ORD1972229,- ORDINANCE 1/229 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CH. 30 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (BUILDING CODE) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ," SECTION 1. Table No.1 - Schedule of Permit Fees - page 41 (G) is hereby amended to read as follows: (G) Heating, including ductwork - $5.00 per unit up to and including 150,000 BTU units. Additional fee of $3.00 per 100,000 BTU, $3.00 per incinerator unit. SECTION 2. Section 30.37 is hereby amended by adding thereto: (6) UNDERGROUND TANKS, ABANDONED, OUT OF SERVICE, REMOVAL (a) Temporarily Out of Service. Tanks shall be rendered "temporarily out of service" only when it is planned that they will return to active service at the location within 90 days. The following steps shall be carried successfully; ,.- 1. Removal of flammable liquids which can be pumped out wi th a service pump. 2. Cap or plug the fill line, gauage opening, and pump section, using appropriate sealing compound on pipe fittings. If fill line and gauage opening are equipped with caps which can be properly locked, the secure locking of these caps are sufficient. 3. Leave the vent line open. (b) Abandoned Tanks. Tanks which are longer in service may be rendered "temporarily out of service" pending their removal in accordance with the procedure outlined in Section 30.37(6). (c) Leaking Tanks. All tanks found to be leaking shall be removed as per Section 30.37(6)(e). ,[ (d) Change in Use. Whenever there is a change in use of a premise which no longer requires the use of existing under- ground tanks, they shall be removed as per Section 30.37(6)(e). This shall apply to all premises where the use has already changed and all future changes in use. (e) Removal of Tanks. Tanks shall be removed according to the following successive steps: yr- ; ,- 1. Remove all flammable liquid from connecting lines and tank. 2. Disconnect and remove insofar as poss.ible the suction, inlet, gauage and vent lines. 3. 4. Cap or plug open ends of remaining lines. Close all openings in the tank with pipe plugs before the tank is removed from the ground. Ordinance 1/129 Page 2. 5. Remove the tank from the premises within 72 hours from the time the tank is uncovered. 6. Keep the tank tightly sealed with plugs or caps until it is removed from the premises and during transportation u,o its removal. -- r'- SECTION 3. to read as follows: Section 30.15 (10)(a) is hereby repealed and recreated (a) Exterior stairways other than to the first floor and basement shall not be allowed. Every residential home shall have two (2) exits on the first floor. Duplexes shall have two (2) separate stairways or one stairway and an outside porch not more than ten feet above the ground. SECTION 4. to read as follows: Section 30.15 (lO)(c) is hereby repealed and recreated (c) DOORS AND OPENINGS 1. Exterior Doors - The minimum size for at least one main entrance door to a residence shall be three (3) feet wide by six (6), eight (8) inches high. The rear or side door shall be two (2) feet, eight (8) inches wide by six (6) feet, eight (8) inches high. Section 30.19(1) is hereby repealed and recreated ",- SECTION 5. to read as follows: (1) GENERAL - Foundation walls shall be continuous under habitable areas of principal buildings. Overhanging bays and projecting floors are permitted providing that such cantilevered floors adequately returned to sustain such loadst as they may carry. SECTION 6. Table #3 will be replaced with tables for joists and rafters as recommended by National Forest Products Association. SECTION 7. All ordinances inconsistent with or contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. r- SECTION 8. publication. This ordinance shall take effect upon passage and PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS :A ~ DA Y OF Ct.-ô <at; , 1972. ~' ATTEST: ~;.4r~ ;--. City Clerk je