ORD1973266CIRDINANCE #266 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RECREATING CHAPTER 15 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN (Electrical Code) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: - ELECTRICAL CODE Section 1 - OBJECT AND EIJRPOSE - The object and purpose of this code is to safeguard persons and property from hazards arising from the use of electrical energy by establishing minimum standards for the installation and maintena.nce of electrical systems. The licensing of electrical contractors and examination of master electricians does not mean that such licensed electrical contractors or electricians are of equal competency or reliability. Section 2 - SCOPE (a) Regulations, when applicable. Except as regulated in mbsection (b) , the regulations of this code shall apply to the supp1.y of electricity and to all sales, rentals, leases, uses, installations, alternations, repairs, connections, and maintenance of all electrical. materials, wiring, conductors, fittings, devices, appliances, fixtures:, signs and apparatus, or parts thereof, or attachments therefor, hereafter referred to as electrical equipment, which are intended to be, or are, within, on, under, over, or near all buildings , structures , eq:uipment , and premises. (b) Exceptions. The electrical license and permit regulations of this code shall not apply to the following: 1. The installation, al.terations, or repair of electrical generation, transmission, or distribution equipment, but not utiliza- tion equipment, owned and operated by an electrical public utility company. 2. The installation, al.terations, or repair of signal or communication equipment where such equipment is owned and operated by a public utility company. 3. Any work in ships, railway cars, trackless trolleys, buses, aircraft, automobiles, trailers, and mobile homes, pre fab assemblers. 4. Any work in connection with electrical equipment used for radio and television transmisision, but not including supply wires to such equipment. 5. Any work involved in the manufacturing or testing of electrical equipment or apparatus, but not including any permanent wiring or equipment. 6. Any work associated with: a. The repair of plug-connected electrical appliances or devices ; -2- m b. Permanently connected electrical appliances or devices which have been electrically and mechanically disconnected and separated from all sources of electrical supply by an electrical licensee. The opening of switches or the blowing or removal of fuses shall not be considered as electrical or mechanical disconnection or separation. 7. The installation or replacement of approved fuses which are not oversize for the circuit involved. Section 3 - ENFORCEMENT - The inspector of buildings or his duly authorized representatives shall enforce the regulations of this code. The inspector of buildings in special cases shall have the authority and he is hereby empowered and directed to waive any of the regulations of this code, the enforcement of which, in his judgment, would create an unsafe or dangerous conditions. It shall be the duty of the Muskego police and fire departments to assist the inspector of buildings or any of his duly authorized representataves in the enforcement of this code, and to permit and allow the inspector of buildings or his representatives inside fire and police lines. It shall be unlawful fo:r any person to impersonate the inspector of buildings or his duly authorized representative, to enfoce or try to enforce any of the regulations of this code. It shall be the duty of every person who furnishes electric current to, or who owns, sel:Ls, leases, or lets for hire, uses, designs, installs , repairs , operates, maintains , or grants possession of any electrical equipment or materials, wiring, or apparatus in the city to comply with the regulations of this code. The inspector of buildings or his duly authorized representatives shall have the right and authority to cause the arrest, on direct evidence or on information and belief, of any person who has violated or who is suspected of having violatkd any of the regulations of this code. Section 4 - 1NTERPRETATI:ONS - Pursuant to this code the inspector - of buildings shall have the authority to render interpretations of the regulations of this code:, except regulations relating to the electrical licensing and examining board. Section 5 - RIGHT OF ENTRY - The inspector of buildings or his duly authorized representatilcshall have the authority to enter all buildings and premises and al.1 parts thereof, in order to make an inspection, reinspection, observation, examination, or test of the electrical equipment or wiring contained therein or thereon to enforce the regulations of this code. t P The inspector of buildings or his duly authorized representatives shall have the authority, and they are hereby empowered, to order the removal of any and all otlstructions including lath, plaster, lumber, boards and partitions, and to break all seals and open all access to and inspection of electrical equipment or wiring. 