ORD1972241ORDINANCE #241 AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE SECTION 12. 16 OF 'l1IE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO: REGULA TING SWIMMING POOLS r- THE COMMON COUNCIL OF nlE CI TY OF MUSKEGO t WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Section 12.16 of the Municipal Code is created to read as follows: Section 1. Definition. '!he term "private swimming pool" is hereby defined as a receptacle for water, whether above or below ground, intended for use by the owner, his friends and invited friends, for bathing or swimming. Section 2. Permit Required. All pools of 1500 gallons capacity shall be registered with the Building Inspector who shall charge therefor a registration fee of $5.00. All pools using electrical equipment shall require a permit. - Section 3. Location. No pool, surfaced terraces, sun decks and walks shall be permitted closer than 5 feet to a lot line and in no case shall it be in the front yard of the principal building. Section 4. Fencing requirements. (a) In ground pools shall be completely fenced, before filling, by a permanent, sturdy fence not less than 4 feet or more than 6 feet. Access to any such pool shall be through a gate or gates in the fence, equipped with a lock or self- closing, self-latching device placed at the top of the gate. (b) Above ground pools having a height of less than 30 inches above ground at any portion of the pool side wall or any device which can be used to climb up and enter the pool shall be fenced the same as in ground pools or covered when not in use by a sturdy and secure pool cover, or emptied. r- Section 5. Electrical Installations. (a) Lights intended to illuminate the pool shall be shie1d~d to direct light only on the pool. (b) The following parts of swimming pools shall not be placed under existing service-drop conductors or any other open overhead wiring; nor shall such wiring be installed above the following: (1) Swimming pool and the area extending 10 feet horizontal! from the inside of the walls of the pool. (2) (3) Diving structure. Observation stands, towers or platforms. r Ordinance 1241 - Cont'd. Page 2. Section 6. Nuisance. All pools designed to keep water throughout the summer shall be maintained in such a way as to not create a nuisance, hazard, eyesore, or otherwise result in a substantial adverse effect on neighboring prop- erties, or to be in any way detrimental to public health, safety or welfare. Drainage or draining of any pool cannot be discharged onto abutting property, but must be absorbed on its own site or discharged systematically and regulated onto and into the streets or city gutters which would then empty into the City sto~ system. Section 7. Equipment. Equipment of circulating pumps and filters must be located as not to create a nuisance or a noise problem and if necessary, to shield or build a protective barrier. SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS .2 & DAY OF M~~~972. ,--- ATTEST: þ=j) 4r~ City Clerk r ,.- 12/72 je r