ORD1975302ORDINANCE # 302 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND, REPEAL, AND RECREATE CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 30, (BUILDING CODE) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDA IN AS FOLLOWS: I SECTION I: Section 30.05 (I) is hereby amended by adding thereto (9) to provide as follows: (g) Other permits as required by governing municipal ity. I SECTION 2: Section 30.06 (2) is hereby repealed and recreated to provide as follows: (2) The building permit shall become void unless operations are commenced within four (4) months from the datethereof, or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended at any time after work is commenced, for a period of sixty (60) days. The periodd time may be extended by the Building Inspector if the delay was due to conditions beyond the control of the applicant. a SECTION 3: Sections 30.07 (7) and 30.07 (8) are hereby reDea I ed. SECTION 4: Section 30.15 (9) is hereby amended by adding thereto section (9) to provide as follows: (9) All mechanical ventilation shall be ducted directly to the outside. SECTION 5: Section 30.43 (7)(d) is amended by removing (d) and prefacing this section with the heading"(8) Garage Heating". SECT amended b add i - ION 6: Table No. I, Schedule of Permit Fees is ng thereto, "c (I) to provide as follows: ) Agricultural Buildings - $1.00/1000 cu. ft. or fraction thereof SECTION 7: Section 30.24 is hereby repealed and recreated to provide as follows: 30.24 All masonry shall be laid up in mortar made of Masonry Cement or Portland Cement with Hydrated Lime, combined with clean, well graded mason sand and drinkable water, proportioned bymlume and thoroughly mixed to a workable consistency. (a) All masonry foundations in contact with the earth on one or two sides, cavity walls and load bearing walls above grade shal I be laid with type "M" mortar. (b) All masonry veneer and non-load bearing walls above grade shal I be I aid wi th Type "N" mortar. To prepare type "bl" mortar use I part Masonry Cement and I part Port I arld Cement (Tpe I or I I I ) with 4+ to 6 parts mason sand, or Z+ parts Portland Cement (Type I or I I I and + part hydrated lime wit11 7 to 9 parts mason sand. To prepare Type "FI" mortar use I part masonry cement with 2$ to 3 parts mason sand, or I part Portland Cement (Type I or Ill and I part hydrated lime with 44 to 6 parts of mason sand. SECTION 8: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 9: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its pdssage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVEID THIS 3 7 DAY OF , 1975. ATTEST: &/&J, City Clerk - STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Duane Dunham, being duly sworn, Milwaukee.County ) The . .sun. ........................ ) ss. doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of CITY OF MUSKEG0 Official Not_ice ORDINANCE #302 An OrdlnanceTo Amend, Repea4, And Recreate Certain Sections Of Chapter 30, (Building Code)OlThe Muskego. Municipal Code Of The City Of .The common council of Ihe city of Muskego, Wisconsin. do ordain as follows: I Sectlon I: Section 30.05 (1) IS herebyamendedbyaddingthere- to (gj to provide as follows: by governlng municlpality. (g) Other permils as required hereby repealed and-recreated ta Section 2: -Sectlon 30.06 (2) is provide as follows: (2) The building permit shall becdme vold unless operalionsare commenced within four (4)~months from the dale thereof, 0r~if.the building or work authorized by such permlt is suspended at any time period of sixty (60).days. The after WOJC- is commenceX[ for a. period of tlme may be extended by the Building Inspector if the delay. was due to conditions beyond the control ofthe applicant 30.07. (8) 'are hereby repealed. Section 3: Sections 30.07(7)and hereby amended by adding thereto Section 4: Section 30.15 (9) is ,section (9) to provide as follows: " (g)- All mechanical ventllatlon 'outside. shall be ducted directly to the is amended by removing (d) and Section 5: Section 30.43 (7) (d) preracing this section with the heading "(8) Garage Heating." of Permlt Fees is amended by Section 6: Table No. I, Schedule addlng theretQ "c (1) to provide as rollows: . (1) Agricultural Builrlings- $I.OO/lOOO cu. It. or Iractlon thereof. Section 7. Section 30.24~ is hereby repealed cnd recrelied to provide as follows; laid up in mortar'm~deofM.?sonry 30.24 AI? masonry shall be Cement of Portland Cement with Hydrated hme; combined with drinkable water. proportioned by clean; well graded mason sxndand~ volume 'and' thormrghJy mix?d to a workabldconsistency. (a) .All masonry fouorlatlons in contact wlth fhe ea,rth 3n one of two sides, cavlly walls and load bearing walls above grade Shall be lald with type""' mortar. non-load bearingyallsabov8:grade '(b) All masonry venp!r and shall be laid with 'Type: "N" rnortar~ To .prepare type "M" lmortar use l~part Masonry Cement and I part- Porlland Cement (Type 1- or 111) with 4-1/2 to 6 parts mason sand, ar 2-1/2 patts Portland Cement (Type I or -111) and 1/2 part hy- drateb lime wlth 7 to 9 parts mason sand. . To prepare Type "N" inortar ' use^ 1 parmasonry cement with 2-1/4 to 3 parts mason sand, or I part Portland Cement (Type I or Ill) and I part hydrated lime wlth 4-1/2 to 6 parts of mason sand. Section 8: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravenlng thisonlinance are hereby repealed. be in full force and effect from -Section 9: This ordinance shall and after its passage and publi- cation. Passed and approved th'!s 27th day 01 May, 1975. ./s/Serome,J. Gottfried. Mayor /s/Betty J. Bowyer Attest: City Clerk . I-. , a newspaper published at .. MUSk.e.gQ .......... Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on I &/ >q 7 i" . .!jr,'v,.&. .! y'. .. ,./ I ....... ,i, .. ................... ........ ...... ................. 7 ........... [" .... (Signed) .......... / Publisher (Title) Subscribed and sw0rn.b before me this .. .Y & .... day My Commission expires