1 doors, windows, locks, latches, and catches for the purpose of gaining e -3- Section 6 - INSPECTIONS - Upon the completion of any installation, alteration, or replacement of electrical equipment which requires a permit, it shall be the duty of the licensee making the installation, alteration, or replacement, to notify the inspector of buildings, who shall inspect the installation, alteration, or replacement as soon thereafter as practicable. Then any electrical equipment, requiring a permit, is to be concealed by the permanent placement of parts of the building, the licensee installing the electrical equipment shall notify the inspector of buil'dings to that effect, and such equipment shall not be concealed by the person installing such parts of the building until it has been i:nspected and approved by the inspector of buildings. On installations where the concealment of electrical equipment proceeds continuously, the licensee installing the electrical equipment shall give the iwpector of buildings due notice and inspections shall be made periodically during the progress of work. Section 7 - CITY NOT LIABLE - This code shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen thme responsibility or liability of any person supplying electzicity to, or selling, renting, leasing, owning, using, operating, controlling, inst,slling, altering, repairing, removing, replacing, disturbing, connes:ting, disconnecting, or maintaining, any electrical equipment, for damages to persons or property caused by any defect therein or therefrom; nor shall the city be held as assuming any such responsibility or liability by reason of the issuance or revocation of any license, permit or certificate, or the inspection or reinspection authorized by this code, or by reason of the approval or disapproval of any electr,Lcal equipment, sales, rentals, drawings, plans, specifications, mater,ials, samples, test reports, literature, information or schedules, authorized in this code. Nor shall the city be held liable for any damages resulting from the enforcement of this code. - Section 8 - INSPECTOR, ;BOARD AND SECRETARY NOT LIABLE - In all cases where any action is taken by the inspector of buildings or by any member or the secretary Iof the electrical license and examining board to enforce the regu1at:Lons of this code, such action or act shall be considered as done in the name of and on behalf of the city, and the said inspector of buildings or member or secretary of the board in so acting for the city shall not be judged as liable for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as the result of any such action or act committed in the discharge of his duties, and any lawsuit or action brought against said :inspector of buildings or members or secretary of the board by reason thereof, shall be defended by the city attorney of the city until f.ina1 termination of the proceedings con- tained therein. Section 9 - COMPLAINTS .- Complaints on improper or defective electrical equipment (Section 2 (a) shall be investigated and action shall be taken as regulated :Ln Section 21. Where complaints disclose inadequacy of electrical equipment, the inspector of buildings shall notify the owner of the premises to that effect. Section 10 - INFORMATIOIY - All requests for information pertaining to and involving an interpre.tation of this code shall be submitted in detail to the inspector of buildings. The inspector of buildings shall not design or lay out any electrical installation or act in the capacity of a consulting (electrical) engineer. -4- Section 11 - RECORDS - The inspector of buildings shall keep a record of all electrical permits and other electrical matters. The inspector of buildings rnay destroy such records other than permits at any time after such records become ten years old. Section 12 - EXAMINING BOARD, LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES - (a) Electrical License and Examining Board. 1. In order to safeguard life and property from electrical hazards and to determine the qualifications (electrical fitness) of applicants who desire to qualify as master electricians, there shall be and is hereby created an electrical license and examining board, hereafter referred to as the board, consisting of the inspector of buildings, and four other members. One member shall be a registered (electrical) engineer, one an electrical contractor regularly engaged in the electrical contracting business, one a journeyman electrician who has had at least six years practical experience in general electrical work, and one a person who shall not be actively engaged in the electrical contracting business or installation thereof but who has a practical knowledge of electricity. Appointments shall be made for three-year terms as the terms expire. All members shall be citizens of the city. All members shall serve until their successors are ilppointed and confirmed. 2. The board shall be appointed by the mayor, after consulta- tion with the inspector of buildings, subject to the approval of the Common Council. 3. Any member may for cause and after public hearing be removed from office by the common council. All expenses incurred in board work and duties shall be provided for and be included in the annual budget of the department of building inspection. 4. The city attorney shall be assigned as legal advisor to the board. 5. Members of the board shall receive no compensation for board work. (b) Organization of the Board meetings. 1. The board shall elect biennially a chairman and vice chairman. The board shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations in conducting its meetings, hearings, examinations, and investi- gations. 2. The inspector of buildings shall appoint the supervising inspector of the electrical inspection division of the department of building inspection as secretary of such board, and all minutes and records of the board shclll be filed in such department. Such records may be destroyed by the board after they become ten years old. A copy of the minutes shall be filed with the city clerk. 3. The board shall meet at least four (4) times a year and may hold special meetings at the call of the chairman. Four members of the board present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum. -5- (c) Powers and Duties of the Board. 