ORD1975305ORDINANCE #305
Code is hereby amended as follews: Section 16.26 is hereby repealed and
created to read:
SECTION 1: The Plumbing Code known as Chapter 16 of the Municipal
"16.26 HOLDING TANK PROGRAM. (1) Holding tanks shall be installed
and regulated as follows:
1. That whenever a holding tank permit is applied
for the City of Muskego will require a cash bond in the minimum
amount of $1,000.00 Dollar,s; said bond shall guarantee to the
City the performance of the obligations imposed upon the owner;
and reimbursement to the C:ity for any and all expenses incurred
by the City for which the (owner is obligated to reimburse the
City; said bond shall further provide that the minimum amount
Of One Thousand (~~~~~~.~o) Dollars cash shall remain on deposit at all times with the City, and i.E any of said monies are expended,
the owner shall pay the Ci.ty a sum sufficient to maintain the cash
bond at One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars or such greater sum as
the agreement between the City and owner may stipulate.
2. Complete plans of the installation to be on file
with the City and an agreement signed by the City and the owner
detailing the terms of a holding tank servicing agreement in
accordance with Paragraph :L shall be submitted to the Plumbing
Section of the State Board of Health for each request to install
a holding tank.
3. The installation of the holding tank shall be
made in accord with the fo:llowing criteria:
a. The holding tank shall be constructed of
approved material in accord with the provisions of
the Wisconsin Administrative Code, Section H 62.20
(l)(d), designed in accordance with Section 62.20
(1) (e) and located in accord with Section 62.20 (1)
(c). (Be certain to locate the well on the plan).
b. Holding tanks shall be sized in consideration
of a five day holding capacity although thought should
be given to installing a holding tank with a capacity
equal to a one week total load. (Sizing should be
based on the datcl appearing in the table in Section H
62.20 (l)(e) 1 o:E the State Plumbing Code).
I Page 2 - Ordinance #305
c. A warning device shall be installed to alert
the individual in charge of the need to pump the
holding tank, if' the tank should near its capacity,
prior to its regularly scheduled servicing. This
device shall be an audible alarm and light. The audible
alarm shall be mounted out side. The light shall be
inside the build.ing.
d. Each tank shall be provided with a manhole
of at least a 24 inch inside diameter, brought to at
least 6 inches above the surface of the ground to
facilitate ease of 'inspection and servicing. The man-
hole sections and cover shall be of concrete or steel
in accord with the State Plumbing Code, Section H
62.20 (l)(d)l.
e. The joints between the holding tank cover and
tank, between th.e first manhole section and tank, and
between each successive manhole section shall be made
water tight.
f. To effect efficient removal of solids the
bottom of the tank shall be set at a pitch of 4% toward
the end of the tank served by the manhole.
g. Plans shall include construction details of '
the holding tank if it is not possible to purchase an
approved holding tank of the capacity required.
h. If an approved septic tank is installed to
serve as a holding tank, the inlet and outlet baffles
shall be removed with the outlet plugged as per Section
H 62.15 and H 62.16 of the State Plumbing Code.
i. The City shall provide locks with a key issued
to the hauler. The manhole cover shall be equipped with
an effective locking device to prevent persons,
especially children, from tampering with this cover,
gaining access to its contents and exposing themselves
to a health hazard and to prevent other unprecedented
j. There shall be provided at least a two inch
fresh air inlet installed and located above the lowest
fixture, in compliance with Secti0n.H 62.20 (7) 7 of
the Wisconsin Administrative Code.
k. It shall be necessary to have the tank pumped
by a licensed septic ta.nk pumper with sludge and other
material removed from the holding tank and hauled to
an approved place of disposal in accord with the Wisconsin
Statutes, Chapter 146, Chapter RD 13 and Section H 62.20
of the Wisconsin Administrative Code., the name and
address of the hauler to be on file with the City.
SECTION 11: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with
or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION 111: This ordinance shall be in full force-,and effect from
and after its passage and publi-cation. ,/ "
ATTz=4 ++ -
City Clerk
WHEREAS, the City of Muskeso has received a request
from to install a holding
tank on , in the City of
Muskego, and,
WHEREAS, a permit from the State Board of Health is
dependent upon approval from the City of Muskego and the Waukesha
County Board of Health and further that a deposit of $1,000.00
has been made with the City to guarantee compliance with the
rules and regulations of the State Board of Health, and,
WHEREAS, the Waukesha County Health Board has approved
of the installation of said holding tank, and
WHEREAS, the Public Welfare Committee of the City of
Muskego has recommended that the Council approve of said installation
dependent upon the execution of a satisfactory agreement and
performance bond,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of
the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Welfare
Committee, does hereby approve of the installation of a holding
tank by - on the property located at
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk
are authorized to execute the standard performance bond and
holding tank agreement in connection herewith.
