent. All pertinent data shall be
a pat of or shall accompany all plans submitted for review. Plans
will be examined in the order of receipt.
(c) The City may issue a permit to commence work
provided plan review is nct completed within 30 days. The
issu ance of a permit shall not be construed as plan approval
or approval for non-code complying designs or installations. All
non-code complying portions of the plumbing system installed prior
to complete plan review under this permit shall be removed or
rep I aced.
designate competent
knowledgeable in al
des i gn.
: PI eln Review Personnel : The City sha
and qualified personnel who shall be
I aspects of plan examination and plumb
SECTION 6: Revision of Plans: After written approval is
granted, plans and gecific:ations of plumbing systems shall not be
changed without written consent of the plumbing inspector and the
architect, engineer, desiqner or master plumber responsible for the
des i gn.
SECTION 7: Limitations: In granting approval of plans,
specifications, products, devices or materials, the department does
not hold itself liable for any defects in construction, nor for
any damages that may real?: from the specific installation.
SECTION 8: Plan Availability: The architect, professional
engineer, registered desiqner, owner or plumbing contractor shall
of approva I of the department.
keep at the construction site one set of plans bearing the stamp
SECTION 9:: The City shall make adequate facilities
available for retaining all plans and specifications submitted
for a period of five (5) years. The method of storage and
indexing, etc. shall be approved by the State.
SECTION IO: All ordinances or parts of ordinances
inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION 111 This ordinance shall be in full force and
effect from and after its passage and publication.
City Clerk Y
Milwaukee County )
Offici'A Notice
An Ordinance Cteating siftion
,l6.28 Of the Municipal Code of
the City as Agent Municipality.
the City Of Muskego. Establishing
The common council of the city
Of Muskego. Wis.. do ordain as
Section 1. The city of Muskego
is hereby designated as an agent
municipality for the purpose of
ifications and calculations forpub.
examining Plumbing plans, spec.
lie buildings within the boundaries
of the city.
agent municipality, shall be re-
Section 2. Duties: The city asan
Plans. specifications. and calcu-
sponsible for theexaminationofall
lations for all public buildings lo:
except the following:
cated within the city of Muskego,
(a) Health Care and Related Fa-
cilities. See Wisconsin ahin.
and (2).
istrative code. Section HG2.25 (1)
(b) State owned buildings.
(c) Reduced pressure zoneprin-
We type backflow preventers.
See Wisconsin administrative
code, 'Section- H 62.24 (2) (a),
SYStemS. See Wisconsin admin-
(d) Con:rolled , roof drainage
istrative code, Section H 62.05
(e) Mobile and manufactured
and sewerage systems; see Wis-
(I) Mobile home parks, water
consin administrative code, Sec-
tion 62.17 (1) (a).
treatment and disposal systems
(g) Private domestic sewage
serving public buildings and ex-
perimental system serving all
buildings. See Wisconsin admin-
istrative code, Section li- 62.20
(1) (c).
(h) The granting of variances
to the State plumbing code,
fees: Plan examination fees for
Section 3: Plan Examination
prelimina,ry or complete .plans
shall accompany the plans when
provided. the necessary additional
submitted. If inadequate fecs ar+
No written approval shall begrant-
fees shall bepaidprior toapproval.
ed until all lees have been paid.
Plan examination fees shall be as
rate of.$15.00 per inch diameter
(1) For public buildings, at the
of each tiuilding sewer;
(2) .Acid waste piping systems.
(a) .If 'submitted in general
(b) If subryitted :separately,
(3) ,Private interceptor main
$5.00 per Inch diameter. the lee
sewe,rs. sanitary. and/or. storm.,
being determined un the largest
plumbing plans, $15.00.
$20.00. ~
Duane Dunnam, Deing duly sworn,
doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of
a newspaper published at . ?k5ke.gQ ........
Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a
Tie $un.. ... ...... ..
.. ..
........ ....
Publisher (Title)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this . .I?.?. .... day A
cf .....
County Wisconsin
diameter, of-each inteeceptor?main
sewer, with a. minimum fee of
, Section 4: ~Plan'submission: (a)
Stamsing and :iigning plans. All
Plans and specifications shall be
sealed or stamped in accord with
Ch. AE 1. Wii;. Adm. code by a
registered~architect. .engineer,or
registered plumbing engineer or
registered plumbing designer. A
master plumber may design~and
submit for approval. plumbing
plans and spacifications tor a
plumbing system which he is lo
specifications the master plumb-
install. Each :sheet of plans and
er submits shall be signed, dated
and include his Wisconsin mastei
plumber license number. Where
more than one sheet is bound to-
gether into om! volume. only,the
title sheet or index sheet need be
signed and dated by the master
plumber responsible for the prep-
aration, providcd the signed sheet
clearly idenlilics all of the other
sheets comprising the bound vol-
preliminary or complete, shall
(b) Submission data. All plans,
be submitted in duplicate. Work
shall not 'commence until written
approval for tt8e preliminary or
complete plans..is received from
.milled shall bl: prints that are
the department. The plans sub-
pertinent data shall be'8;part ofor
clear,'legible. and permanent. All
shall accomptifiy all plans sub-
miited for reviatw. Plarfs will be
examined in the order of receipt.
to commence wJrk provided plan
t'c'The'city may issue a permit
review is not completed within 30
days. The issuance of a permit
shall not be construed 4s plan
code cynplying: designs or in-
approval or al~proval lor non-
plying portions of the plumbing
stallatians. All non-code com-
plan review urlder. this ;permit
system installed prior to complete
shall be removed. or replakd. .~ -
riel: The city shall designate com-
Section 5: Plan Heview rerson-
petent and qualified personnel who
pects of plan examination and
shall be knowledgeable in.all as-
plumbing design.
Section 6: Revision of P,lans:
After written approval is-granted,
plans and specifications of plumb-
ing systems shall not be changed
without written consent 01 the
plumbing .inspector and the archi-
tect, engineer, designer or mas-
ter plumber responsib1.e for the
Section 7' Limitations, In
granting approval of plans, speci-
fications, products, devicesor ma-
terials, the department does not
hold itself liable lor any defects
in construction, nor lor aiiy dam-
ages that may result from the
specific installation.
section 8: Plan Availability.
The architect, professional engi-
neer, registered designer. owner'
or plumbing contractor shall keep
at the constrwtion sile one Set
of plans bearing the stamp of ap-
proval of the.department.
adequate facilities available for
Section 9: The city shall make
retaining all plans and. specilica-
(5)'years. The method of storage
lions submitted for n~peribdoffive
and indexing: etc., shall be ap-
proved by the state.
parts of ordinances inconsistent
Section 10: All ordinances or
with or contravening this ordi-
nance are hereby repealed.
Section 11: This ordinanceshall
be in, full force and effect from
kd after its passage and publica-
Passed and approved this' 12th
day of August. 1975.
/s/Jerome J. Gottfried. Mayor
/s/Bette J. Bawyer. City Clerk