1. It shall be the duty of the board to conduct at least two examinations each year, one in the month of March, and one in the month of September. Other examinations may be held at any time at the discretion of the board. Such examinations shall be for the purpose of determining the qualifications (Electrical fitness) of applicants who desire to qu.slify as master electricians. 2. The board, after written examination, shall certify to the inspector of buildings the names of all applicants who have successfully passed their elrtamination for an electrician certificate. The board, after revievu of applications and affidavits sub- mitted for licenses, shall ,certify to the inspector of buildings the names of all applicants who are eligible for such licenses. 3. All persons who have taken the required examination shall have the right to inspect t'heir examination papers in the presence of the board at any regular meetings of the board. 4. Written or written and oral examinations will be required of every applicant for certification as Master Electrician. Written or written and oral examinations shall be held at such time and place as the examining board determines except as is provided in Section 12. The scope of the examinations and the methods of procedure shall be prescribed by the examining board with special reference to the appli- cant's ability to install, design and supervise electrical work, which shall promote the public welfare and insure the safety of life, health and property as dictated by the applicable State Electrical Code. A candidate failing an examination may upon application and payment of the required re-examination fee, be examined again by the examining board. No restrictions shall be placed on the number of times an unsuccessful candidate may present himself for recexamination, except that after failure of three re-examinations, the examining board may require a waiting period before further re-examination or require an oral examination of the applicant. The examination papers of each applicant shall be retained by the examining board secretary and shall be available to the applicant for review for a one-year period from the date of the examination. The applicant may make a written request, within the one-year period, for a review by the examining board, of all or of any part of the examination failed. The examining board shall review the examination, or any part thereof within 90 days, following receipt of such written request, and shall furnish the applicant a written reply of the results of such review, including a statement of the reasons for a failing grade. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION ---- Reciprocity Provisions The examining board may, upon application therefore, and the payment of the required fee, grant a master electricians certificate to any person who holds an unexpired or unrevoked certificate of similar registration issued to him by the proper authority in any state, territory or possession of the United States in which the requirements for the registration are of a standard not lower than specified in this Electric Code. -6- The examining board shall have the authority to waive or cause to be taken a written and/or oral examination regardless of whether the applicant has passed a reasonable equivalent examination in another state and meets all requirements specified in this Electrical Code. Applications for Certf-fication Licensing. Applications for a Master Electrician certificate or Electrical Contractors License of record shall be on forms prescribed and pro- vided by the examining board and shall contain statements made under oath showing the applicant'ls education and detail summary of his tech- nical work and not less than two references who shall have personal knowledge of his electrical experience in the case of an application for certification. 5. Upon complaint of the inspector of buildings or by affidavit by any other person, and after a hearing thereon, the board shall have the authority and it Yts hereby empowered to suspend for a period of not more than 60 days 01: to revoke any license at any time for a violation of the regulations of this code, or for any other good and sufficient cause by the affirmative vote of four members of the board. Any suspended or revoked license shall be immediately surrendered to the board. 6. Whenever any license holder shall fail to comply with notices served by the inspector of buildings relating to violations of this code on any one premise, such license holder shall be cited to the board and his license may be subject to suspension or revo- cation as the board may determine. (d) Classification Licenses and Certificates 1. Master Electricians' certificate of qualification. 2. Electrical contractors' license. 3. Maintenance electrician certificate of qualification. (e) Application for Certificates and Fee. All applications for master electricians' certificate and contractors' license shall be made to the inspector of buildings, on forms furnished for such purpose and shall thereafter be referred to the board. Such applications shall be subject to review and approval or disapproval by the board, and before any applicant is permitted to take the examination the applicant shall pay a fee of five dollars ($5.00) to the city treasurer for such examination. Applicants for a master electricians' certificate shall prove that they have had at least six years of previous practical exper- ience personally installing;, altering, or repairing electric wiring for electric light, heat, or power. In lieu of previous practical experience, credit may be cbllowed for up to three years for each year and fraction thereof of attendance at a recognized school if the course taken by the appliccmt was primarily electrical. No credit