/'STATE OF WISCONSIN 1 Duane Dunham, being duly sworn, 1 ss. (10th depose and say that he is an authorized representative of
Milwaukee County i
Offkio!~Notia -
An Ordinance Repealing and Re-
creating Section 16.26 oltheMuni-
cipal Code Regarding Regulations
for Holding Tanks
The Common COUnCil of the
ordain as lollows:
City 01 Muskego. Wisconsin. do
Section I: The Plumbing Code
known as Chapter 16 of the MuniJ
cipil Code is hereby 'amended as
follows: Section 16.26 is hereby
repealed and created to read:
(I) Holding tanks shall be in-
"16.26 Holding Tank Program.
stalled and regulated as lollows:
1. That wheneveraholdingtank
permit is applied for the City 01
Muskego will require a cash bond
in the minimum amount of
$1,000.00 dollars; said bond shall
guarantee to the City the per-
formance 01 the obligations im-
posed upon the owner; and reim-
all expenses incurred by the City
bursement to the'Citv for any and
lor which the owner is obligated
to reimburse the City; said bond
shall further provide that the mini-
mum amount of One Thousand
($l,OOO.OO) Dollars cash shall re-
main on deposit at all times with
the City, and if any of said monies
are expended;the owner shall pay
the City a sum sufficient to main-
tain the cash bond at One Thou-
greater sum as the agreement.
sand ~($1.000.00) Dolllars or such\
between the City and owner may
2. Complete plans of the in-
stallatlon to~ be on file with the
City and an agreement signed by
the Citv and the,.owner detailing
Ihe terrni of 8 holrhng tank ser-
vlcing agreement In accordance
The . SW. .... .. .. ... ...
a newspaper published at. b1uskeqo ...............
\Visconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a
true copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on J.3. . J.,. .I "! ?X
.... 'I ' /
/ Publisher (Title)
t- Subscribed and sworn to before me this . :2<*. .. day
of ....
with Paragraph 1 shlll be submit-
ted to the Plumbing Section 01 the
State Board of He.dth for each
request to install a holding tank.
ing tank shall be made in accord
3. The installation of the hold-
with the lollowing crileria:
a. The holding tank slpll' be
constructed of appr.med material
Wisconsin Adpinislrajive Code.
in accord with theprovisionsolthe
Section H 62.20 (I) (d), designed
in accordance with Section 52.20
(1) (e) and located in accord with
Section 62.20 (I) (c). (Be certain
io locate the well on .the plan).
in consideration of a fivedayhold:
b. Holding tanks shall be sized
ing capacjty although thought
should be given to installing a
holding lank with a capacity equal
to a one week total load. (Siz-
ing should he based on the data
appearing .in the table in Section
H 62.20 (1) (e) I of the State
Plumbine Code). I c. A warning ,df?vice shall be
' i&ailed'"to ,'alert tLe'.individual
:in. charge 01 the lleed to pump
the~holding tank, if the tank should
near. its capacity. prior to its
regularly schedult?d servicing.
This device shall he an audible
alarm ,and light. The audible
alarm shall be momted out side.
The light shall be inside the build-
with. a manhole of at least a 24
.d. Each .tank SbII be provided
inch inside diameter, brought to at least 6 inches above the sur-
face or the ground to lacilitate
The manhole. sectims and cover
ease of inspection :and servicing.
accord with the Sate Plumbing
shall be 01 concrete or steel in
Code, Section H 61.20 (1) (d) 1.
tank cover and tank. between the
e. The joints betweenthe holding
first manhole section and tank, and
section shal1,be mxde watertight.
between each successive manhole
f. To effect efficient removalof
solids the bottom41 the tank shall
be set at n pitch oi 4% toward
the end of the tank served by the
~ ~~
struction details of the holding
g. Plans shall Include con-
tank If it is not possible to pur-
.the capacity requlred. - chase an apprpved hot@ng tank of
h. If an approved septlc tank
, is installed to serve as a holding
tank, Ihe inlet and outlet balfles
shall be'removed with the outlet
plugged as per Se&dn H. 62.15
and H 62.16 01 the State Plumbing
with a key issued to the. hauler.
i. The City shall provlde locks
The manhole cover shall beequip-
ped with aneffectivelockingdevice
to prevent persons, especially
children, from tdmpering wlthlhis
cover, gaining access to it: con-
tents-and exposing themselves lo
a health hazard and to prevent other
unprecedented accidents.
least a two inch fresh air inlet
j. There shall be provided at
installed and located above the
Section H 62.20 (7) I 01 the Wis-
lowest fixture, in compliance with
consin Administrative Code.
the tank pumped by a licensed
k. It shall be necessarytohave
septic tank pumper with sludge
and other material removed
from the holding tank and hauled
to an approved place of disposal
in accord with, the Wisconsin
Statutes. Chapter 146. Chapter RD
consin Administrative Code, the
13 and Section H 62.20 01 the Wis-
name and address 01 the hauler
to be on lile with the City.
parts 01. ordinances inconsistent
Section II: All ordinances or
with orcontraveningthisordinance
are hereby repealed.
be in lull force and eflect from
Section 111: This,ordinanceshall
and after its passage and publica-
Passed and Approved this 24th
day 01 June, 1975.
/s/Jerome J. Cottlried, Mayor
/sfBette J Bowyer.
Citv Clerk