ORD1975301ORNIWNCE 8301 (As Amended) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 3.10 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Section 3.10 (5) (b) of the Municipal Code, being the Sewer Service Charge Ordinance, is amended by adding to Section 1(5)(b) thereof, the following described buildings and uses, and assessing against them the following enumerated units of charges: Theater 4% units ($54.00 per qtr.) Shopping Center Mall 44 units ($54.00 per qtr.) Fountainwood Pool 2 units ($24.00 per season) SECTION 2: Section 3.10 (6) is hereby amended to add the following: Whenever a home or building becomes occupied or given an Occupancy Permit during the calendar year and is therefore liable for sewer service charge on a pro rata basis, the sewer service charge for the pro rata share of the first year's occupmcy shall be submitted to the owner or occupant. If not paid prior to November 1 of the year of occupancy, the same shall be placed on the real estate tax bill as a special charge. together with interest and the annual charge thereafter assessed. Notice of this ordinance shall be submitted with the invoice for the pro rata charge. SECTION 3: All ordinance or-parts of ordinances inemsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby rep4aled. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and a:Eter its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 27th DAY OF May , 1975. 0 rome J.&ottfried, pfayor ATTEST: OR11 INANCE # 301 AN ORD INANCE TO MUN IC I PAL CODE THE COMMON COUN Code, being t by adding to buildings and enumerated un Theater 4+ units ($54.00 per qtr.) repea I ed. ATrEST: City Clerk I STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County 1 Official, Notice -\ (As Ameridedj ) ss. La. ~>JF nIuSK!XO ORDINANCE #3pl / 3.10 o[ the Municipal Code An Ordmance to Amend Section , The Common Council of thecity Of Muskego, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows: - SECTION I. Section 3.10 (5) (b) of the' Municipal Code, being .nance. is amended by adding to the Sewer Service-Charge Oi-dl- Section (5) (b) thereof. the fol- lowing described buildings and uses, and assessing against them the following enumerated units of charges: Theafer, 4-1/2 units ($54.00per Shopping Cenler Mail, 4-1/2 units ($54.00per qtr.) Fountainwood Pool, .2- units ($24.00 .per season) per month. SECTION 2: Section 3.10 (61 qtr.1 is hereby amended to ,add <hi fo1,lowing: Whenever a home or building becomes occupied or given an OCCUPanCY Pepmil :during the calendar Year and is therefore a Pro rata basis. the sewer serr liable for sewer service chargeon- Of the first year's occupancy shall vice charge lor the pro rata share be submitted to the owner or oc- cupant. II not paid prior to Novem- ber I of the year of occupancy, real estate tax bill as a special the Same shall be placed.on the charge together with interest and the annual charge therealter as- shall be submitted with the in- sessed. Notice of this ordinance VOiCe for the. pro ~iata charge. Parts of ordinances inconsistent SECTION 3: All ordinances or, are hereby repealed. with orcontraveningthisordinance shall be in full force and effect SECTION 4: This ordinance from and after its passage and Dublicatinn PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th day01 May, 1975. Duane Dunham, being duly swoin, cloth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The. 5.W .................... 21 newspaper published at . hUSkeg9. .............. Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on .. ."'. .................. ............... ........................ ....... Publisher (Title) Zt Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...... 3,:. day af ....... ... -/s/Jerome J. Gollfried, Mavbr /s/Bette J. Bowyer City Clerk