electrical work which is ordinarily incidental to or associated with non-electrical occupations or for any experience gained illegally heretofore or hereafter, arl determined by the board. , " shall be allowed any applicant for experience gained while doing any After examination the board shall certify the names of eligible applicants to the inspector of buildings, who shall thereupon issue certificate to each such applicant. -7- ( f) License Required. No person shall insta'll, alter, repair, remove, renew, replace, disturb, connect, disconnect, or maintain any electrical equipment or accept any payments the.cefor in the city without first having procured a license or a renewal thereof as regulated in this section, except any person who is performing such work as a bona fide employee of and for the holder of a license and any persons performing work on electrical equipment exempt by Section 2 (b). Contracts to install, alter, repair, remove, renew, replace, distrub, connect, disconnect, or maintain electrical equipment may be entered into by persons who are not holders of a license as regulated in this section, provided such fact is made known to all parties concerned, and the actual work is done by a holder of a license as required herein. (g) Application for License and Fees. All applications (electrical contractor) licenses shall be made to the inspector of buildings on forms furnished for such purpose. 1. Applicants (elect~cical contractors) license and renewal thereof shall submit an af:Eidavit to the effect that a person holding a (master electrician) certificate will be a bona fide full-time member of the applicant's business concern or a full-time employee and that such certificate holder (master electrician) will have complete and unquestionable authority and supervision over all matters regulated by this code. Such applications, renewals and affidavits shall then be submitted to the board for review and approval of disapproval. lin cases of approvals the inspector of buildings shall issue (electrical contractor) licenses permitting such business concerns to ftnstall, alter, repair, remove, renew, replace, disturb, connect, disconnect or maintain any electrical equipment in the city and clccept payment therefor. Before such license is; granted to an applicant, the applicant shall pay to the city treassurer a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for an original license, and thereafter a renewal fee of ten dollars ($10.00) 2. No holder of a (master electrician) certificate shall be named or more than one electrical contractors' license at the same time. 3. No renewals of any certificates shall be granted until the applicant has fully complied with all of the regulations of this code. All certificates and renewals thereof shall expire on April 30th following the date of issuance and may be renewed on or before the date of expiration. No prorated certificates or certificate fees shall be permitted. Whenever a certificate is allowed to lapse, the applicant shall pay the fiftem dollars ($15.00) fee for renewal, subject to approval of examining board. 4. In the event that the full-time services of a holder of a (master electrician) certificate is interrupted or terminated, the holder of the certificate shall notify immediately in writing the inspector of buildings and such certificate shall become null and ivoid 30 days after such continuing interruption or termination. At the expiration of such time the licensee shall cease to do electrical work until a new application and affidavit are filed as regulated in paragraph 1 of this subsection and a new certificate is issued, except that no additional certificate fees shall be paid within the same license year. a 8 e -8- 5. No license or certificate issued in accordance with the regulations of this code shall be assignable or transferable, and no license shall be used by pemons other than to whom issued. (h) Existing Certificates of Examination and Licenses. 1. All persons listed in the records of the office of the inspector of buildings as being eligible to serve as the electrical supervisor on a contractor's license, at the time of the passage of this ordinance, shall upon application, be issued a (master electrician) certificate of qualification without taking an examination; provided such persons shall request in writing such certificates within one year after the adoption of this code. 2. All electrical contractors' licenses issued by the inspector of buildings and in force at the time of the passage of this code shall be valid for the remainder of the license year and thereafter may be renewed for a fee of ten dollars ($10.00), if renewed on or before April 30th following the date of the passage of this code. Section 13 - PLANS AND SPECIF'ICATIONS - At the time of the issuance of a permit the inspector of buildings may require the manufacturer, owner, installer or user of electrical equipment to submit plans (drawings), data, and specifications, schedules or literature, information, materials, samples or tests as may be necessary to determine the fitness of equipment for safe installation and use. The approval of general building plans and specifications by the inspector of buildings shall not be considered as including electrical plans and specifications or electrical equipment. Section 14 - PERMITS (a) Permit Required. Except as regulated in Section 2 (b), no electrical equipment shall be installed, altered, renewed, replaced, or connected without first procuring a permit therefor. No permit shall be required for the repair, removal, disturbance, or disconnection of any existing branch lighting circuit switches, sockets, or receptacles. (b) Application for Permits. Any holder of a license desiring a permit as required by this code shall file with the inspector of buildings an appli- cation for such permit in writing on a form furnished for such purpose. Such qplication shall be signed by the licensee. Such application shall describe and enumerate the electrical equipment to be installed and shall give other reasonable infonn- ation as may be required by the inspector of buildings and, when required, shall be accompanied by further information as regulated in other sections of this code. (c) Issuance of Permits. 