ORD1973263(Schober & Radtke - The Lake) ORCl INANCE # 263 a AN ORD INANCE TO REZONE CERTA IN PROPERTY AND TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN. DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, SECTION I: The following described property is hereby rezoned as indicated: From RS-2 (Surburtman Residence) to RSA (Attached Single Family Residence) with an Overlay for PI anned Deve I opmert : The South 10 acre$, of the Wg of the NE% of Section 12, T5N, R20E, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin; subject to a right-of-way for road purposes as traveled by Wm. G. Verhalen ard Katherine Verhalen to land formerly owned by them. Also all that part of the SE+ of Section 12, T5N, R20E, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, described as follc'ws, to-wit: Commencing at the E+ corner of the said sectic'n and thence South 89O 00' West on East and West $ line, 2673.72 feet to the center of said section; thence South 1" 03.5' East on North and South $ line 891.0 feet tq a point that is distant North lo 03.5' West 50.5 feet from the center line of the McShane Road; thence South 77O 30' East 1368.18 feet to the l/8th line of the said section; thence South on said 1/8th line 60.70 feet to the center line of the McShane Road aforesaid; thence South 79' 45' East on said center line 90.20 feet to angle point; thence North 87O 24' East on the said center line 1233.50 feet to the East line of said $ section; thence north on section line 1254.14 feet to the point of commence- ment containing 72.51 acres of land more or less. SECTION 2: The zcmning map es referred to in Chapter 17, Section 3.04 of the Municipcl Code of Muskego, Wisconsin, is amended by reclassifying the above cescribed property as shown on said map in accordance with Section I hereof. SECTION 3: All crdinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTICN 4: This crdinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its pessage and publication. Passed and Approved this day of , 1973. Mayor ATTEST: a City Clerk