ORD1973247ORD I NANCE # 247 ,-. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 30 OF 1HE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN. .,--- THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: as follows: Section 30.03 (2) is hereby amended to provide 30.03 ill New Bui Idings - The construction requirements of th is code sh a I I app I y to one and two fam i I y dwe I lings, i nc I ud i ng row houses not exceed i ng two fam i lies, to the i r accessory structures, and to parts thereof, which are here- after erected. SECTION 2: Section 30.13 (4) is hereby repealed and recreated to provide as fol lows: ( 30.13 (4) Hardship - The Bui Iding Inpector shal I have the authority and power to permit the occupancy of any bui Iding or structure in the municipal ity prior to the issuance of an occupancy certificate, In al I such cases of hardship as in his judgment and discretion warrant occupancy before the final stage of completion as set out in this Code. Before granting such permit, the Sui Iding Inspector shal I first examine the premises and determine if it is safe and sanitary. The Bui Iding Inspector shal I determine the time such bui Iding or structure can be completed, such time shal I not exceed (120) days. SECTION 3: as fo II ows: Section 30.14 (22) is hereby amended to provide ~ - 30.14 (22) Fami Iy.- An individual or two or more persons related by blood or marriage, or a group of not more than two (2) persons (excluding servants) who need not be related by blood or marriage I iving together in a dwel I ing unit. SECTION 4: provide as fol lows: Sect ion 30. 17 (I) (d) is hereby created to r--- ~ 30.17 (I)(d) Whenever an excavation or foundation for building purposes has remained open for a period of 60days with no work having been done at the site for said period, the Bui Iding Inspector shal I serve a notice upon the owner of the property that work at the site be commenced forthwith or that the excavation be fi I led to grade. The order shall be served upon the owner or his agent and upon the holder of any encumbrance of record as provided in 66.05 Wisconsin Statutes. If the owner fai Is to comply with the order within 15 days after service thereof, upon him, the Bui Iding Inspector shal I cause the excavation to be fi I led to grade and the cost charged against the real estate as a special charge as provided by Section 66.05 (2) Statutes. In addition to fi I I ing the excavation, any person who violates this section is subject to the provisions of 30.49. ,- SECTION 5: Section 30.19 (2)(c) is hereby repealed and deleted from this code. ,.--. SECTION 6: Page 41, Table No. I, Schedule of Fees is hereby amended to provide as fol lows: r- ,.- RATE A. B. C. $1.85 per 1000 cubic feet or fraction thereof $2.25 per 1000 cubic feet or fraction thereof. $1.85 per 1000 cubic feet or fraction thereof $5.00 minimum $2.00 per 1000 cubic feet or fraction thereof, $5.00 minimum $1.50 per 1000 cubic feet or fraction thereof, $5.00 minimum $3.00 per $/,000 valuation, $5.00 minimum $5.00 per unit, up to and including 150,000 BTU units. Additional fee of $3.00 per each 50,000 BTU or fraction thereof. $3.00 per incinerator unit. $10.00 a unit $ 3.00 a unit $5.00 al I bui Idings up to 1200 square feet $10.00 bui Idings over 1200 square feet $20.00 plus $1.50 per 1000 cubic feet for principle bui Idinç $3.00 plus $1.50 per 1000 cubic feet for acre~ry bui Idings Double Fees $5.00 per residential unit $10.00 othér bui Idings or portions thereof $5.00 per 1000 gal Ion capacity $3.00 minimum D. E. F. G. H. I . J. K. L. M. SECTION 7: Table 4, Nai I ing Schedule, Page 43, is hereby amended by adding thereto, "Polystryrene" between fiber board and gysum sheating. SECTION 8: Section 30.32 (4)(a) is hereby amended by adding thereto the fol lowing: _. "Particle board shal I not be used except for carpeting.Q SECTION 9: AI I ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 10: This ordinance shal I be ful I force and effect from and after its passage and publ ication. -- " PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ;;'7 1973. AffES~;. ~....J City Clerk .,..-