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ORD1972243ORDINANCE # 243 ,1".- AN ORDINANCE CREATING SECTION 9.25 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE 'OF THE CITYOF MUSKEGO, PROHIBITING RESIDENTIAL PICKETING ~ THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Section 9.25 of the Municipal Code is hereby created to read as fol lows: 9.25 Residential Picketing Prohibited. r (I) Declaration. It is hereby declared that the protection and preservation of the home is the keystone of democratic government; that the pub I ic health and welfare and the good order of the community, require that members of the community enjoy in their homes and dwel I ings a feel in: of well-being, tranqui I ity, and privacy, and when absent from their homes and dwel I ings, carry wi th them the sense of security inherent in the assurance that they may return to the enjoyment of their homes and dwel I ings; that the practice of picketing before or about residences and dwel I ings causes emotional disturbance and distress to the occupants; obstructs and interferes with the free use of pub I ic sidewalks and pub I ic ways of travel; that such practice has as its object the harrassing of such occupants; and without resort to such practice ful I opportunity exists, and under the terms and provisions of this ordinance wi I I continue to exist for the exercise of freedom of speech and other constitutional rights; and that the provisions here i nafter enacted are necessary for the pub I i c interest to avoid the detrimental results herein set forth and are enacted by the Common Counci 1 of the City of Muskego pursuant to the provisions of Section 62. I I (5) of the Wisconsin Statutes. r (2) It shal I be unlawful for any person to engage in picketing before or about the residence or dwel I ing of any individual. Nothing herein shal I be deemedw prohibit (I) picketing in any lawful manner during a labor dispute of the place of employment involved in such laber dispute, or (2) the holding of a meeting or assembly on any premises commonly used for the discussion of subjects of general pub I i c interest. SECTION 2: AI I ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. -- SECTION 3: This ordinance shal I be in ful I force and effect from and after its passage and þubl ication. Passed and Approved this ----day of , 1'972 "--'" ATTEST: A . ~þ /~...vJ City Cler~ PU~LlSHED : Mayor