1. If upon examination it is found that the information on the application is complete, the inspector of buildings shall issue a permit; provided that the licensee agrees and expressly states that he is fully capable, and in possession of knowledge and ability to design, lay out, install, alter, or replace the work designated in the application in accordance with the regu- -9- e a e lations of this code and all other laws and ordinances pertinent thereto and will install electrical equipment as described in the application for permit in a safe, legal and worhanlike manner. 2. The issuance of my permit or the serving of any notice shall not preclude compliance with all ordinances or other laws relating to occupancy and use, construction, or zoning. 3. No other electrical work shall be done except work as described in the applicatLon for permit. (d) Work Without Permit. When any work is begun on the installation, alteration, or replacement of any electrical equipment without first obtaining a permit therefor, the insptxtor of buildings shall have the power and authority to disconnect or order the disconnection immediately of any such equipment and to stop such work until a permit has been procured. (e) Lapse of Permit. 1. When any electrical work for which a permit has been issued is not stated within six months from the date of the issuance of the permit, 01: if there is a cessation of such work which has been started of more than six months, then said permit shall lapse and be void, and no electrical work shall be begun or resumed until a new permit is obtained and the fees as prescribed in Section 15 are paid therefor. 2. No refund of any permit fees paid into the city treasury shall be made, except by action of the common council. FEES FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPNENT TO BE INSTALLED No. Rate of Fees Outlets. lamps, switches. and recepticals " Electric rangeslwater heaters Refrigeratinglair cooling devices Gas, oil burnerslstoker wLth circulation pump Dryers, dishwashers , space heaters , etc. Lighting fixtures Tubeular lampsltube Arc lights, flood lights, searchlights , mercury Neon signs, first transfolxner Each additional transformer Lamp signs each receptical. Motors each horse power Generators, transformers, etc./KV or KW X-ray, motion picture machines, fuel Swimming pools, equipment and grounding Feeders or subfeeder changes Wireways, busways , underfl!ow raceways , or auxiliary gutters, per foot Temporary installations Service switches $1.00/100 Amps Dimmers Electric Heating Units Stage-lights, studded lights Bells or chimes Minimum fee outdoor post lanterns dispensing pumps .15 ea. 2.00 ea. 2.00 ea. 2.00 ea. 1.00 ea. . 10 ea. .15 ea. .50 ea. 2.50 ea. .25 ea. .15 ea. .15 ea. .10 ea. 2.00 ea. 5.00 ea. 2.00 ea. .05 ea. 2.50 ea. 1.00 Min. 1.00 ea-1500 Watts or over 1.00 per unit .15 ea. .25 ea. 5.00 - 10 - DOUBLE FEES CHARGED FOR ANY WORK STARTED BEFORE FILING APPLICATION e e 0 e Section 15 - PERMIT EXES - - (a) Payment of Fees. Same as on page 9. (b) Permit Fees. The fees for permits required by this code shall be as from time to t:ime established by resolution of the Common Council. Such rescllution shall remain on file with the City Clerk and in the offi.ce of the Building Inspector. Section 16 - INSTALLATION STANDARDS - All methods and materials shall conform to and comply with all laws, rules, orders and regu- lations of the State of Wisconsin. Section 17 - CONNECTIONS TO INSTALLATIONS - It shall be unlawful for anv Derson to make anv connection from anv source to supply electricity to any elecLrica1 equipment-for which a~ permit is required, or which has been disconnected or ordered disconnected by the inspector of buildings, until a certificate of authorization has been issued by the inspector of buildings, authorizing the connection and use of such equipment. -~ Section 18 - APPROVAL OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - It shall be unlawful for any person to install or use any type or kind of electrical equipment in the city which has not been approved by the authority enforcing this code. It shall be the policy of the inspector of buildings to approve, subject to the regulations of this code, any type or kind of electrical equipment which has been approved by the national bureau of standards, or any nationally recognized testing laboratory, or the State of Wisconsin. Section 19 - INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - Only that equipment which has been expressly made for electrical purposes shall be installed for electrical purposes. Except as otherwise regulated in this code, all electrical equipment which has been expressly made for electrical purposes shall be installed or used in the exact manner and for the exact purpose indicated by the manufacturer's instructions, markings, or labels, Old'or second- hand equipment shall not b'e installed unless such equipment is in a safe condition and approved. Approved electrical equipment and the original manufacturer's ratings, markings, or labels thereon shall not be changed or altered in any manner, except that normal replacements and repairs m,sy be made to such equipment if the replacements and repairs d83 not change the original characteristics or design. Section 20 - SALE OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - It shall be unlawful for any person to advertise, sell, offer for sale, expose for sale, grant possession of, offer to grant possession of, or dispose of in any manner any type or kind of electrical equipment in the city which have not first been approved. (see Section 18) by the inspector of buildings. The regulations of th:Ls section shall not apply to a sale made by a person to any person doing business outside of the city for delivery to such person outside of the city, whether such delivery be made by vendor or vendee provided, however, that such electrical equipment or malterials are not offered or exposed for sale in the city to the general public. - 11 - The sale, rental, installation, or repair of electrical equipment in the city shall by implication warrant that the manufacturer, seller, installer, repairer, or person receiving payment for rental thereof, guarantees that such electrical equip- ment is of merchantable quality and not defective to the extent that it will be dangerous to persons or property when put to the use for which it was designed. Section 21 - UNSAFE OR ILLEGAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - When the inspector of buildings finds any electrical equipment to be unsafe or dangerous to persons or property, the person owning or using such electrical equipment shall be notified in writing by the inspector of buildings to remove or cause to be removed or to make any changes or repairs as determined by the inspector of buildings so as to restore such electrical equipment to a safe condition. Failure to canply with such notice within the time specified in such notice shall be sufficient cause for the inspector of buildings to disconnect or order the removal of, or order the discontinuan'ce of electric service to said electrical equipment, or to cause th'e arrest of such person owning or using such electrical equipment. In any case of emerglency affecting the safety of persons or property, or where electrical equipment interferes with the work of the fire department, or where electrical equipment is not installed in conformity with the regulations of this code, the inspector of buildings shall have the authority to disconnect immediately or cause the removal or disconnection of any such electrical equipment. When the inspector oE buildings disconnects or causes to be disconnected electric cur.rent from electrical equipment, he shall attach an official notice, tag, lock, or seal to such electrical equipment to prevent the ?use of electricity. It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person to attach such official notice, tag, lock, or seal, or to break open, change, remove, destroy, tear, alter, mutilate, cover, 0.c otherwise deface or injure any such official notice, tag, lock, or seal. Section 22 - SEIZURE OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - The inspector of buildings shall have the power and authority and he is hereby authorized to seize and take possession of any electrical equip- ment or materials or parts thereof or attachments therefor which in his opinion are dangerous to life or property or which are suspected or found by him to have been the cause of any fire, accident, injury, or fatality, and to retain possession of same for the purpose of making an investigation, examination or for official evidence. After such electrical equipment or materials, in the possession of the :inspector of buildings have served their purposes, and an official report and record thereof have been made, such electrical equipment or materials shall be returned to the owner, provided said owner requests in writing their return within 90 days from the date of their seizure. If no such request is made, such equipment or materials may be destroyed or disposed of. Section 23 - UNDERGROUND WIRING - All new service entrance cables shall be installed underground. - 12 - Section 24 - APPEAL - Whenever the inspector of buildings shall determine that all or part of the electrical work of any building is not in strict compliance .with the provisions of this code, he shall in cases where the construction is in progress, give five (5) days written notice thereof to the contractor on the job; in all other cases, he shall give five (5) days notice thereof to the owner or his authorized agent or attorney. Such contractor or owner may, within five (5) days after receiving such notice, file a petition in writing for a review of said action of the inspector of buildings. Said petition may be filed either with the chairman or with any one of the members of the Board of Appeals of the City of Muskego, created under the provision of the Municipal Code, Section 1.05 (3) and pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 62.23 (7) (e). Upon receipt thereof, the board shall meet and forth- with determine whether said electrical construction complies with the requirements of this code and the state and national electrical codes; thereupon the chairman of said Board of Appeals shall cause written findings and decision to be filed, reflecting the action of said Board of Appeals and shall further cause a copy thereof to be mailed or delivered. to such contractor or owner. Section 25 - PENALTY - Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter: shall be subject to a penalty as provided in Section 25.04 of the Municipal Code. Section 26 - All ord.inances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 27 - This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passag;e and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 93Ro DAY OF oC,m&~=. R , 1973. ATTEST: City Clerk